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Yu-Gi-Oh!: Signers vs Dark Signers 2 [Started/Not Accepting Anymore/Co-owned by TheFinalFan]

The White Wolf

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"Draw. I activate Consuming Darkness!"

The flames flared, and shot into the air, forming a dome around the two. Then, the flames turned black, and ceased to become flames, making everything but what was before them utter blackness.


Consuming Darkness

Field Spell

This card cannot be destroyed during a Chain. Once per turn, you can send a DARK monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. If a DARK monster in your Graveyard is removed from play, return it to your Deck. DARK monsters cannot be attacked.


It almost felt comforting to Farquarl. This eerie darkness, where nothing exists without his knowledge.

"Now, I summon Nazcan Superior!"


Nazcan Superior




You can remove from play a DARK monster in your Graveyard to add an "Earthbound Immortal" monster from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.


"Now, the effect of Consuming Darkness allows me to send a DARK monster from my deck to my Graveyard. However, I have no need to actually SEND the monster. Superior allows me to remove that monster to add an Earthbound Immortal to my hand. On top of that, Consuming Darkness returns my removed monster to my deck. Now, I activate Black Cross."


Black Cross

Continuous Spell

If both players control a DARK monster, neither player can declare an attack. If "Consuming Darkness" is on the field, this card cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects.


"I set 2 cards, and end my turn."

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OOC: *BEEP* short post alert! doing it like:






so 2/3


IC: Zack was walking down to his hideout to think this all through "....." he was as confused as he could possibly be. Jake was getting closer by the second, gaining speed on his duel runner, making sure that he was practically invisible "(I'm coming for you Zack....... I will have my revenge!)" Jake thought "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! MY REVENGE WILL BE SOON!" Jake yelled.

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"Well, looks like you finally arrived. So you're the Signer that is going to supposedly beat me in a duel?" Kelly said with a grin. "Well then, lets see if your ride sticks a bump." she said to him before throwing her ride against him. "Good ride, but do you have equally good dueling skills to hold your own against a Dark Signer?! If you want a death sentence, then I will be happy to oblige!" she shouted when the Signer's Duel Runner slowed, but did not stop. This guy will be a good challenge for me, since I just recently became a Dark Signer. she thought as she saw his ride catch back up to hers.

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(Anyone want a duel)


Neo awoke from him landing from the sky as he got up staggered by the thought,"How did I survive ?"Neo questioned hiding the pain as he stared at his Tunic Dragon."Im serious, I've just almost died because of you."


"Zzzzzz."Snored Tunic Dragon asleep as his wings lied down on his back.


"Come on !"Neo startled as Tunic Dragon vanished,"Oh well that explained it before."Neo knew thinking positive as he looked around."It seems we are nearby that significant Bridge, but it will take me a while to get there...And what if the person dueling that Dark Signer is defeated already."Neo feared as he remembered to think positive."If the duelist is at least a Signer like me, he will at least make it a good duel to watch."Neo finished limping towards the bridge that is far away.

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"Is that all? How wimpy. I draw now." Kree draws a card from his deck and then some kind of music that is supposed to intimidate Evol started to play out of no where. Kree starts a loud laugh and presses a device on his arm to turn off the music and says "Are you still ready to fihgt? Mwahahahaha! Well I'll end for now. But soon I will destroy you. And you will die...and If your lucky you may become a Dark Signer since you will die. Bwahahaha. Now make your move and be ready to die." Kree thinks to himself "Yep I did nothing exept random jabbering. But I stalled for time. This may help. In some way. O.k. I did something useless."

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"You're right, I will." Evol grinned, expecting to see some sort of confusion on his opponent's face. He was expecting that Ogaira Karvis had heard that too. In hindsight, not the best response, given his mind wasn't exactly made up...

"I draw!" Evol looked at his card. Zero-G Factory, a field spell. It gives all machine monsters a 800 attack and defense boost. Not only that, one monster of his choice was special summoned from the graveyard at the end of his turn if it's destroyed.

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"You will what?" Kree asked a little puzzled. "Be ready to die? If so I'll wipe you out. Now hope the card you drew is a good one. If not this duel will be over quickly." Kree laughed a little and then thought to himself "I"ll lose this duel if I don't draw a good card soon. I don't want to wast to much of my Life Points, but if I must to win I may as well." Kree laughed again before commanding "Now finish your turn and be ready to die. A Swift and painless death."

