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Yu-Gi-Oh!: Signers vs Dark Signers 2 [Started/Not Accepting Anymore/Co-owned by TheFinalFan]

The White Wolf

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[spoiler=Plot:] It has been 212 years since the Signers have defeated the Dark Signers, the Crimson Dragon has selected new Signers, and the King of the Netherworld has selected new Dark Signers. Now choose your path between good and evil.



[spoiler=Signer App:] (remove all in brackets)




Group: (signer or signer follower,can be neutral until a certain point)

Mark: (signer only)

Deck Name:

Signer Dragon Card (must be a synchro): (signer only)

Ace Card:



New Domino or the Satellite:



[spoiler=Dark Signer App:] (remove all in brackets)




Group: (dark signer or dark signer slave, can be neutral until a certain point,)

Mark: (dark signer only)

Deck Name:

Earthbound Immortal: (dark signer only)

Ace Card/ Dark Synchro:



New Domino or the Satellite




*The rules are the same as YCM. (Including the Advanced Clause!!)

*Try to keep it pg-13 or pg rated

*(if signer) dragons can be your own creation

*deck can be custom

*(if dark signer) Earthbound immortal can be custom

*you may have 2 apps maximum!! Just be sure to play both of them please.

*NO, and I repeat: NO! OOC only posts.short posts! You have three warnings of this or banned from this RP (this ban rule starts May 4th 2010)



[spoiler=Dark Signer's Side:]

Farquarl - Dark Signer - Spider - Earthbound Immortal Uru

Kelly - Dark Signer - Hummingbird - Earthbound Immortal Asila Piscu

Jake - Dark Signer - Hands - Earthbound Immortal Ratha Katra

Kree - Dark Signer - Dog - Earthbound Immortal Pendo Suna

Dean - Dark Signer - Giant - Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu

C - Dark Signer - Condor - Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca

Cho-Cho - Leopard - Earthbound Immortal Leopardo


[spoiler=Temporary Neutral]

Evol - Neutral - Orbital Bombardment Platform


[spoiler=Signer's Side:]

Zack - Signer - Head - Stardust Dragon

Dylan - Signer - Wings - Red Dragon Archfiend

Neo - Signer - Left Claw - Tunic Dragon

Paolo - Signer - Tail - Fog Dragon

Mendatt - Signer - Right Claw - Zephyr Dragon

Kira - Signer Follower - The ArcAngelia Mikafar



[spoiler=My App:]

Name: Zack Fudo

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Group: Signer

Mark: Dragon Head

Deck Name: Stardust Strike (later Majestic Star)

Dragon Card: Stardust Dragon

Ace Card:Speed Spell - Half Attack/Stardust Dragon (later Majestic Star Dragon)

[spoiler=Apperence:] Zack is 5'9 feet tall, his hair is short, dark brown, he wears a custom made orange shirt with a picture of Stardust Dragon with a black ripped leather jacket, his jeans have SDD (Stardust Dragon) sewed on them in red.


[spoiler=Biography:] Zack was born in New Domino, he is the 10th grandson of Yusei Fudo (20 years per grandson), but in later years the Atlas's and the Fudo's mixed, he was sent to the Satellite by his parents when he was 5 because they were about to be killed, they sent with him his bloodline card, Stardust Dragon, a older duelist found him, raised him and taught him to duel, Zack got his cards by stealing them from the storage facility. Zack found his duel runner in the trash, taught himself to fix it, and in no time was zipping down the streets of Satellite. Zack can see duel monster spirits


New Domino or the Satellite: Satellite


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why, its a pretty good RP, heres my Application:



Signer App:

Name: Jack Payne

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Group: signer

Mark: Back Claw

Deck Name: Ultimate Light

Signer Dragon Card: can it be an original one?

Ace Card: Majestic Flare Dragon

Apperence: Jack wears a red shirt with a blue jacket, and also wears grey shorts. He also wears white sneakers and he has a scar on his eye from a fight he got into from a bully.

Biography: Jack has lived in new Domino City all his life. he tries to help everyone who is unfortunate in life. He found out he was a Signer from a supposed concussion, but he saw the future if the Dark Signers won this deadly battle. Messengers from both light and darkness came before him to win him over. After a long arguement, he chose to be a Crimson Dragon Signer.

New Domino or the Satellite: New Domino

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why, its a pretty good RP, heres my Application:



Signer App:

Name: Jack Payne

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Group: signer

Mark: Back Claw

Deck Name: Ultimate Light

Signer Dragon Card: Ancient Fairy Dragon

Ace Card: Majestic Light Dragon

Apperence: Jack wears a red shirt with a blue jacket, and also wears grey shorts. He also wears white sneakers and he has a scar on his eye from a fight he got into from a bully.

