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Empire Tournament-Temporarily not Accepting / On Hold Until Duel Finish


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Okay here is my Card for the 7th Task.


[spoiler=Numbers of Fate]NumbersofFate.jpg

Lore:This card can only be activated when you control a "Light Brigade" monster and an opponent's monster declares and Attacks. Roll a Dice. If the Number is 2, 4, 5 or 6, discard 1 Card from your hand. If the number is 1 or 3, destroy the Attacking monster and inflict Damage to your opponent equal to its ATK.


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Okay here is my Card for the 7th Task:


[spoiler=Dead Protection Field]DeadProtectionField.jpg

Lore:This card can only be activated when a "Dead" monster you control battles a non-DARK monster. Send 1 "Dead" monster from your Deck to your Graveyard. "Dead" monsters you control cannot be destroyed by Battle.


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[spoiler=Card #7]


[spoiler= Lore]

Send the top 2 cards of your deck to the graveyard. Pay 1800 Life Points. Negate the activation of a Monster Effect, Spell card, or Trap card and destroy it. If the destroyed card was not an "Elf" monster card your opponent takes 300 damage and you gain 300 Life Points.



[spoiler=Image Credit goes to...]

Credit for the picture goes to Alcander

Where the picture was found - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-172370-page-1.html?]





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Activate this card when a Zombie-Type monster you control is removed from your side of the field by an enemy attack, card effect, Spell or Trap. Special Summon the removed monster back on your side of the field and increase its ATK by 500.


March, Zombies, March!

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7th Card




[spoiler=Lore]Activate this card when you activate a Spell or Trap Card when you control 2 or more face-up Gemini-Type monsters. If your opponent controls monsters, halve the ATK of all face-up Gemini-Type monsters you control until the End Phase. All Gemini-Type monsters whose ATK was halved by the effect of this card can attack your opponent Directly during the turn this card was activated.


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Counter to shradow's



Lore: When this card is successfully activated you must Tribute one "Elemental Hero" monster on your side of the field. Destroy all Gemini-Type monsters on your opponent's side of the field.




Lore: This card can only be activated during you or your opponent's Main Phase 1. Destroy a Spell or Trap card that specifically designates 1 "Elemental Hero" monster you control. You can also select on monster on your side of the field and your opponent's side of the field. Destroy both monsters. If one of the destroyed monsters was an "Elemental Hero" monster gain 500 Life Points. If both of the destroyed monsters were "Elemental Hero" monsters, skip your opponents next 2 Draw Phases.

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here is my cards:



My footsoldier:






Long Range:




My Spell:




I think you should have an emperor(s) as well, so here are mine:


effect:This card is sent back to the Extra deck at the end of the turn. When this card is summoned via sychro, negate all card effects on the field (excluding this card). When this card is summoned, you may return all cards in the opponents Trap/Spell zone to their hand. When this card is removed from the field, you may add 1 Ancient Fairy Dragon from your Graveyard to your Extra Deck.




effect:This monster must return to the Extra Deck at the end of the turn it is summoned. This card can negate the effect of 1 card on the field. When this monster is Synchro summoned successfully, you can destroy all cards on the field (excluding this card). This card gains 250 ATK for every card destroyed by this effect.

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