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[==TLF now an official YCM club - Join now and get 40points!!!==]


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Right. TLF, if some people didnt know is The Legend Forum. We would recomend joining the forum before joining this club. So what is so good about TLF? TLF is where most of the best YCM members gather up and post. We so far have over 70 members and hope that some more of the very best will join us. FOr anyone who has joined TLF and still thought that it was down, well it is now back up and running!!! We hope to see you join this club and the forum. What else do we do on TLF? We have many clubs and games on there and also have a big laugh most of the time.



[spoiler=the link to the site]




[spoiler=app to join club]

Name -

Have You Joined TLF -

why have you joined the club -




Leaders - MK Nightwalker Bakura kakashi

co leaders - Zeonark s scyire darkmark

senior members -

junior members - Tomtekorv

newbie -





all YCM rules apply

-no spamming

- no flaming

- no trolling

- no over 18 content

the strike system

1 strike by your name (MK l) - your club warn will be 50%

2 strike 2 by your name (MK ll) - you will recive a nuetral rep and a week ban from the club

3 strike 3 by your name (MK lll) - you will recive a negative rep and a week ban

4 a line through your name - you will be perminantly banned form this club and recive 2 negative reps. IF you post again after this warning you will recive another negative rep and be reported to a moderator to have you banned permanately.

If you become a nice member and have recived two ro three strikes we may lower your warn level and delete the negative reps





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Guest Zeonark



Name: Zeo/Zoe

Have You Joined TLF: YES.

why have you joined the club: Because I'm one sexy Legend.

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