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RP Subforum Purpose Poll - Please Read!

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Which route should the RP subforum take?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which route should the RP subforum take?

    • Option 1 - Basic vs. Advanced
    • Option 2 - OOC and Planning
    • Option 3 - Other

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I feel we ran well enough on the tag-system. The two sub-forums would just be a more efficent method of dividing the rping section. However' date=' most of the mods are in the favor of the advanced clause, and that isn't exacitally fair...



Mods enjoy the advanced clause, because it gives the section order. Without it, the section has a good chance to fall into chaos.

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Assumingly as soon as Pizza irons out all the details in the thread it's being discussed in. Since us non-mods can't see said thread, we should probably just be patient. Changes like this take time, after all.


Wonder if there's a chance we'll be separated from the Fanfiction section at the same time... nah, that might be too much to hope for.

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When I first read this thread, I was in favour of the OOC thread, but I've changed my mind. I thing a basic/advance split would be good, so long as the basic forum still had rules on things like spelling and grammar. I don't see a problem with short posts (except if short posts are against the rules, as they are, in which case the problem is they break the rules, but I digress), but I'd rather have 1-2 lines in decent English as opposed to:



(Insert that line across the post that I don't know how to do because I never needed to nor wanted to)

Gary pwnd the noob in just 1 turn cuz he was a noob


Or something of that nature. (Incidental, I found it rather difficult to get the errors in there, since I'm so used to using the correct spelling and grammar I had to fight my insticnts.) I guess that even if the rules were there, then they probably wouldn't be enforced as the others, but I still think a basic forum should be aiming to get the new RP's to advanced level. When I first got here I'd already RP'd on another site, with no minimums, so I had more practice than perhaps many people do, but as I recall even then I wasn't posting exclusively 1-2 line posts.


So, in summary: Basic vs Advance is probably more useful, but only if it has standards.

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I would want it to have the old rules, so


"I activate 'Blast Held by a Tribute' for game!" Jake shouted.


Jake:I activate Blast Held by a Tribute for game!

would be fine, BUT

jake:i acvtiv8 BHbaT 4 game! Cya l8r!

Wouldn't be fine.


That's how it should work..

With Advanced being the full-fledged clause.

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Guest Tainted Black

Personally, I say Advanced and Basic be split. I say that because, while I will stay in advanced for the most part, newer members might need to start at Basic and not get warned/banned/negged for posting too little in Advanced RPs. They will surely move up, eventually, but giving it time is wise, or so I feel.


NOTE: I am not saying script format. That should be banned.


I also think Basic should have a small sentence limit, like... 4 REAL sentences, rather than lines. That way we don't have:


Bob kicked a ball.

Bob saw something shiny and went to it

He picked up the object

It was a Quarter.


It is sad how much this is seen in RPs to fit "4 Lines".


This is More acceptable-


Bob was kicking a Ball as he went home from school. When he kicked it, the ball hit a shiny object on the side of the road. Bob went to the object and, upon picking it up, found it was a quarter. He then imagined what he could do with it.


That is short, but it is what basic could have.

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I like options 1 AND 2, but I voted for Advanced/Basic. Too many people can't keep up with advanced clause standards. People posting only 3 lines, not describing enough in posts. Planning and OOC would be good, but for those who are not as good at planning, they wouldn't be able to get their RPs up. I voted for Advanced/Basic, since planning and OOC could be done more elaborately on another thing, such as chatango or MSN. Who knows rlly. That, and it would seperate the lazy noobs or just people without enough time to post long posts (rlly just lazy noobs. I just wanna try to be nice to those lazy noobs so I said "people without enough time to post long posts") from the advanced members who want to RP with people at their level, not noobs. Planning and OOC are great, but only for people who want a long, lasting RP, which might not be the case for some (IDK why) and like I said, maybe people could find a way to do planning another way. Chatango has always been able to solve any problems I've had with multiple people trying to talk and plan at the same time with each other.


Edit: I guess ppl new to RPing would want to start basic too, so not just lazy noobs (but there still are a lot of ppl who AREN'T new to RPing, and they ARE lazy noobs cuz they can't post more than 3 lines)

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I also think Basic should have a small sentence limit' date=' like... 4 REAL sentences, rather than lines. That way we don't have:


Bob kicked a ball.

Bob saw something shiny and went to it

He picked up the object

It was a Quarter.


It is sad how much this is seen in RPs to fit "4 Lines".


This is More acceptable-


Bob was kicking a Ball as he went home from school. When he kicked it, the ball hit a shiny object on the side of the road. Bob went to the object and, upon picking it up, found it was a quarter. He then imagined what he could do with it.


That is short, but it is what basic could have.



Yes, that is great idea. Basic should have a little limit, like 2 real sentences. 4 still might be basic but still, newer people should start out with a very little limit.

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