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((Sorry I haven't been posting in a while. I've been waiting to finish negotiations with Lazaruz.))


C placed the husky in a magical circle she had drawn, and prepared the ritual. She summoned several robed magicians at the other places on the array, and the chalk started to glow. Dean's soul was pulled towards the dog, and entered her mouth. The husky started to then convulse, and change. Most of the body fur started to receed as her body contorted into a more humanoid posture. Her muzzle shrunk down to a beautiful human face as long silver hair erupted from behind her canine ears. Her lower arms and legs still remained canine, with silver fur and black claws. Dark Signer tattoos raced across her body as the Condor mark appeared on her right arm. The newly-minted familiar wagged her tail as she inspected the room with her golden eyes.

"Come to me, Sherry." C commanded as the magical circle and the magicians disappeared, and a black and purple bra and miniskirt flowed around the new husky-woman.

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This was not the Underworld he expected.

A complete darkness that was void of anything else than his spirit.

If this was the feared Underworld that often promised enternal agony and suffering to those within it, Dean was off the hook.


However, It did not last long before Dean felt, of course not in body but in spirit how he was being pulled away from that place by an invisible force.

Barely seconds later, was he greeted with his ability to see returning to him.

"Nothing seems to be simple these days" He thought to himself.


If he was back in the world of the living, it must mean that he still had a debt to pay to The King of the Underworld, and his instincts told him it wouldn´t be easy, especially since he allready lost once.


It was then he noticed his new body.

Something easily described as a cross between a female human and a silver furred husky now served as his new vessel to his soul.

"No surprise, my old one was nothing but a empty shell anyway and even The King of the Underworld must be unable to reshape dust. But this of all things?"


He inspected the room, trying to find out where the heck he currently was, but a voice he hoped he would never hear again interuppted him.

"Come to me, Sherry." A woman Dean immedeatley recognised as C, the one who defeated him, commanded.


Since where ever he was seemed to be void of other people exept for him and C, it didn´t take a genious to figure out she was reffering to him, and Dean obeyed, If C was his new master it was better to get on her good side right away and hopefully his servitude to her wouldn´t be long and he could be sent back to the world of the dead, whatever that might be.


It would take a while for him to get accustomed to his new body and thanks to that, he still moved slightly jerky but no one else than him would probably notice it.


"Sherry" Dean tried the new name in his mind, almost tasting every letter.

"Maybe it is time to burry Dean Alastair let Sherry see the light of day"


(OOC:What the last sentence means is that from here on to avoid confusion, I will stop reffering to Dean as he and instead use the other identity eventhough technically it´ll still be him inside that body)

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Misty popped into the room and ran up to her new sister. "Hello, Sherry!" The catgirl nuzzled up against the huskygirl, purring happily. "Now, I know that our species don't technically get along, but now that I have sentience, I was thinking on maybe putting aside our differences and working together for our Mistress!" She then let go of the new arrival and extended her paw out. 'What do you say, sister? For the greater good?"


C smirked as she saw Misty trying to become friends with Sherry.

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This had to be a test, a test that would cost her dearly if Sherry made the wrong choice".

"She is testing if I still haven´t changed in spirit"

Sherry thought about the offer that the other girl that looked like a mix between a human and a cat had presented to her, while verry carefully holding back the urge to snarl against the other girl who had entered the room,not even leaving the slightest hint in his face.


The pure instincts emitting from the parts that was closer to its husky counterpart than human, would take some time to overcome.

But all that mattered now was making the right choices so her servitude to C wouldn´t be too long.


Even though her old self tried its best to refuse the offer and definitely would prefer working alone, Sherry eventually concluded that there would be a lot more to gain by joining up with the other girl that had entered the room just moments earlier, after all, it was very likely that it was because Dean didn´t have much of a backup unlike C that at least had Mendatt during the duel, that eventually lead to his defeat.

She took the pawn in one of her own and shook it slightly.

"For the greater good, sister" She replied with a smile and felt the tiny pieces of Dean’s personality that still remained, quiver in disgust over the word sister.

