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Evolutionize (A Pokemon Evolution Contest) UPDATE. PLEASE READ THE FIRST POST, BOLDED.


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Here is a challenge I propose with the upcoming Black and White Pokemon games:


Choose one to three Pokemon you think deserve an evolution, and write out a Pokedex description of it, and post it here. Describe whether it evolves through stone, friendship, trade (with or without item), or basic leveling. Be sure to be very specific (include, weight, height, type, likes and dislikes, abilities, natures, base stats, movesets, and learnable TMs and HMS.).


I will allow two other judges to join me, and up to 15 people to enlist. You can choose a Pokemon already chosen, otherwise, it wouldn't be as interesting would it?


The winner will receive two reps from each judge.

1.) Lost Legend

[spoiler=Bullros]My Pokemon will be the evolution of Tauros. And will be called Bullros.

Tauros evolves into Bullros through Friendship.

Weight: 250.9 lbs.

Height: 4'87".

Type: Normal, Ground.

Likes: Bitter, Smart, Spicy and Tough Poffins.

Dislikes: Sour, Sweet and Dry Poffins.

Abilities: Intimidate and Rivalry.

Natures: Brave and Careful.


2.) Marsuvees Black

[spoiler=My 3 Evos][spoiler=Sableye Evo]

Pokemon's Name: Fureux (Fur-euh) (Fur=Sable + Yeux=Eyes)

Pokemon's Type: Dark/Ghost

Rarity: Rare

Description of appearance: Like Sableye, but about 2 feet Taller. Looks like it has fur growing off Joints and the sides of it's head. Is Black with Deep Purple Gems all over its body and a long tail (Shorter if Female) with a diamond, surrounded by puffed fur, on the end. Also, its eyes are a Sapphire on the right, and a ruby on the left. Its claws are more prevalent, and they are grey from the knuckle to tip.

Level Pokemon evolves: From Sableye when leveled up in Dark Cave (In Johto).

Pokedex Entry: 570

The Dark Fur Pokemon


Weight: 75.3 lbs.

Height: 3'10

Abilities: Keen Eye or Super Luck

Base Stats:

HP: 80

Atk: 110

Def: 90

Spd: 95

SpA: 100

SpD: 90

Likes: Darkness, Gyms, Soft earth/sand

Dislikes: Sun or any light, People, life.



[spoiler=Dunsparce Evo]

Pokemon's Name: Valnoko (Valuable AKA Rare + Tsuchinoko, which Dunsparce is based on.)

Pokemon's Type: Normal/Poison

Rarity: Very Rare

Description of appearance: Similar to Dunsparce, but Longer and much more Serpentine. The wings grow larger, proportionally, and get a purple tint. It is not as fat as it used to be, and it's drill tail is longer and slender. It's mouth stays the same, as does the rest of its face, save it slenders. Also, its eyes open a slit, and it has deep purple, serpentine eyes. Needs to stay somewhat moist, or it has trouble moving.

Level Pokemon evolves: From Dunsparce when leveled up in a swamp (Such as near Pastoria).

Pokedex Entry: 573

The Basilisk Pokemon


Weight: 89.7 lbs.

Height: 7'5

Abilities: Serene Grace

Base Stats:

HP: 175

Atk: 100

Def: 95

Spd: 85

SpA: 90

SpD: 90

Likes: Swamps, Tall grass, small rodents.

Dislikes: Salt Water, Birds, and deserts.



[spoiler=Torkoal evo]

Pokemon's Name: Cooturst (Coot=Old person/Cooter=Turtle + Burst)

Pokemon's Type: Fire

Rarity: Very Rare

Description of appearance: A White shelled turle with slots in its shell. It is rather large. Its skin is tan, rather than red-brown. It also has what appears to be white hair under its head. Its eyes are wrinkled looking and shut tight. Otherwise, it looks like a larger Torkoal.

Level Pokemon evolves: From Torkoal with Lv. Up with an Everstone in the front three slots of the bag

Pokedex Entry: 577

The Elder Turtle Pokemon


Weight: 175 lbs

Height: 3'2

Abilities: White Smoke

Base Stats:

HP: 75

Atk: 105

Def: 170

Spd: 20

SpA: 105

SpD: 80

Likes: Hot springs, anywhere hot, Sleeping, Not moving.

