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Making us look bad.

Luna Diviner

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All over youtube people are making cards that are pretty n00bish and everyone is like,"How did you make that ?" and stuff and their saying things like its great but really those cards pretty much suck as if we have bad grammar and all we can do is make cards and it doesn't matter if their good or bad we are still ,experts or whatever.


I don't know if I should have posted this in the youtube notable video topic but as I didn't have a video to show I guess not.

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Don't fear, Twilight is here.


I am going to design a video of 50 cards, designed by the members. Then, I am going to post it on Youtube. You can post in the contest thread.

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Not really no-offence but most of the bad cardmakers aren't active members they come and go [No offence to bad cardmakers] so when the people on youtube want to make joke cards thats all the will do ' date='I doubt they will post the cards.



I saw some ppl on youtube who are interested in making cards... Unfortunately it just adds up to more inactive members and more "joke" cards

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