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Pokemon Snap


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Sorry if this thread has already been made before. Or if it isn't even allowed.


I just watched some videos of Pokemon Snap last night and I remembered I used to have it for the Nintendo 64. It was probably one of the most stupidest games I have ever played, yet one of the most addicting. I forgot how fun the game was.


However, I was slightly disappointed at the number of pokemon in this game, only 63 or something like that. It would be cool if they made a more up-to-date one. I know it'll never happen, but it would still be cool.


So does anyone remember this game? Discuss I guess. I forgot, but can't you buy it for the Wii on the Wii's Virtual Console or whatever it is called?[/align]

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I <3 this game.


In the forest area, if you throw a Pester Ball at one of the Metapods to have it fall down, and then you turbo into it, the car gets stuck on the Metapod for a few minutes.


You can use that to get some good shots ;)


.....Or just photos of a solid green screen

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I never understood the Porygon aspect to this game:


(aside from throwing Pester Balls at it)


I hated missing all of the key points like making a Gyarados and a Dragonite.



Since while your doing it' date=' you miss like [i']EVERYONE[/i] oprotunity to get snapshots of all the other Pokemon.

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I'd love to hit charmeleon into a pit of lava again' date=' but a remake or sequel for snap is about as likely as a remake or sequel to [b']the trading card game[/b], They might make one, they might not but only time will tell.


They should totally do a new TCG as well.

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I could never get a decent shot of Mew. I usually struggled to get Flying Pikachu as well


Mew I got a lot of decent pictures of. It took me about two hours, but I got it down perfect. I don't remember a Flying Pikachu, though.


I still have this for my N64. :P Fun game.

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