Dislikes: Water except hot springs, fast paced anything, daytime.




3.) Clair

[spoiler=Luvphrodite / Oreon]

Pokemon's Name: Luvphrodite

Pokemon's Type: Water

Rarity: None (Evolve from Luvdisc)

Level Pokemon evolves: Luvdisc (Happiness = Day)


Infatuation Pokemon


Weight: 56.0 lbs.

Height: 4'10"

Abilities: Swift Swim

Base Stats:

HP: 70

Atk: 55

Def: 96

Spd: 130

SpA: 60

SpD: 96

Likes: Love, Spying on young Swimmers, the water, happiness

Dislikes: Sadness, loveless or dark places


Notable new moves


- Baton Pass

- Calm Mind

- Lovely Kiss

- Sing


Pokemon's Name: Oreon

Pokemon's Type: Steel

Rarity: None

Level Pokemon evolves: Eevee (Trade + Metal Coat)


Iron Pokemon


Weight: 119.0 lbs.

Height: 2'01"

Abilities: Clear Body

Base Stats:

HP: 95

Atk: 105

Def: 130

Spd: 60

SpA: 55

SpD: 95

Likes: Cities, Caves

Dislikes: Fire, Hotness, Coldness

Notable New Moves:


-16 Metal Claw

-36 Iron Head

-42 Iron Defense

-47 Gyro Ball

-52 Meteor Mash



4.) Stardust Wyvern


Name: Ardih

Types: Poison/Water

Weight: 700 lbs

Height 13'5''

Abilities: Hydrahead (yes one word). When this pokemon takes supereffective damage, its attack raises equal to one fourth it's current attack.

Nature: Rash, Adamant, Lonely

Evolution: Level up Arbok in water or trade while holding Snake's Backbone (slightly raises attack of Ekans and Arbok if held)

Description: A five headed Snake, a paler, more blue coloring than Arbok. It looks really rubbery, but somehow it seems as if when you look at it closely, you can see inside of it, and it looks like its filled with purple poison. It has really long teeth and long tongues. The middle head has the head of a cobra, but it is a thin, king cobra type head.


5.) Eurynome [spoiler=Abbio]Got bored. :/


Name: Abbio [Ab = Away From / Bio = Life]

Type: Dark/Psychic

Evolves From: Absol via Dusk Stone at Night after Lv30.

Abilities: Super Luck and Pressure.

Height: 4'7''

Weight: 231.4lbs



- Dark Pulse

- Scratch

- Razor Wind

4 Leer

9 Taunt

12 Quick Attack

17 Razor Wind

20 Pursuit

25 Swords Dance

28 Bite

30 Psycho Boost

34 Perish Song

39 Fissure

39 Sheer Cold

39 Guillotine

43 Night Slash

47 Psycho Cut

52 Sucker Punch

58 Horn Drill

62 Megahorn

66 Future Sight

71 Detect

71 Protect

75 Earthquake

75 Thunder

75 Eruption

75 Surf


awaiting Pokedex entry description


6.) adhdguitar

[spoiler=Plenareon]Plenareon(Comes from plenary, meaning complete)

Evolves from: Eevee, when leveled up with maximum E'Vs, while holding a Lucky Egg.

(The Lucky Egg is destroyed)


Description: Like Eevee, only bigger, more majestic looking, and with a calm look. Has razor sharp claws and teeth that are always retracted when not fighting. Its fur has a black sheen at night but is brown during the day.


Type: Normal


Ability: Completeness (Stat changes do not affect Plenareon)


Pokedex Entry: Plenareon is the ultimate evolution of Pokemon, and has only been revealed after years of research. It excels in all forms of combat.


Likes: Smart, Dry and Bitter Poffin

Dislikes: Sweet, Sour and Spicy Poffin


Height: 3'1

Weight: 112 lbs.


