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Out of business


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I'd like a sig. I'll pay you 100 points for it.


Render/Stock: http://planetrenders.net/renders/albums/userpics/230529/Toon%20Link%202_00000.png

Style: IDK' date=' whatever looks good

(optional) Text/Text color: PowerlinX (only do it if it looks good)

Other: could you try to make it kind of purplish, don't if it looks like crap



SUre, on it :)


Yayz ^_^ Can't wait

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[spoiler=It turned out ok :/]


I can retry again if ya wanna' date='[img']http://i43.tinypic.com/15ch8xx.png[/img]



It looks kinda meh. I guess I'll have a redo


BTW, I sent the points.


This time, could you make it green to match the render


Yeah I was feeling under the weather so I'll redo soon.


Neos i want another userbar' date=' this time ho-oh in the left side and text heart-gold



I'll add your other sig examples in a min.


Also please use the form so I know what colors etc.

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