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Yu gi oh, Spacial duels (accepting)

Grunt Issun

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What do you get when you have card games, holograms, bad guys, and throw in epic galactic battles? This RP.


Its a yugioh (duh) RP where your about 1000, 2000 years into the future, on a space dueling station. However Space Pirate Duelists are rampaging agianst you. You must travel through space, duel space pirates and unlock the secrets of the mysterious space key that i just now made up.


Charecter App:





Pirate or hero (most pirates get a smaller part then the preset ones)






Rules: normal YCM rules

DONT USE PICTURES FOR APEARANCE!!!: seriously, dont be too lazy to type a few lines

Make sure each post has at least 4 lines: NO SHORTPOSTING OR WE WILL BE LOCKED!!!


ok my app

Name Jake

Age 12

Deck Warrior deck

Gender Male

Pirate or hero Hero

Bio He was born on the space station, imediatly submiting him to the dueling aspect. At the age of 6 he started dueling with his fathers deck of old warrior cards from over 1000 years ago. When his father died in a duel atop a floating platform, Jake vowed to eliminate the pirate that killed his father, with his fathers own cards.

Apearance: short messy blond hair. short for his age. deep blue eyes. very pale skin (what do you expect your in outer space) Wears mainly double shirts (long sleve under short sleve) and black pants. has a belt where he keeps his dads warrior deck safe.

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my app:

Name: Cpt. M (Matthew) Tucker

Age: 19

Deck: Sea-Serpent

Gender: Male

Side: Pirate

Bio: His father was the original captain of the Pirate Space-Ship, the Forsaken. But a year ago, he disappeared. He was told by crew members that he had been captured by the space police. Although many experienced members of the crew wished to become captain, his father's will intervened and made him captain due to the ship can only be commanded by a family member. He has since been advised by crew members on tasks which he is in unexperienced in.

Appearance: Blonde hair, roughly styled into something somewhat presentable, he wears a black jacket with red decals. Rough jeans with a deck box hung around them. He never likes to employ the stereotypical pirate style

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