Biography: Jack has lived in new Domino City all his life. he tries to help everyone who is unfortunate in life. He found out he was a Signer from a supposed concussion, but he saw the future if the Dark Signers won this deadly battle. Messengers from both light and darkness came before him to win him over. After a long arguement, he chose to be a Crimson Dragon Signer.

New Domino or the Satellite: New Domino

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Might as well ease myself back in.


Name: Farquarl

Age: 176 (approx.) (looks to be in his mid-twenties)

Gender: Male

Group: Dark Signer

Mark: Spider

Deck Name: Hand of the Dark Mark

Earthbound Immortal: Uru

Ace Card/ Dark Synchro:

Appearance: Sinister red eyes. The standard red-lined black cloak. A lean, but still impsing figure. It's hard to get him out of your head, whether it's due to his intimidating eyes or the mind-control spider he's slipped down your neck.

Biography: One thing. He doesn't joke. EVER. Not a smile, giggle, or even a minor lip twitch. For him, Dark Signership is SERIOUS BUSINESS. But this lack of emotion also gives him a lack of morals, making him a perfect commander of the Dark Signers.

When he was fourteen, he was killed along with about seven others in a mass "bombing" (really a confederation of drunken louts tired of "the Satellite leeches moving in on our town"). His internal rage and struggle were perfect for the King of the Underworld, who contained his body, and allowed it to age at its normal rate until it reached its peak. As the commander of the new Dark Signers, he resolves to be more successful than the far weaker Rudger.




Name: Paolo Micaela Roberto de Carrafon

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Group: Signer

Mark: Tail

Deck Name: Fight with Flight! (Mist Valley)

Signer Dragon Card:


Fog Dragon




1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Once per turn, you can remove from play a monster that battles this card. This card gains the ATK and DEF of that monster until the 2nd End Phase after activation. If this card would be destroyed, you can return your opponent's removed from play monster to their Graveyard instead.

Ace Card: Mist Valley Aviantic

Appearance: Darkish skin, wearing a tank top underneath a thin windbreaker, with pants that he can remove the lower parts to make into shorts. Constantly with a big smile on his face. Black hair and eyes.

Biography: Recently moved to Neo Domino from Peru, where the Nazca lines are located. Whenever he went anywhere near those drawings, his arm would throb like crazy. It was only when he got to Neo Domino that he learned that he was a Signer. He doesn't know what he'll face, but he'll do so with a smile on his face.

New Domino or the Satellite: Neo Domino

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Here's my second character:


Dark Signer App:

Name: Kelly Matthews

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Group: dark signers

Mark: Hummingbird

Deck Name: Rise of the Darkness

Earthbound Immortal: Earthbound Immortal Asila Piscu

Ace Card/ Dark Synchro: Darkness of the Netherworld

Apperence: She has pitch black hair and wears an orange version of the dark signer robes, like Carly's.

Biography: Kelly's family was doomed from the beginning. Her parents died from a test result of the Crimson Dragon's summoning. She got into a fight and died when she was 16 years old. She will duel mercilessly, with a crazyness unmatched, even Kalin's. She will prove to be the best Dark Signer ever.

New Domino or the Satellite: Satellite

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Name: Jake

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Group: Dark Signer

Mark: Hands

Deck Name: Hands of the Beasts

[spoiler=Earthbound Immortal Card:] Earthbound Immortal Ratha Katra 381651g.jpg There can only be 1 face-up "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. This card can attack your opponent directly. You must discard 1 card so this card can declare an attack. This card can attack up to twice per turn.


[spoiler=Apperence:] Jake is a little shorter than Zack, he is 5 foot 7, his hair is brown, his clothes are black with purple stripes on them, his jeans to are black with purple stripes.


[spoiler=Biography:] Once the best friend of Zack, he went power mad and took out every duelist he saw, losing to Zack in a turbo duel, he thinks Zack turned him in, he made a deal with the Earthbound Immortal and is now a dark signer looking for revenge on his once good friend Zack. Jake is 30 times crazier than Kalin was as a dark signer.


New Domino or the Satellite: Satellite

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ya, were still accepting, you can have a custom signer dragon, just copy the app from above, fill it out, and, i'll see

Time to start!


Zack: "Your not getting away this time Zack! Your going straight to the facility where you belong!" The Security said "O ya? you'll have to catch me first!" Zack responded while he rev'd up his runner "Get back here punk!" "Time to fly, later Security loser!" he responded while going up a jump and soaring in the sky while using his wings "well, that was enough fun for today, better head back to the hideout."

