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Valon Armor Contest

David Blaze

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Every duel monsters fan that has seen Waking The Dragons knows who Valon is. And that his whole deck is filled with armor cards. I'm gonna make a custom armor pack, and I need some new ideas. So I wanna see what you got here are the rules:


1. Finshed cards only


2. Either the card must be a Armor card or is related to a Armor card.


3. Must be realistic (Not too powerful, and has ups & downs)


4. Username must be put on the card


There will be 4 1st place winners; 1 for the normal monsters, 1 effect, 1 trap, and 1 spell. 4 Runner-ups, and 4 3rd place winners.


The 4 Grand prize winners will have their card or 4 cards custom made into the armor pack I am making. And when my shop finishes the whole pack you'll receive it free. 4 runner ups will have their cards made & will recieve one Valon The Armored Champion when the card is finshed & one 5 card pack with it. 3rd place will have their cards made.

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