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{Deadly Wolf} One Hell of a Road Trip [LIFE-PG13] [Starting - Accepting]{Deadly Wolf}


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Valarie took the candy bar Alex had given her, peeled off the wrapper, and took a bite into it. "Thanks, Alex." She said, flashing him a smile. "It's strange, the concept of Death, Fate, and Destiny. You can't do anything about either, and yet you take whatever flies at you, no matter what you want to happen. Sometimes I wonder if Death really exists- or if Fate and Destiny exist either. Are we really controlled by some Supernatural Being? Are we just puppets, toys of this Greater Being, this Unnamed God? Or are we the controllers, the puppet masters, paranoid and stressed? It's all so strange, the concept of Life as we know it..." Valarie had almost stopped talking to the two, and had almost entered her own fantasy land, full of questions...

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Jecht blinked a couple times at Valarie. "Deep." Jecht replied nodding then felling back onto the bed laughing quietly to himself. He looked at the candy again, taking eating the candy bar as if it was a life or death situation. He wasn't the one to eat sweets, acctually he tried his best to stay away from them. He absolutly hated the idea of being overweight, which is why he's so slim. Jecht took all the possible outcomes of eating just the one Kit Kat. He finally decided it would be best not to eat it and threw at Alex.

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"Yep, I'm known for that kind of stuff." Valarie said with a small smile playing on her lips. She took another bite of the Kit Kat, enjoying it while it lasted. Valarie sat down on the floor of the van and sighed. "What are we going to do now? I'm guessing that there won't be much sleep, considering that most people are going to stay up all night." Valarie said, sighing. She watched the candy bar Jecht threw hit Alex. She laughed a little- not a pointing laugh, but a friendly laugh. "What did 'ya do that for, Jecht?" Valarie said, as she lay down on the van floor. "If anybody steps on my face, I'm going to ring their neck."

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Liam nodded, overhearing the depth of Valarie's statment, but feeling ignored throughout the entire time, he had offered to drive, and it made him wonder if perhaps the people here were simply homophobic. He hadn't noticed the looks Jecht had on his face when he and Rhys had kissed, but he still wondered just a little bit. Dispite this he spoke up again and re-interated Feeling a little flustered at being 'ignored' if that was the case. "Guys, incase you didn't hear me, I can drive too, I don't drink much, and I haven't had any at all yet. So just remember that I am here, and I am licenced." He hoped he'd caught more attention that time.


Rhys had no idea what was really going on, he and his sister were talking about the events that had befallen them since they last had a good, long conversation, both of them holding the light drinks that Brandi had bought with her in thier hands, exchanging laughs, sighs and various other noises of positive and negative expression.

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"Liam is a possible driver then." Alex spoke. "I don't really care, can we just leave?" He entered & started it up, sipping the Coke he opened that morning. He tuned the station to listen pre-drive. Alex just tried to wind down. He stared at the road he would soon pass, dreaming of the places they could go. Then just tuned down & yelled, "All Aboard!"

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[Christian, 4 lines. 1 Warning, next time, you're out. Pegasasu, accepted.]


"Shut up!" Ryan cried. "We're not even meant to be here, if we get caught -" He paused for a moment and shivered.


"Anyway, Chikao's got a bunch of food in the boot, so... Eat up..?" He said to the rest, draining a can of not beer, but fanta. He gulped it down before jumping onto the bonnet of Chikao's Nissan 350z, finishing his potato chips.


Kyle was leaning on the side of the van, hurling up his lunch. He was now sober, and stumbling around, trying to get a hold of himself.

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Alex looked at Ryan, first in unbelievability, then with happiness. He jumped out of the bus & went to Chikao's food. He finished off a Mountain Dew & grabbed a bag of chips. He belched after one big gulp. "'Scuse me." He said, relieved. He picked up the football he dropped earlier, looked at it, & decided he wouldn't throw it yet. "Anyone sober besides me?" He then looked at the football, then smiled, got ready for the throw, & it went in the air towards Ryan. Alex belched again in happiness, knowing for now, he was relieved.

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"I am, Liam replied, before sitting back down next to Rhys and Brandi and putting his arm around Rhys who responded by resting his head on Liam's shoulder, still the conversation between him and Brandi continued unchanged. "But, if it involves that football, count me out anyway." Liam wasn't really interested in sport, he'd never been able to be sporty growing up and he'd certainly never gotten into it since. Liam looked around the RV, suprised to see that they'd gotten to this stage all ready, almost everyone was drunk a decent portion of the people there were making out. He was suprised no one had done anything with his guitar, which he reached for with his free arm, just to keep it safe.