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Can I Make a custom deck with custom cards?


Dark Signer App:

Name: Kree Garashi

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Group: Dark Signer

Mark: Dog

Deck Name: Draining Elves

Earthbound Immortal: Pendo Suna

Ace Card/ Dark Synchro: Shadow Plasma Elf

Apperence: 6'1 feet tall. Black robe with white lines. Sholder length red hair.

Biography: Entered New Domino in hopes of starting a new life. He was quicky put as an out cast and hated by many poeple. He decided to live on the streets in hopes of finding someone who cared. He found a small orphanage who took him in as long as he could help with anything they needed. After a while of living there he and the others become close freinds and then for no reason they were attacked and he was shot. He then heard a voice telling him to protect those he cared for he would have to give into the dark and into death. He accepted...

New Domino



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Custom Deck:--Unless i'm told No Custom deck. What do you think?

[spoiler= Extra Deck (1)]


[spoiler= Shadow Plasma Elf]

Shadow Plasma Elf

Dark Synchro

Level: -4

Attack: 1400

Defense: 1200



1 non-Tuner Monster – 1 Dark-Tuner monster.

In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card.

When this card attacks give your opponent 300 damage and then gain 300 Life points. When this monster destroys a monster card in battle but does not give battle damage to your opponent you gain 200 Life points and your opponent takes 200 damage. You can remove from play 3 “Elf” monster cards in your graveyard from play to have this monster gain 800 Attack until the End Phase of this turn.






[spoiler= Monster Cards (20)]


[spoiler= Elf Trapper (1)]

Elf Trapper

Effect Monster

Level: 3

Attack 300

Defense: 900



You can pay 1800 Life points to remove this card from play from your deck, While this card is removed from play when ever a monster card other than “Elf Trapper” is removed from play you gain 100 life points and your opponent takes 100 damage. While this card is removed from play when ever a card is sent to the graveyard you gain 50 life points and your opponent takes 50 damage.




[spoiler= Elf Destroyer (2)]

Elf Destroyer

Effect Monster

Level: 4

Attack: 1900

Defense: 90



When this monster destroys a monster in battle give your opponent damage equal to 100 time the level of the destroyed monster and then gain that same amount of life points.




[spoiler= Elf Assassin (3)]

Elf Assassin

Effect Monster

Level: 2

Attack: 1100

Defense: 1800



When you summon this card you can summon one level 1 “Elf” monster from your deck and you take damage equal to that monster’s attack +900, then this card gains 2 levels.




[spoiler= Elf Ninja (3)]

Elf Ninja


Level: 1

Attack: 300

Defense: 0



Once per turn you can take 700 damage to reduce this monster’s level by one until the end phase.




[spoiler= Elf Dragon Rider (2)]

Elf Dragon Rider

Effect Monster

Level: 4

Attack: 800

Defense: 1300



While there is a Dragon-Type monster on the field this card is treated as a Dragon-Type and gains 1000 Attack. You can equip one Dragon-Type monster to this monster once per turn by paying 800 Life points and giving your opponent 800 life points. When this monster would be destroyed you can destroy the equipped monster instead and then give your opponent 400 damage while you gain 400 life points.




[spoiler= Elf Servant (1)]

Elf Servant

Effect Monster

Level: 1

Attack 100

Defense: 250



When this monster is Normal Summoned you can tribute it and discard 1 card to give your opponent 300 damage and gain 300 life points.




[spoiler= Elf Survivor (1)]

Elf Survivor

Effect Monster

Level: 4

Attack: 1700

Defense: 300



When this card is discarded from your hand to the graveyard you can Special Summon this monster into face up defense position and then gain 200 life points and give your opponent 200 damage. When this card is Normal Summoned this monster gains 1800 Defense and losses 1600 attack then is switched to Defense Mode. When this Face up Normal Summoned monster is removed from the field you gain 200 Life points and give your opponent 200 damage.




[spoiler= Elf Brothers (3)]

Elf Brothers

Effect Monster

Level: 2

Attack: 300

Defense: 500



When this card is removed form the field your opponent takes 200 damage and you gain 200 life points. When this card is sent to the graveyard from the field by your opponent you can special summon up to 2 “Elf Brothers” monster cards from your deck to the field in face up Defense Mode.




[spoiler= Elf Sniper (1)]

Elf Sniper

Effect Monster

Level: 4

Attack 2000

Defense: 0



You must pay 800 life points to attack with this card. This card can not attack directly. You can skip your Battle Phase and discard 2 cards to give your opponent 1000 damage and then gain 1000 Life points.