"You obviously know my name", Sherry added after a few seconds of silence "But I have no idea what is yours"


Apparently Sherry wasn´t the only one that had been transformed by C.

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"No, you dunce, the Dark Signer part!" Evol said, playing his field spell. "Enjoy, as all my monsters get a little boost to their attack and defense. However, without having any monsters on the field, that effect is of little gain as of now. I end my turn." Evol finished.

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Kree draws a card from his deck and smirks. He had drawn his Elf Assassin. "Now are you ready to die? I summon my Elf Assassin! With this card I can Special Summon one "Elf" Monster form my deck! I may take damage Equel to it's attack plus nine hundred but It's a Price I'm willing to take. To play the Elf Ninja! I take 1200 damage and I can pay 700 More Life Points to Reduce It's level by one as my Assasin gains 2 levels. And don't forget my tapper I will gain 100 More life while you lose 100."


[spoiler= Elf Assassin]

Elf Assassin

Effect Monster

Level: 2

Attack: 1100

Defense: 1800



When you summon this card you can summon one level 1 “Elf” monster from your deck and you take damage equal to that monster’s attack +900, then this card gains 2 levels.




[spoiler= Elf Ninja]

Elf Ninja


Level: 1

Attack: 300

Defense: 0



Once per turn you can take 700 damage to reduce this monster’s level by one until the end phase.




LP: 3050


"Now come forth. My Dark Synchro! MWahahaha!"


[spoiler= Shadow Plasma Elf]

Shadow Plasma Elf

Dark Synchro

Level: -4

Attack: 1400

Defense: 1200



1 non-Tuner Monster – 1 Dark-Tuner monster.

In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card.

When this card attacks give your opponent 300 damage and then gain 300 Life points. When this monster destroys a monster card in battle but does not give battle damage to your opponent you gain 200 Life points and your opponent takes 200 damage. You can remove from play 3 “Elf” monster cards in your graveyard from play to have this monster gain 800 Attack until the End Phase of this turn.




Kree laughs again and then says slyly "You can surrender now...before it's too late. But now I use his effect I'll remove 3 elves from play to have him gain 800 Attack until the End Phase. And My Elf Trapper gives you 300 more damae and gives me 300 more. Mwahahaha."


LP: 3350


"Now attack him directly!" A 2200 ATK monster lunges at his opponent. "After this I'll end."


OOC: Response?





1 _ _ _ _

_ _ _ 1 _

LP: 3350

Hand: 4

Facedown S/T: 1

Facedown Monsters: 0

[spoiler=Face Up Monsters: 1]

[spoiler= Shadow Plasma Elf]

Shadow Plasma Elf

Dark Synchro

Level: -4

Attack: 1400

Defense: 1200



1 non-Tuner Monster – 1 Dark-Tuner monster.

In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card.

When this card attacks give your opponent 300 damage and then gain 300 Life points. When this monster destroys a monster card in battle but does not give battle damage to your opponent you gain 200 Life points and your opponent takes 200 damage. You can remove from play 3 “Elf” monster cards in your graveyard from play to have this monster gain 800 Attack until the End Phase of this turn.





[spoiler=RFG: 4]

[spoiler=Elf Trapper]

Effect Monster

Level: 3

Attack 300

Defense: 900



You can pay 2200 Life points to remove this card from play from your deck, While this card is removed from play when ever a monster card other than “Elf Trapper” is removed from play you gain 100 life points and your opponent takes 100 damage. While this card is removed from play when ever a card is sent to the graveyard you gain 50 life points and your opponent takes 50 damage.



[spoiler= Elf Sniper (1)]

Elf Sniper

Effect Monster

Level: 4

Attack 2000

Defense: 0



You must pay 800 life points to attack with this card. This card can not attack directly. You can skip your Battle Phase and discard 2 cards to give your opponent 1000 damage and then gain 1000 Life points.



[spoiler= Elf Survivor (1)]

Elf Survivor

Effect Monster

Level: 4

Attack: 1700

Defense: 300



When this card is discarded from your hand to the graveyard you can Special Summon this monster into face up defense position and then gain 200 life points and give your opponent 200 damage. When this card is Normal Summoned this monster gains 1800 Defense and losses 1600 attack then is switched to Defense Mode. When this Face up Normal Summoned monster is removed from the field you gain 200 Life points and give your opponent 200 damage.



