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Evil Hero Neos' Guide to MSE. Screenshot's included!

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[align=center]Welcome to my guide to MSE, I hope to cover everything there is to know about it from beginner to advanced.


- [spoiler=1. Introduction] MSE is a program designed to make sets of cards, including Yu-Gi-Oh! It features everything that the Card Maker here has, but includes Dark Synchros, Token Monsters, God cards and Legendary Dragons. It includes very HQ rare effects, including Parallel Rares and Gold Ultra Rares.



- [spoiler=2. Putting your YCM cards to MSE]


Unfortunately, after I have been searching for the past half hour, there doesn't seem to be a way to directly import your YCM cads to MSE. This is because MSE works in a different way, even if you save your YCM card as .mse set. So we'll have to do it the long way.


Open your card in YCM.


Now open MSE. Click 'Create New Set', the click on Yu-Gi-Oh! and then on standard.




- [spoiler=2.1 The background colour] To change the colour of the card to the card you made on YCM, just simply click on the background of the card and and chose which one you want.



- [spoiler=2.2 Name, type and effect, ATK/DEF, date/creator and Serial] One real simple answer to this: Copy-Pasta! Click on where you want to past, it should highlight it in blue. For subtypes, MSE is lousy, so you have to put /Effect after the type. Like this: TYPEspace/spaceSUBTYPE.

I had Dark Synchro after my type, so the same rule as above applies.


For the serial number,ATK/DEF, date and creator, as above, just copy-paste. Don't bother with the circulation, it kinda kills it. In MSE, it doesn't let us make our own set ID's. so just leave that.







- [spoiler=2.3 Attribute, pic and rarity]

The attribute is simple. Just click on the empty space where the attribute normally is, the chose whichever attribute you want from the list. The pic, is, well... self-explanatory xD


For the rarity of the card, click on the Sticker in the bottom right corner.






- [spoiler=2.4 Stars]


For the level stars, slick on where the stars are normally, and hold down SHIFT, while pressing 8 for the amount of time of stars you have.



- [spoiler=2.5 Finishing of and saving]


Go to File>Export>Card Image and save as .PNG!!!!!!!


Ta-Da! You're finished card!:









- [spoiler= 3]Coming soon!



- [spoiler= 4]Coming soon!




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Actually changing the text makes the cards looks more realistic which is pretty good....


And it is not really hard to do....

Pretty much all you have to do is go to:

C:\Program Files\Magic Set Editor 2\data\yugioh-standard.mse-style


The find the file: Style


open it in a text block...and replace this part of code


	############################# Name line
	left: 35
	top : 30
	width: 254
	height: 40
	alignment: middle shrink-overflow
	padding bottom: 0
	z index: 2
		name: MatrixRegularSmallCaps
		size: 25
			script: if card.rarity=="rare" then rgb(180,216,214)
			else if card.rarity=="secret rare" then rgb(223,238,169)
			else if card.rarity=="promo" then rgb(134,252,245)
			else if card.rarity=="ultra rare" then rgb(153,132,77)
			else if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then rgb(153,132,77)
			else if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then rgb(216,199,53)
			else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then rgb(216,199,53)
			else if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
			else if is_nmonster() then rgb(255,255,255)
			else rgb(0,0,0)


Copying this code and replacing it with the original one, then closing the text block ans saving, if you have the font the text would look like this and I personally enhanced some of the colors for the rarity effect.


The result is something like this.




Promo Rarity


Also Holos sheets are costumeable we shall try to get a good Secret Rare and Ultimate rare one

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You are welcome


How'd you do the text? It's frakkin awesome.



And thanks for the tut EHN!


@Daedalus Btw' date=' I have signature secret rare and ultimate rare holoing techniques.







btw the text is mostly changing the code so it uses the correct font which needs to be installed in your fontz and then modified the code of the program AGAIN so I can choose the colors of the fontz...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest JoshIcy

Spoilers deter a kid friendly tutorial. Having it all spread out at once is far easier access, and they coming into a thread/book in this case makes it more tedious to read.


How would you like it if every book you read, had a pop-out tag to every little explanation instead of being able to easily skim read it? Yeah... Not a good idea is it?


@Starfire: Click the insert tab while typing out the cards actual type. And it'll show you all the shortcuts.

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Spoilers deter a kid friendly tutorial. Having it all spread out at once is far easier access' date=' and they coming into a thread/book in this case makes it more tedious to read.


How would you like it if every book you read, had a pop-out tag to every little explanation instead of being able to easily skim read it? Yeah... Not a good idea is it?


@Starfire: Click the insert tab while typing out the cards actual type. And it'll show you all the shortcuts.



Yeah I found it, thanks dude.

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