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"Hey Im Pretty Sober Two............Not Really But I Do Love Driving Cause Its Funny And Fun And It Makes Me Smiles And I Like It" . Natalie Said As Britney and Justin Begin Making Out Once Again. "OMG I Really Need Something To Drink..........How ABout A Peppermint Margarita" . Natalie Said As She Began Bar Tending In The Rather Small Kitchen In The Van, Drinking Her Drink Slowly And Happily As She Stumbled Around The Van, Spilling SOme Of Her Drink Near Rhys and Liam And Brandi. "Whoops Sorry Guys Im Kinda Dizzy" . Natalie Giggled Out Loud As She Stumbled And Fell After COnsuming The Entire Drink.

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Alex slapped his forehead. "Idiot, drinking before we even get on the road." He said, picking up the drunk Natalie & sat her in a seat, double belting her. "DO NOT, under any circumstance, let her near the controls of the car." He started the radio up. "Guys, we should finally get going." He then got a call. "TACO!" The voice blared. "Got you! I have five more to "Taco" now." Alex then hung up, with a WTF look on his face. He just yelled, "Time to depart!" And mumbled under his breath.

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OoC: Were Already On The Road Just At A Truck Stop Taking A Rest.


Natalie Had Easily Unbuckled Herself And Flipped Alex Onto The Floor. "Dont Worry Man Its Fine I Can So Totaly Drive This Airplane Its So Easy All You Gotta Do Is Just Make Sure You Dont Hit ANyone And Wipe The WIndshield Whenever We Hit A Bird" . Natalie Said As She Laughed And Then Suddenly Stopped, She Ran Over To A Garbage Can And She Began Puking Chunks Into It. "EWWWW SHE'S THROWING UP ITS GUNNA SMELL NASTY" . Britney Screamed After Looking Up From Justin, Whose Shirt Was Halfway Off Of Him.

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Alex facepalmed from the floor. "Note to self: Lock Natalie in the car next time & drive her myself." He muttered as he got up. He thought it was a good time as any to get food from the stop & take a whiz. He ran in, he really had to go. Skipping that part... Alex left the restroom, disgusted. That bathroom was half of a star out of 5, the sink, soap, & hand dry he liked. Just the atmosphere of the bathroom. He paid for a Mocha, 5 Cokes, & 6 bags of Potato Chips. Oh, & a batch of Crystal Light Tea Mix to add to Water. He was satisfied with his purchase, & went to hide all but the mocha. His mocha, pure bliss.

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Jecht looked at Britney who was screaming because of NAtalie and almost busted out laughing. "Well, that's what happens when we drink too much. We friggen puke, all over the bus and of course its very disgusting. " He said then stopped up his ears with his headphones, obviously done with listening to what they were saying. Jecht picked one of his favorite songs, [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC_Z-EPSVaI] Riot - Three Days Grace[/url], making sure to put the volume on its highest so everybody else could hear the song but he couldn't hear them, and layed back onto his bed, closing his eyes.
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"You know what, I'm driving. You guys are drunk as hell, and the sober people are trying to sleep or are just crazy." Jason pushed anyone in his way out of it, and sat down in the driver's seat. He looked back and sighed. Man, we need a bigger RV or something, this road trip has to many people on it. "Alright, if everyone is ready, I'll start driving. I got sunflower seeds and ome drinks. Don't worry no alcohol."

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Jecht couldn't hear Jason but was perfectly content with the loud rock of Three Days Grace. His breathing slowed as his muscles relaxed and his heart beat slowed. Then before he knew it he was sound asleep, with his feet hanging off the side of the cot, despite the fact that it wasn't dark outside yet, and that the bed was extremely uncomfortable. He was used to falling asleep at an early hour and waking up very early in the morning, while it was still dark out.

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"I'm sober, too dude." Spoke Alex, between sips of his mocha. He was delighted to see a sober one holding the wheel. "But I like you wanting to drive. All others are not really caring or drunk off their A**es. But I hid food & Drinks under everyone's seats. But sunflower seeds would be good." He grabbed a bag of sunflower seeds & popped one in his mouth, remembering when they were banned in 5th grade. He loved the salty taste, & saved some for later. He jammed them in his pocket. He started calling people into the RV. "And, you know, we need a bigger RV, or to kick some people off. But, where did you come from? I didn't see you-wait, I was KO'ed during most of the trip after Natalie's drunken rage."

