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Yu-Gi-Oh!: Signers vs Dark Signers 2 [Started/Not Accepting Anymore/Co-owned by TheFinalFan]

The White Wolf

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Mendatt is doing something between glaring and staring at zack. "It would never occur to me why I would listen to you. You never finish a conversation, make the slightest bit of sense, or anything else remotely human. You extend the last syllables of what you do say so that they sound ridiculous. For heavens sake, It's hard to understand why your a signer in the first place. But for some reason, I trust you... But it's hard to shake off a sense that your going to get me into trouble I can't get out of. And for that reason, I will go with you... As soon as I finish this match.

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"No, we have to go now! We need to face the dark signers! Heh, luckily, I can do this!" Zack said as he pressed a couple of buttons on his duel disk, deactivating Paolo's and Mendatt's duel disks "If you're wondering how I did that, I installed that onto my duel disk to destroy Securities duel runners and duel disks, it has different settings, consider yourself lucky I didn't have it on the setting that I use on securities. Now get on!"

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"Ok,"Neo surcomed as he jumped off Tunic Dragon and landed on Zacks Duel Runner as he glanced back to Tunic Dragon,"Tunic Dragon, search from the sky if you see anything troubling alert us,"


"Ok, then I'll do it,"Tunic Dragon signed as his wings launched out of his back like a jet, he gusted up in the sky, when he got in the position in the sky he skimmed around the road,"Lets start !"


"Ok im ready."Neo exclaimed as he looked around, an question appeared in his head as he looked at Zack."How do you know where the Dark Signers Base is ? Only a Dark Signer would know the answer, so you talked to someone who knew."

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"HA! You call that a runner? Well I guess I can remove one seat then. Oh, and don't forget, I can destroy any electronic device at the touch of a button." Zack said pressing a button, removing a seat "This runner broke the sound barrier during its test run after I built it. You think a duel runner like that can go faster than mine? I had to build the best I could possibly do to escape securities, I'm the best of the best, don't even try to compare with it, it's futile so, Dylan, Paolo, you guys coming?"

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Guest TheFinalFan

Marigold had been waiting patiently for Zack to stop arguing with Mendatt, but now her patience had run thin. "Will you imbeciles stop having a dickfest and just follow me?!? You can take your respective Duel Runners without needing to go fast, because I'm only going to go 90. I'm not that big, in case you noticed, so I can't go that fast, even when flying! So just shut up and get behind me!" She turned to the other Signers. "That goes for you too!"

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"Heh, man, do I have to do everything? Activating backup runners....." Zack said pressing a button, two more duel runner came from the back of the building, scooping up Dylan and Paolo "Now we can go." Zack said reving up his runner, the engine roared loud and powerful, more powerful then any duel runner ever had "Oops, better slow it down. OK, let's go Marigold, lead the way!" "(Seriously, the smaller ones, always the annoying ones.....)" Zack thought to himself.

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"Ok,"Neo signed as he stared up at his Tunic Dragon,"Tunic Dragon, It might take a while for us to be going, so have you found anything, like anything ?"Neo questioned to his Duel Monster Spirt as he lowered slightly down."What now !"Neo shurgged in boredness."This is going to be long,"


"Ok !"Tunic Dragon replied as he just remember,"I saw nothing,"Tunic Dragon answered as he lowered again slightly more than the First, as he did it again more than the 3rd Neo looked back at him.


"Are you tired ?"Neo wondered as Tunic Dragon vanished into Neo's Duel Disk,"That explains that, now what."

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Guest TheFinalFan

((UDM, I know you want the story to progress, but it seems like you're controlling things a little bit.))


Marigold headed forward, with the other Duel Runners following her. They weaved in and out of the city, even doubling back once, until they arrived at their destination: an old abandoned warehouse. Marigold beckoned them all to come inside. "Just letting you guys know, there's a magical barrier around the building that prevents anyone, including Dark Signers, from entering or finding us. Anyone who comes by this place will have a mental suggestion placed in their mind that this warehouse in completely uninteresting and that they should spend their time doing something better than being near here. It won't affect you guys, of course."


C realized that it was time, and scooped up Jacki. "Misty, hold down the fort. If anyone asks, I retired to my chambers to attend to Jacki."

Misty saluted as C wrapped her cloak around the two, and teleported to the warehouse.