[spoiler=Elf Destroyer]

Effect Monster

Level: 4

Attack: 1900

Defense: 90



When this monster destroys a monster in battle give your opponent damage equal to 100 time the level of the destroyed monster and then gain that same amount of life points.





[spoiler=Grave: 9]

[spoiler= Forced Fissure]

Forced Fissure


Your opponent selects and destroys 1 monster card on their side of the feild then they take 100 damage and you gain 100 life points.



[spoiler= Elven Trap Pit]

Elven Pit Trap


Negate the summon of a monster, a monster attack, a monster effect, a spell card’s activation, or a trap card’s activation and destroy that card. Pay 1200 life points and send the top 5 cards of your deck to the graveyard.



[spoiler= Elven Trap Pit]

Elven Pit Trap


Negate the summon of a monster, a monster attack, a monster effect, a spell card’s activation, or a trap card’s activation and destroy that card. Pay 1200 life points and send the top 5 cards of your deck to the graveyard.



[spoiler= Cannon of Dwarves]

Cannon of Dwarves


Acivate this during your Main Phase 1. Discard 3 cards from your hand to destroy all cards on your opponents side of the field and then gain 200 life points and give your opponent 200 damage. You can not enter your next 3 Battle Phases.



[spoiler= Mass Destruction]

Mass Destruction


Destroy all spell and trap cards that are on the field and then you take 300 damage for each card destroyed this way. You can then remove 2 cards in the graveyard from play.



[spoiler= Mass Destruction]

Mass Destruction


Destroy all spell and trap cards that are on the field and then you take 300 damage for each card destroyed this way. You can then remove 2 cards in the graveyard from play.



[spoiler= Elf Brothers]

Elf Brothers

Effect Monster

Level: 2

Attack: 300

Defense: 500



When this card is removed form the field your opponent takes 200 damage and you gain 200 life points. When this card is sent to the graveyard from the field by your opponent you can special summon up to 2 “Elf Brothers” monster cards from your deck to the field in face up Defense Mode.



[spoiler=Earthbound Immortal Pendo Suna (1)]

Earthbound Immortal Pendo Suna

Level: 10


Type: Beast

ATK: 500

DEF: 2000

There can only be 1 face-up "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. This card can attack your opponent directly. During your opponent's End Phase you can choose to skip your turn, if you do you can gain 1000 life points and give your opponent 800 damage. When this card is removed from the feild and this card has less than 2000 ATK you gain 800 life points and your opponent takes 1000 damage.



[spoiler= Complete Base Destruction]

Complete Base Destruction


Pay 1500 life points to activate this card. Destroy all monster on the field then you gain 200 Life points for every destroyed monster and your opponent takes 200 damage for each destroyed monster.





Deck: 14

Extra Deck: 0

Turn Over: Yes

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OOC: GroxGlitch! Shortpost! Warning: 1/3


IC: Zack was just outside his hideout "....." "(This is all weird..... Well..... I'm gonna go seal those Control Towers! Or, Control Tower.... I'm on my way!)" Zack thought while running back to the warehouse and got on his Duel Runner before heading to the Control Tower "Ok, engaging the map...." Zack stated while heading in the direction of the tower. Jake was at the Hands Control Tower "Zack! I'll get my revenge! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

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(So nobody wants a duel then.)


Neo contiuned limping towards the Bridge as he saw the Duel between Farquarl and Mendatt,"What is going on ?"Neo questioned looking at the Farquarl."Why have you Dark Signers set up for destroying New Domino City ?"Neo contiuned as he noticed after a while his Mark glowing."You Dark Signers claim your doing good, when you want to destroy, this makes little sense."Neo exclaimed as he searched his head around hoping for less Destruction."This makes little sense."Neo repeated as he finished.

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"My name's Misty!" The catgirl happily replied. "I'm your eldest sister! Jacqueline should be around here somewhere. She's also your older sister. But don't worry! Mistress C will probably get more familiars like us, so you won't be the youngest for long!"


