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K-ON!! Season 2

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What? Not thread for it? Or am I just making a dube thread?


...Either way, live with it.


Anyways, K-ON's season 2 have been released for two weeks now, and I have to say, it's going quite comfertably.


Again we have the same feeling of the original K-ON season; lighthearted, cute, and mostly about friendship. I don't think much has changed in this anime, besides new episode topics and the extra exclamation point xD


But even still, K-ON still holds it's gold of funny~


And Mio <33


Not much music has been released yet, so I can't really tell between good or bad, but between the OP and ED, I love the ED. The OP is way to fast paced and doesn't hold what the first OP had D:


Though, I beleive "Listen!" can stand up to "Don't Say Lazy".


Any thoughts? Discuss.

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