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Rhys loved the sound of Riot, it was really his kind of music, he smiled brightly hearing it. Liam on the other hand prefered slower, more meaningful music but he could live with this. Brandi, however could not, it wasn't her thing at all and she was really quite annoyed by it. "Can someone turn that crap off!? Jecht is sleeping for funk's sake!" She protested, before reaching for her own iPod, which she knew, would help, but it probably wouldn't totally solve the problem. Liam made his way out of the RV, hoping that there would be flowers, or chocolates, something romantic, a nice surprise for Rhys, in the truck stop.

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Natalie Had Finally Stopped Puking And She Chugged Down A Bottle Of Tequila To Wash Out The Smell Of Throw Up. "Wow That Was Nasty.........Im Suddenly Really Hungry............Anyone Got SOme Beef Jerky Or Some Doritoes Or Some Cinnamon Buns Or Anything That Make's Me Feel Good" . Natalie Said As Britney and Drake Both Continued To Make Out While The Bathroom In The RV Began Flooding.

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Alex threw Natalie into another bathroom & put a padlock on the door. "How does the RV have two bathrooms?" He asked. He just didn't care, & just grabbed his laptop. He typed to his friends: "Day 2. Already locked someone in a bathroom, have stored snacks in many places around the RV. My first Mocha has already been sipped clean. Our first stop: A gas station, Anywhereville, Anywhere, USA. This has been Alex Ryder on the RV update." He finished, & pulled out his earphones. He plugged them into the laptop & listened to the music, with only the sound in his "phones".

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Natalie Angrily Began Kicking And Banging The Door With Her Fists. "ALEX WHEN I GET OUTTA HERE IM GUNNA THROW YOU OFF THIS RV AND I'LL MAKE SURE ITS INFRONT OF THE WHEELS AND IT WILL HURT ALOT" . Natalie Screamed As She Began Budging ON The Door Harder And Harder Until Their Was Complete Silence As Natalie Murmured Something About Killing Alex. "OH AND BY THE WAY YOU KNOW THAT MOCHA YOU HAD........I PEED ON IT SO HAH THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR LOCKING ME UP IN HERE" . Natalie Said As She Again Budged Against The Door.

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Alex did a spitake. "You gotta be kidding me." Alex threw the Mocha at a random guy. He sighed. "Besides, I have to go to the bathroom. Let me just finish this song." He then dashed for the door, threw the couple out, unlocked his padlock on the door, & slammed the door shut, locking it. He sat down with his laptop, a bag of chips, & a Coke. "Add-On: I just PO'ed a Drunk girl. I am SO screwed. HELP! GET ME OUT OF THIS HELL!" He typed. Life on the RV was hell. He yelled. "Wait, ONLY DAY 2 and i'm crazy. Wow."

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"Now Its Time For His Own Medicine" . Natalie Said As She Easily Locked The Bathroom With The Same Padlock That Alex Had Just Used A Few Moments Ago. Natalie Then Easily Took Her Place Back In The Van At The Drivers Seat With A Beer As She Happily CHugged It Down With Quick Ease And Happiness. "Its So Awesome To Co-Own This RV" . Natalie Said As Britney And Justin Casually Got Off Their Shared Bunk And Easily Sat Down Near Rhys and Liam. "Well When Are We Gunna Get Started And Get OUtta Here Cause Im Kinda Bored Right Now" . Britney Said As Justin Nuzzled Her Neck Affectionately.

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Alex had prepared for this, so he has brought a knife in here. He slipped it through the doorcrack & sliced it open, freeing himself. "We good? I did that because you were not fit to drive. And I don't wanna die today." He told Natalie his explanation. He smiled & offered her a snack: A bag of chips & a coke. Of course, he grabbed the Tequila bottle. "Please Natalie, stop. Drink moderately." He poured it into a shotglass & handed it to Natalie. "I'll give you more when the chips are finished." He turned around & sat in his seat.


OOC: Is there a TV in the RV?

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OoC: SUre Their Is


Natalie Took The Chips And The Tequila Shot And Chugged Ut Down With A Happy Shiver. "Ahh I Love Tequila It Makes Me Kinda Sleepy Though..............." . Natalie Said As She Was Suddenly Knocked Out SNoring, She Fell Off The Seat And Slammed Into The Ground Of The RV. "She Does Get Knocked Out When She Drinks Alot" . Britney and Justin Said In Unison. They Both Looked At Each Other And Ended Up Laughing At Each Other AT The Same Time.

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Jecht quickly threw the headphone out of his ears, awakened by Natalie's screaming. He glared at the both of them annoyed from being wakened from his sleep and almost snapped. "Just let her drink as she pleases. She won't drive, you won't drink. Also if she doesn't throw you off the van, I will. So both of you just shut the f*** up!" He said almost yelling near the ending of his rant. He felt a bit embarressed from his "episode" but just hoped they would just be quiet now.

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