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Empire Tournament-Temporarily not Accepting / On Hold Until Duel Finish


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I would like to join up to and including Task 9 (I haven't posted yet).


[spoiler=Task 1]


Increase the ATK and DEF of all "Spore" Plant-Type monsters on the field by 400, and all "Spore" monsters in your hand and Deck have their Level reduced by 1.



[spoiler=Task 2]


You may Special Summon this card from your hand or Deck by Tributing 2 face-up "Spore Tokens" from your side of the field. When this card is removed from the field, Special Summon 2 "Spore Tokens" (Plant-Type/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 500/DEF 500).



[spoiler=Task 3]


When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, randomly discard 1 card from their hand.



[spoiler=Task 4]


Place 1 Spore Counter on this card whenever someone Summons a monster. Increase the ATK and DEF of all "Spore" monsters by 200 for each Spore Counter on this card. You can Tribute this card to Summon a monster from your hand with a Level equal to or less than the number of Spore Counters on this card when it was Tributed.



[spoiler=Task 5]


Once per turn, this card can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. If no Spell, Trap or Monster Card on your opponent's side of the field is in the same column as this card, it can attack your opponent directly.



[spoiler=Task 6]

I wish to counter Psycholera's Zombieville empire.


Destroy 1 face-up "Spore" or "Fungus" monster you control and 1 Zombie-Type monster your opponent controls.



[spoiler=Task 7]


Increase the ATK or DEF of 1 "Spore" or "Fungus" monster you control by 400.



[spoiler=Task 8]


This card is also treated as a Plant-Type monster. Once per turn, you may Special Summon 1 "Fungus Token" (Plant-Type/EARTH/Level 2/ATK 700/DEF 700) to your side of the field.



[spoiler=Task 9]


This card can be Tribute Summoned with only 1 "Spore" or "Fungus" monster. Increase the ATK of this card by 300 for each "Spore" and "Fungus" card in your hand. Increase the DEF of all "Spore" and "Fungus" monsters by 200.



Not really sure how this will go...

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I will, but I would prefer to duel in a thread than via PM, as it will help me to learn how to duel over the internet (something I have never done before). Also, I'm not actually very good at duelling at all, since I have not duelled for 4 or 5 years, and have no interest in re-starting. For me, this site is a site for individual cards (or sets) made using the card maker, with no duelling involved. Don't get me wrong, I'm only too happy to duel, but I want it to be in a thread, and I may well not be very good.

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[spoiler=Lore]When a Machine-type Monster is destroyed by battle, remove it from play. During the End Phase of a turn your Machine-type Monster is destroyed by battle, you can Special Summon Machine-type Monsters from your removed from play zone who's combined levels are equal or less then the combined levels of the all Machine-Type destroyed by battle this turn.



[spoiler=Lore]When a level 5 or higher Machine-type is destroyed increase this cards ATK by the level of the destroyed monster x100 during the End Phase. When this card is destroyed Special Summon a Machine-type Monster from your Graveyard, it gains 800 ATK.


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Do not start duels yourself. To start duels' date=' you will need to have 2 E.P.[/b'] I repeat, it costs 2 E.P. to start a duel. A random person each week will get to choose to duel first (I will inform them by PM), if they do not want to duel, the choice then goes onto another person. After that duel of the week is finished, you can start to PM me to start a duel with someone else. This is the format for a week. It repeats the next week.




You didn't give me any E.P.

In fact, I seem not to exist to you(even though I've been posting for a long time !):mad::mad::mad::mad:

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