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Chaos Impact™

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Welcome to the YCM Police Department!

Let's just keep this simple. i don't like people spaming, swearing using abusive language and sex references. and some people don't know what to do. because sometimes people can get away with things. so if anyone is doind anything that is bad please contact me or any other members which will updated every week by PM all things will be confidentual and will not be reveled to anyone outside the YMC P.D.

all members will have to pass a hard test so you can be asured that we will have the best working for us and you.

we will ask for your opinion on our work.

who ever serves you will be asked to be given either a...

positive rep for good services

nutreial rep for o.k services

negative rep for bad services

all members will be given two chances and if they resieve two neative reps they will have to do the test again.

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