C was pleased with Sherry. She still had slight undertones of aggression in her body posture and voice, but it was subdued enough that Misty wouldn't catch them. C knew how solitary Dean originally was, which was probably why Sherry had those undertones: She was holding back all of her previous instincts.

C thought as she smiled, sending Sherry's reward, a mental wave of pleasure and happiness, into her head.

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"Very well then, I draw." Evol said, drawing a card. He looked at it. Beneficial Malfunction.

"No, no! Blastit, give me something useful!" Evol said, playing the card facedown.

"Well, I suppose you were right. Even through my best strategy, my deck was no match. So I suppose this is it. I have no monsters on the field, no facedowns able to protect me, and I'm wide open. I only have 4000 lifepoints left. So, hurry up and finish this." Evol said, hanging his head down in defeat.

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OOC: I just noticed I've been saying Neo Domino city XD.


Kree says "Giving up already? How pathetic." Kree draws one card from his deck and laughs. "I summon this."


[spoiler= Elf Assassin]

Elf Assassin

Effect Monster

Level: 2

Attack: 1100

Defense: 1800



When you summon this card you can summon one level 1 “Elf” monster from your deck and you take damage equal to that monster’s attack +900, then this card gains 2 levels.




"Now by paying some Life Points I'll summon this. Elf Mage!"


LP: 550

Deck: 12


[spoiler= Elf Mage]

Elf Mage

Effect Monster

Level: 5

Attack 1900

Defense: 1700



This card is treated as a level 2 monster while in your hand. This card’s level Is treated as 1 while it is on the field. You can discard this card from your hand to the graveyard to gain 200 Life points and give your opponent 200 damage.




"Now all of my monsters attack directly. That is game over! Mwahahahaahaha! Let's hope the Lord of the Underworld has mercy on your soul!" Kree laughs again before thinking '"I don't wish to kill anyone, so let's hope he does allow you to live." Kree laughs one more time before the flames disapear from New Domino city. Then he leaves before seeing if his opponent is sucked into the darkness.




1 2 3 _ _

_ _ _ 1 _

LP: 550

Hand: 4

Facedown S/T: 1

Facedown Monsters: 0

[spoiler=Face Up Monsters: 3]

[spoiler= Shadow Plasma Elf]

Shadow Plasma Elf

Dark Synchro

Level: -4

Attack: 1400

Defense: 1200



1 non-Tuner Monster – 1 Dark-Tuner monster.

In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card.

When this card attacks give your opponent 300 damage and then gain 300 Life points. When this monster destroys a monster card in battle but does not give battle damage to your opponent you gain 200 Life points and your opponent takes 200 damage. You can remove from play 3 “Elf” monster cards in your graveyard from play to have this monster gain 800 Attack until the End Phase of this turn.



[spoiler= Elf Mage]

Elf Mage

Effect Monster

Level: 5

Attack 1900

Defense: 1700



This card is treated as a level 2 monster while in your hand. This card’s level Is treated as 1 while it is on the field. You can discard this card from your hand to the graveyard to gain 200 Life points and give your opponent 200 damage.



[spoiler= Elf Assassin]

Elf Assassin

Effect Monster

Level: 2

Attack: 1100

Defense: 1800



When you summon this card you can summon one level 1 “Elf” monster from your deck and you take damage equal to that monster’s attack +900, then this card gains 2 levels.






[spoiler=RFG: 4]

[spoiler=Elf Trapper]

Effect Monster

Level: 3

Attack 300

Defense: 900



You can pay 2200 Life points to remove this card from play from your deck, While this card is removed from play when ever a monster card other than “Elf Trapper” is removed from play you gain 100 life points and your opponent takes 100 damage. While this card is removed from play when ever a card is sent to the graveyard you gain 50 life points and your opponent takes 50 damage.



[spoiler= Elf Sniper (1)]

Elf Sniper

Effect Monster

Level: 4

Attack 2000

Defense: 0



You must pay 800 life points to attack with this card. This card can not attack directly. You can skip your Battle Phase and discard 2 cards to give your opponent 1000 damage and then gain 1000 Life points.



