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Pokemon Splice Splicers Club Reborn!

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Well, I see that the old one is gone, and it was awesome, I want it back!


So really what you do is just make splices, post them on here, and you will gain ranks depending on your points!


Point System:


Splice W/2 Pokemon: 2 Points

Splice W/3 Pokemon: 4 Points

Splice W/4 Pokemon: 8 Points

Splice W/5 Pokemon: 10 Points

Splice W/6+ Pokemon: Depends on how many.


[spoiler= Ranks]

Newbie Splicer: 0+ Points

Starter Splicer: 10+ Points

Good Splicer: 45+ Points

Great Splicer: 60+ Points

Advanced Splicer: 100+ Points

Ultra Splicer: 200+ Points

Master Splicer: 500+ Points

The Splicer: Me only.



[spoiler= Members/Points/Rank]

The One to Win/ITS OVER 9000!!/The Splicer



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