[spoiler= Elf Mage (1)]

Elf Mage

Effect Monster

Level: 5

Attack 1900

Defense: 1700



This card is treated as a level 2 monster while in your hand. This card’s level Is treated as 1 while it is on the field. You can discard this card from your hand to the graveyard to gain 200 Life points and give your opponent 200 damage.




[spoiler= Elf Shadow (1)]

Elf Shadow


Level: 1

Attack: 0

Defense: 0



This card’s level is treated as 5 while it is on the field. When you use this card for a Dark Synchro summon you can give your opponent 200 damage and then gain 200 life points.




[spoiler=Earthbound Immortal Pendo Suna (1)]

Earthbound Immortal Pendo Suna

Level: 10


Type: Beast

ATK: 500

DEF: 2000

There can only be 1 face-up "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. This card can attack your opponent directly. During your opponent's End Phase you can choose to skip your turn, if you do you can gain 1000 life points and give your opponent 1000 damage. When this card is removed from the feild you gain 100 life points and your opponent takes 100 damage.






[spoiler= Spells (15)]


[spoiler= Elven Sacrifice for Victory (2)]

Elven Sacrifice for Victory


Sacrifice 1 “Elf” monster to special summon 5 “Elf E.S.V. Tokens” (Warrior-Type/EARTH/Level 2/ATK 0/ DEF 0). Destroy all these tokens during your 2nd standby phase after this card’s activation and gain 500 life points for every Token destroyed by this effect and then lose 3000 life points.




[spoiler= Elven Sword (3)]

Elven Sword

Equip Spell

Only equip to a monster with “Elf” in it’s name. The equipped monster gains 500 Attack and when that monster attacks you gain 100 life points and your opponent takes 100 damage.




[spoiler= Mass Destruction (3)]

Mass Destruction


Destroy all spell and trap cards that are on the field and then you take 300 damage for each card destroyed this way. You can then remove 1 card in the graveyard from play.




[spoiler=Cave of the Legendary Weakling Protector (3)]

Cave of the Legendary Weakling Protector

Field Spell

All monsters on the player's field gain 1000 attack if there are no level 6 or higher level monsters in the player's graveyard. When this card is removed from the field you can pay 2500 life points to negate its removal.




[spoiler= Cannon of Dwarves (2)]

Cannon of Dwarves


Discard 3 cards from your hand to destroy all cards on your opponents side of the field and then gain 200 life points and give your opponent 200 damage. You can not enter you must skip your next 2 Battle Phases.




[spoiler= Forced Fissure (2)]

Forced Fissure


Your opponent selects and destroys 1 monster card on their side of the feild then they take 200 damage and you gain 200 life points.






[spoiler=Traps (5)]


[spoiler= Complete Base Destruction (1)]

Complete Base Destruction


Pay 800 life points to activate this card. Destroy all monster on the field then you gain 200 Life points for every destroyed monster and your opponent takes 200 damage for each destroyed monster.




[spoiler=Invisible Bomb (1)]

Invisible Bomb


Activate this card only when a monster is attacked. Destroy both monsters. Give your opponent 200 damage and you gain 200 life points.




[spoiler= Elven Trap Pit (3)]

Elven Pit Trap


Negate the summon of a monster, a monster attack, a monster effect, a spell card’s activation, or a trap card’s activation and destroy that card. Pay 1200 life points and send the top 5 cards of your deck to the graveyard.





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Heres my character app.


[spoiler=Neo Cadi]

Name: Neo Cadi

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Group: Signer

Mark: Tunic Dragons Eye On his Left Arm.

Deck Name: Tunics

Signer Dragon Card : Tunic Dragon

Ace Card: Tunic Dragon but later gets Majestic Tunic Dragon

Apperence: Wears an dark leather suit ,with a brown tie known as a ace tie.He has fancy black trouser and a watch on his arms.His mark glows bright red when hes in a duel.

Biography: His Father worked at a card making company and became rich someday.His Mother was top agent in the British Intellegence.When he was 15 he managed to make his own deck known as the Tunic's.However, when the first card "Tunic Dragon" was made a beam of light hit it and Neo.3 years afterwards, Neo became a pro and moved to USA and learned that his "Tunic Dragon" was a signer dragon that chosen him to become a signer also he can see duel monster spirt.When he was 20 Tunic Dragon guided him for the search of his Majestic Tunic Dragon, to have a better chance of being a better pro.Now he hasn't found Majestic Tunic Dragon or Majestic Dragon.However, he is the most popular and respected pro in America,infact they called him "The Pro Of Pros",he finished moving to New Domino City.

