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Okay so i don't know if this is in the correct section and i will immideately lock it i just need a good Deck suggestion.Okay but this may be a little tricky since i need a Deck that combines or resolves around Lightsworn cards.Well it's tricky because they screwed up Lightsworn pretty bad and i really put a lot of work in that Deck and i just don't want to end up selling my Lightsworn Cards including Judgment Dragon and Honest.So please if you can help me build a different version of Lightsworns or something i would really appreciate it.

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I didn't say they are completely bad but with 1 Lumina,1 Charge and 2 Honest i'm not used to it.Ususally i am used to Special Summoning 2 Monsters in the first turn and now i can't do that.With the ban list my Lightsworn Deck can't compete with the other Meta Decks they play at my locals like Blackwing,Gladiator Beast and Dark Synchro.

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