[spoiler= Elf Survivor (1)]

Elf Survivor

Effect Monster

Level: 4

Attack: 1700

Defense: 300



When this card is discarded from your hand to the graveyard you can Special Summon this monster into face up defense position and then gain 200 life points and give your opponent 200 damage. When this card is Normal Summoned this monster gains 1800 Defense and losses 1600 attack then is switched to Defense Mode. When this Face up Normal Summoned monster is removed from the field you gain 200 Life points and give your opponent 200 damage.



[spoiler=Elf Destroyer]

Effect Monster

Level: 4

Attack: 1900

Defense: 90



When this monster destroys a monster in battle give your opponent damage equal to 100 time the level of the destroyed monster and then gain that same amount of life points.





[spoiler=Grave: 9]

[spoiler= Forced Fissure]

Forced Fissure


Your opponent selects and destroys 1 monster card on their side of the feild then they take 100 damage and you gain 100 life points.



[spoiler= Elven Trap Pit]

Elven Pit Trap


Negate the summon of a monster, a monster attack, a monster effect, a spell card’s activation, or a trap card’s activation and destroy that card. Pay 1200 life points and send the top 5 cards of your deck to the graveyard.



[spoiler= Elven Trap Pit]

Elven Pit Trap


Negate the summon of a monster, a monster attack, a monster effect, a spell card’s activation, or a trap card’s activation and destroy that card. Pay 1200 life points and send the top 5 cards of your deck to the graveyard.



[spoiler= Cannon of Dwarves]

Cannon of Dwarves


Acivate this during your Main Phase 1. Discard 3 cards from your hand to destroy all cards on your opponents side of the field and then gain 200 life points and give your opponent 200 damage. You can not enter your next 3 Battle Phases.



[spoiler= Mass Destruction]

Mass Destruction


Destroy all spell and trap cards that are on the field and then you take 300 damage for each card destroyed this way. You can then remove 2 cards in the graveyard from play.



[spoiler= Mass Destruction]

Mass Destruction


Destroy all spell and trap cards that are on the field and then you take 300 damage for each card destroyed this way. You can then remove 2 cards in the graveyard from play.



[spoiler= Elf Brothers]

Elf Brothers

Effect Monster

Level: 2

Attack: 300

Defense: 500



When this card is removed form the field your opponent takes 200 damage and you gain 200 life points. When this card is sent to the graveyard from the field by your opponent you can special summon up to 2 “Elf Brothers” monster cards from your deck to the field in face up Defense Mode.



[spoiler=Earthbound Immortal Pendo Suna (1)]

Earthbound Immortal Pendo Suna

Level: 10


Type: Beast

ATK: 500

DEF: 2000

There can only be 1 face-up "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. This card can attack your opponent directly. During your opponent's End Phase you can choose to skip your turn, if you do you can gain 1000 life points and give your opponent 800 damage. When this card is removed from the feild and this card has less than 2000 ATK you gain 800 life points and your opponent takes 1000 damage.



[spoiler= Complete Base Destruction]

Complete Base Destruction


Pay 1500 life points to activate this card. Destroy all monster on the field then you gain 200 Life points for every destroyed monster and your opponent takes 200 damage for each destroyed monster.





Deck: 12

Extra Deck: 0

Turn Over: Game Over

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Evol regained consciousness on the cold ground. He sat himself up, met with gargantuan doses of stifness and pain. All Evol remembered was loosing the duel and what he could equate as getting knocked unconcious. It was as if there was a major gap in his memory between losing and now. He scratched his head and got up all the way. The crowd had dispursed, and he looked around. He noticed a small glowing mark in the shape of a dragon on his arm. He figured that the Immortal that contacted him had overheard his "yes" bit in the duel. He shook his head, and looked again, this time for his runner. He found his helmet next to it and got on. He looked in one of the mirrors he had installed. It made his face look wierd, as they were for turning and such, but still, he could tell, that other than the mark on his arm, he was otherwise no different.

"So? Are you ok?" Said a voice in his head. He instantly recognized it.

"How are you in my head?" Evol thought, aiming it at the Immortal.

"As you can guess, that mark is a bond. I can communicate with you through the bond, as I am doing now. As you have also seen, I didn't touch anything on your appearance, other than the mark, which even I can't do anything about. Unlike the other Dark Signers, I have really not affected you at all, other than reviving you, and bonding to you, which I had to do to revive you. So what is it going to be? Are you going to keep up your previous task?" Ogaira asked.