((I promise that I will quit if anyone crashes this little event or spies on it. The Dark Signers are NOT supposed to know about this AT ALL. Got it?))

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OOC: oops, sorry


IC: "About time I got my answers! Nothing makes sense with these guys.................................. they're just the opposite of us........................ but in some ways, the same......................... I don't know how............... but............ it's true..................... it makes no sense with these guys............."

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Neo stood their as he paused with comfusion, he just thought of something,"I'll stay here and wait for you, because...Well I don't know why but,"Neo paused thinking of a reason why he shouldn't enter,"Because, this is making people comfused and down, I just am thinking it might be something that makes us feel worse."Neo shrugged as he looked out at his Mansion far away then he looked at the warehouse,"I guess I have to wait then, If you have a reason why I have to come with you, say it now..."

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Guest TheFinalFan

"No, I need all of you in here." A voice spoke out from behind Neo.

C had appeared behind them, carrying something that looked like a body in her cloak. "Don't worry. She isn't dead. Well, not in the usual sense of things. We have a different understanding of life and death, you know." Marigold floated over to her mistress. "About f**king time!" C nodded. "Something came up at the last minute. Now, we need to hurry. I don't know how long I have until Farquarl is on to this very crucial portion of my plans."

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"C..... now, answer my questions!" Zack said with a demanding tone in his voice "(She'll HAVE to answer them this time! If not....................................................................................... I don't know what I'll do! Well, better just wait until she answers them................................... Grrrrrr! This makes no sense! GRRRRRRRRR! Nothing makes sense with these guys! This is so annoying!!! And still, always the smallest duel monster spirits....... tsk tsk tsk....)" Zack thought.

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Guest TheFinalFan

C whipped out a remote and opened the warehouse, leading them inside. Once inside, she closed the doors, trapping them in. She pressed another button, and the lights came on, revealing a stool and five chairs surrounding it in a semicircle. "Please, get comfortable. We might be here a while." C took a place on the stool, and motioned for the others to sit down. Once we are seated, I will begin."

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Mendatt laughed in response to Marigold describing his argument with Zack as a "Dickfest", saying "Most accurate description I ever heard. Well than, lets go."




Mendatt deliberately failed to sit down in the warehouse C had lead them to. "Why exactly should we listen to you?" he demanded. "We're signers. Your a dark signer. In general that means we fight." Than he fiddled his fingers a little bit. "However, I did notice several things that all lead me to the same conclusion... You aren't a dark signer. Am I right?"

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Guest TheFinalFan

"You are incorrect. I am a Dark Signer, but my intentions are very different. You see, over two hundred years ago, Rex Goodwin ressurected the Earthbound Immortals through the Zero Reverse Incident, which tore a hole in the space-time continuum into the Netherworld, a section of the Spirit World that is home to a fearsome entity called the King of the Netherworld. By manipulating the regular energy surges of the portal, Rex could summon the King, and reshape the world in his image. However, that generation of Signers managed to defeat the Dark Signers, and foiled Rex's plans, sealing the King back in the Netherworld."

"Now, 200 years later, the portal has destabilized, allowing new Dark Signers to be created. In response, new Signers have also come forth to defeat them, though this time, things are a bit different."

"Think of the connection between the two worlds as a pipe, with the seal placed over it as a clog. Over time, pressure will build up, until the clog starts to move, letting streams of water in, and freeing the clog up even more. When the clog frees itself, all of the water will rush through the pipe and out the other end. This will essentially be what will happen if the Dark Signers succeed."

"Farquarl is ignorant of this information, and doesn't know that 200 years' worth of energy buildup is on the other side of that seal. He just thinks the amount of energy leaking through is completely normal. If that seal gets free, all of that energy will create a space-time distortion that will make the Zero Reverse look like a firecracker in comparison! Dimensions will warp, fuse, collide, and collapse! Anything we take for granted like time, gravity, and the laws of physics will either become much less liberal or cease to exist entirely! The universe as we know it will end!"

She then realized that everyone had gone silent.

"No pressure or anything."

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OOC: I apologize. Once again, various events had caught me unawares, and I couldn't bee on for a while.


IC: Farquarl was once again meditating. This would be the crucial part of the plan. Knowing full well that C was NOT a Dark Signer was one thing, but her identity would soon be revealed. He needed to be cautious. Patience was a virtue, and in this situation a necessity.