New Domino or the Satellite: New Domino City



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Seems like a good RP


Dark Signer App:

Name: Dean Alastair

Age: 105 (Looks like he´s 19)

Gender: Male

Group: Dark Signer

Mark: Giant

Deck Name: Infinite Darkness

Earthbound Immortal: Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu

Ace Card/ Dark Synchro: One-Hundred Eyes Dragon


[spoiler=Appearance:] His eyes are dark blue, almost the same color as his slightly long hair and his gaze reflects a growing insanity, probably caused by technically dying and being resurrected as a dark signer. He´s able to see monster spirits even though it´s an ability he never speaks about. He wears a standard blue lined dark signer robe and blue jeans. A silver pendant hangs around his neck where he keeps a picture of his dead family.




[spoiler=Biography:] His entire village turned into a testing ground for a new biologic weapon in form of a virus that slowly killed every inhabitant but caused extreme pain and intense damage to the internal organs in the process. When he was on a very edge of dying and being one of the few that were still alive, a mysterious voice reached out to him, telling him only two things,

"Give in to the darkness and you can avenge them all".

The King of the Underworld healed his body from the disease but did not manage to recreate the organs that had been

damaged beyond limits.

Now, as a Dark Signer, he is known to actually prolong a duel on special occasions, only so he can punish his opponent even more, using the dark signer to the full extent to make the damage real.

The only thing that keeps him going is the wish to track down the people that are responsible of wiping out his village

and slaughter them all.




New Domino or the Satellite: New Domino (Moved there)


(Will there be Turbo Duels?)

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would someone mind continuing the RP? or just stop it completely, and destruction hero, your gonna have to be left claw

ok someone plz continue, i'll copy and paste what i did

Time to start!


Zack: "Your not getting away this time Zack! Your going straight to the facility where you belong!" The Security said "O ya? you'll have to catch me first!" Zack responded while he rev'd up his runner "Get back here punk!" "Time to fly, later Security loser!" he responded while going up a jump and soaring in the sky while using his wings "well, that was enough fun for today, better head back to the hideout."

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Farquarl stepped outside and breathed. Ah, he had missed the air. He hadn't truly breathed air in a long time, or seen anything other than blackness. The Underworld was a bleak and miserable place, in which there wasn't much of anything. But the world of the living had a bright, cheery atmosphere, with color and vibrancy. It was a damn shame that he had to destroy it.

He touched his Dark Mark, which began to glow. The system was that when one was touched, the rest would respond. Then, he waited.

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Zack: "Hmm, huh? My mark? Why is it glowing? It tells me to go to that one area of Satellite...." Zack said while going in the direction of where 212 years ago, his great great great great great great great great great grandfather defeated Roman Goodwin in a shadow duel. When he arrived, he saw nothing, nothing but the old Enerdy Reactor, so he flew back to his Hideout and went to bed for the night.

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OOC: UDM, you're going to need to make your post longer, and get rid of that script format.



Paolo (1300) and another student at Duel Academy (2400) were smack in the middle of their assessment game. Both students were deep into their game, neither one about to let up.

"I summon Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier!" the other student cried, as a rather muscly man with an ice blade emerged from his card (ATK: 1200). Now, I tune my Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier to Cryomancer to Synchro Summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier! Now, I activate his ability! Say goodbye to all the cards on your side of the field!"

He discarded 3 cards into his Duel Disk, and Brionac roared and flapped its wings. A massive, chilling gale blew, sending the cards back into Paolo's hand.

"Now, Brionac! Attack directly!"

But before Brionac managed to swing, a rather unusual set of birds appeared.

"Sorry, but you've activated the effect of my Mist Valley Stealth Flock! It can only be Special Summoned during my opponent's turn, and after cards I control were returned to my hand. They also destroy a monster you control. So, go! Stealth Claw!"

The masked crows descended on Brionac, pecking and grabbing all over its serpentine body, and destroying it.

"Now, it's my turn! I summon Mist Valley Shaman, and tune the Stealth Flock to it!"

The clouds, proud in the sky, take the form of mist! Ferocious gales tear all but the strong to pieces! Synchro Summon! Endure the gale, Mist Valley Aviantic!"

The birdman shot up in the air, and landed gracefully. (ATK: 2300)

"Heh. As powerful as that may seem, it's still not enough."

"Don't think so just yet! I set a card, then activate my Giant Trunade Spell Card, returning all Spells and Traps to our hands! Doing so increases my Aviantic's ATK by 500! Now, direct attack!"

The birdman shot into the air and divebombed Paolo's opponent. (2400-->0)

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