"Well then, I reccomend you find one of the Signers and fill him in on the situation, to prevent any mix-ups later on. If you're on their side, you might want them to know BEFORE a situation roars it's ugly head." Ogaira reccomended.

"Agreed. I think we'll work good together, we seem to think on the same level." Evol thought. "Now, about that. A good bet would probably be that Signer that tried to talk me out of the duel in the first place. What was his name-"

"He never said his name, Evol." Ogaira interrupted him.

"Oh. Well, he flew on his dragon, that oughta be easy enough to spot." Evol thought, setting off on his duel runner, activating a small radar unit to try to find him.

"I can do better." Ogaira told him, and he created a small negative energy pulse that the Signer should be able to pick up. Now it was just a matter of seeing if he came to investigate.

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Kree then makes his way back to the Dark Signer's base to report to Farquarl about his failure to fins his opponent and defeat them. He then saw in the sky the Mark of the Spider and starterd to head towards that point. Kree makes it close enough to see Neo and here his question. "You want to know why we do this? I'll tell you if your willing to listien." Kree went and stood next to Neo and on the bridge looking at Farquarl's Duel. Kree looked at Neo and asked im "Are you willing to hear what I have to say?" Kree then looked back at the duel. Before he heard Neo's answer he tells Neo, “We are not all wanting to destroy and kill. Some of us are not here to bring the world to an end. But we all are bound by the contract that made us a Dark Signer. All of the Dark Signers have a different reason to become a Dark Signer. I joined because I wanted to protect those close to me…but they all died. So I have no real reason to be here. I hate to feel like I killed anyone. I already feel guilty that I practically killed Evol.” Kree sighed then looked up at the sky “Everyone has come here because they need to finish something they couldn’t finish before. We have become unfulfilled in their life. We all accepted an evil offer that we shouldn’t have. Now we are bound by this and we must continue.” Kree laughed a small laugh and smiled still looking up into the sky. “I know a lot of people who would like to be I our shoes. But let me tell you something. The three greatest things I regret in my life.” Kree looked at Neo and said “One is that I couldn’t protect those who were close to me. Two I accepted this deal. And Three….that I can not die.” Kree looked away from Neo and said “I have made so many mistakes I can never fix. And now…I can never fix them.” Kree then started to walk away.

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Evol looked up at the sky, and noticed a large spider mark in the sky.

"Well, I doubt he'd pick us up with THAT around." Evol said, pressing down on the gas pedal of his runner, speeding off towards the mark. About 80 feet from the duel, his mark started to glow again. He saw the pair standing at the edge of the flame, and came sliding to a stop nearby, a small shower of sparks flying away from his metal wheels. He got off his runner.

"So, what's going on? Update me, if you'd be so kind." Evol asked nonchalantly, putting aside the fact that the person who had just theoretically killed him was right there.

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OOC: If he is not able to be a Dark Signer I'll edit.


Kree looked up and saw Evol. "Your Alive? Your a Dark Signer? Now I'm even more guilty than before. Much more than before. Becuase you are now cursed like the rest of us. You should have just died liked a good little boy you may nhave been able to come back at my defeat I'm sure I'll have." Kree then continued to walk away. telling himself "You Fool! You put someone else into this great Curse that noone should have had in the first place." Kree then clinched his teeth but continued to walk.

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"You are aware that the reason I'm back in the first place is to defeat you guys, right?" Evol said.

"And believe me," Evol continued. "I'll be back after you soon enough. Or, after all, you could help me defeat the rest of the Dark Signers. After all, it may give you your purpose in life back, at least to some extent." Evol offered.

((Sorry for the short post, it's really just dialogue, so I didn't find a reason to go any further.))

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Neo looked back as he heard Kree and Evol as he signed,"When I started I thought that the story of the Crimson Dragon was a straight foward fact, but 2 opinions from Light and Darkness makes it all comfusing."Neo admitted as he stared around,"New Domino City is sure to be in ruins at the end of this battle...Theres just one thing that's weird."Neo remembered into another question."Is it true that when a Dark Signer is defeated and sent to the Neverworld, another Dark Signer takes their place ?"

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