OOC: We shall assume that Ferrikpm and I ended the duel with no conclusion.

Paolo entered the room with all of the other Signers. He glanced back at the door when it shut, but said and did nothing else. The mark on his arm was pulsing and burning, and something clear and bright in his mind told him that by all means, DO NOT listen to this woman. He began to sweat, and his arm burned further.

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Zack sat down in a chair "(Wow, one thing I already know about just brings out more questions)" "But, if you're intentions are different, what are you doing here? And why do you have so much information about what it was like 212 years ago? Well, I know because of my bloodline........... I thought the Dark Signers all had the same intentions." "(Wow, two questions down, a few hundred to go.)" Zack thought.

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Guest TheFinalFan

((I'm back! Something came up.))


C answered by raising her hood, and undoing a black leather collar with a purple gem that resembled a Spell Counter that had appeared around her neck. She she undid it, her eyes shifted from purple to blue, and the markings on her body and in her hair subsided. Her eyes were still black, but they seemed a bit more compassionate than the normal cold, steely eyes of a Dark Signer.

"My real name is Carly Carmine, and I am your direct ancestor, Zack. You share 1/32 of my genetics, making you my more direct descendant."


((Dun dun DUUUUN!!!))

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"Huh? Explain a little more clearly please." Zack said confused "(How can SHE be a reporter from two-hundred and twelve years ago? It's impossible.............. physically, mentally, you name it. This makes zero percent sense weird................................ I never say it like that................)" Zack thought, getting more confused by the second "(Nothing makes sense anymore!!!!!!!!!)" Zack yelled in his head.

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Guest TheFinalFan

"Well, no one ever said that you could be a Dark Signer twice." C, now Carly, replied. "And I volunteered for this job. I am a Dark Signer...in a sense of the term. Mainly, I had a colleague of mine magically bind Wiraqocha Rasca to me, allowing me to control the damn bird. Combine that with the magic I have learned in the Spirit World, and I can easily pass off as a very powerful Dark Signer." She held up her choker. "This little accessory channels my magical abilities and maintains my disguise, allowing me to look like C, my alias."

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"Not EXACTLY the explanation I was hoping for, I meant that explain more about the ancestor thing." Zack said hoping for a explanation "(Weirdest thing that's happened to me EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!)" Zack thought with a surprised yet scared expression on his face "(YIKES! Why am I not running away like a scared little baby! Nothing makes sense in the world I live in.......................)" Zack thought.

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Guest TheFinalFan

"Well, you are not only related to myself and Jack, but also to Yusei and Akiza, Luna and Sly, and Crow and...aww! I forgot his wife's name! Ugh! This is what happens when you get to be 230, kids. Now where was I? Oh yeah! Zack, you are releated to all 5 of the original Signers, not just Yusei Fudo. This makes you fit to be the head Signer, because you have all 5 of their traits: Yusei's righteousness, Jack's pride, Akiza's love, Luna's hope, and Crow's tenacity. You just need to figure out how to channel all of that, since you are arrogant, spiteful, hasty, and overall a wreck of a leader. We need to get you into shape if you want to take on Farquarl and win."

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".... So...... I have copies of their cards due to bloodline?" Zack asked, thinking that was a stupid question "(Aww-man........................ stupid question.)" Zack thought face-palming himself "(Stupid, stupid, stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid................................................... I guess I got the point.)"

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Mendatt says in responce to Cs speech "You do realize I already know all of that. Or at least most. Okay, I know that part about rex goodwin, the Zero Reverse, and all the history stuff. But the point is, I know some" and in response to her saying she's Carly Carmine "That makes so much sense." But Zack and C's argument drowns it out. When he hears C's description of zack he adds his own bit to the argument. "If I may say so, also a great thundering loony. Or completely and utterly insane, however you want to put it." Than he thinks for a minute. "But Einstein was two. So was Benjamin Franklin, Mozart, Bach. They were all considered insane by their entire culture. But when they realized that, they didn't stop. When their friends abandoned them, they didn't stop. And if they did, what would the world be like today? Maybe that insanity is just what we need. On the other hand, maybe it means that the multiverse will be torn apart and put back together like a paper mache rubix cube, but than, it all depends on how determined you are."

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