Natures: (I wasn't aware that natures are Pokemon specific), if they are,

Docile and Serious



HP: 100

Attack: 95

Defense: 85

Sp. Attack: 95

Sp. Defense: 85

Speed: 95


New Attack, learned on level 49

Ki Strike:





Effect: Not effected by type



Tail Whip-

Quick Attack-

Sand Attack-8



Body Slam-29


Baton Pass-43

Ki Strike-49


Swords Dance-50

Hyper Beam-57

Giga Impact-64



Learnable TM/HMS

TM4-Calm Mind



TM8-Bulk Up


TM15-Hyper Beam

TM16-Light Screen




TM23-Iron Tail




TM30-Shadow Ball

TM32-Double Team


TM40-Aerial Ace



TM43-Secret Power




TM48-Skill Swap


TM65-Shadow Claw



TM68-Giga Impact

TM75-Swords Dance

TM77-Psyche Up

TM82-Sleep Talk

TM83-Natural Gift

TM86-Grass Not





HM6-Rock Smash

HM8-Rock Climb


7.) Death Seeker- Delano

[spoiler=Amorany / Megapedo / Flanithe]Name Amorany

Evolves from Skarmory at lv 40

Type: Steel/Flying


description: has a silver body(similar to skamory) bigger wings with steel pionts on the top of the wing and the head is wider and the body is longer. Basically looks like a bigger skamory


pokedex entry

The Spike Bird Pokemon


weight 224 lbs

height 6'


likes: Mountains and high places

dislikes fire and spicy food

abilities Battle armor and keen eye


natures Impish




HP 80

ATK 100

DEF 200

Sp. ATK 50

Sp. Def 85

Spd 85


name: Megapedo

Evolves from Sharpedo when water stone is used

type: Water/Dark


description: A MUCH larger version of sharpedo. has a long body with a shark tail(yes he has a tail now ). the X on its head is replaced with a V. its color is a navy blue color.


classifaction: Large Shark Pokemon


Weight: 250.8lbs

height 40 FT


likes: Deep Water, spicy and sour flavored food,

dislikes: land, shallow water, fresh water

abilities: Rough Skin

Natures: Adamant and Jolly



HP 90

ATK 160

DEF 55

Sp. ATK 120

Sp. Def 55

Spd 120

Name: Flanithe

Evolves from Arcanine when leveled up at volcano location(Mt. Stark, firey path etc.)

type: Fire/Dark


description: a red dog with black stripes and a black firey mane and tail. it is slightily bigger than arcanine and breaths black flames instead of red flames.


Classificiation: The Black Flame Pokemon


Weight: 360.5 lbs

Height: 6'06


likes: Hot places like volcanoes. likes spicy foods

dislikes: cold places and dry and sweet foods



Flash fire & Intimate

Natures: Lonely Hasty and Mild




HP 110

ATK 180

DEF 90

SP. ATK 160

Sp. DEF 90

Spd 115


8.) Icyblue

[spoiler=Pressurix]Name: Pressurix (crappy name I know xD)

Type: Fire/Steel | Evolves From: Steelix (Use Firestone after Level 50)

Abilities: Clear Body or Flame Body

Height: 60'07'' | Weight: 2300lbs

- A Pokemon of extreme solitude, it is a Steelix that has undergone extreme pressure by spending years of time beneath the earths crust. Such to the point where it retains it's steel qualities but has become molten in the process. Much to it's nature it does not eat or drink, and not unlike a worm it will engulf the soil around itself to survive.

- Though not volatile this Pokemon is very to itself. Though this does not help it as since becoming molten it's size has increased double, and it's weight enough to the point where it cannot be contained safely inside a Pokeball. As a result, a Pressurix may appear to emit clouds of fire when moody.












1.) Ĩ¢ε

2.) DarkMark


The end date is next Tuesday, April 20th, 2010. If you'd like to be a judge, PM me.


Have fun!

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My Pokemon will be the evolution of Tauros. And will be called Bullros.

Tauros evolves into Bullros through Friendship.

Description: Bullros, the evolution of Tauros is a tough, raging Pokemon who travels in large groups. With 2 large horns and a grey hard body.

Weight: 250.9 lbs.

Height: 4'87".

Type: Normal, Ground.

Likes: Bitter, Smart, Spicy and Tough Poffins.

Dislikes: Sour, Sweet and Dry Poffins.

Abilities: Intimidate and Rivalry.

Natures: Brave and Careful.

Base Stats:

HP: 95

Atk: 140

Def: 130

SpA: 70

SpD: 100

Spe: 150





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Arbok needs an evolution.



Name: Ardih

Types: Poison/Water

Weight: 700 lbs

Height 13'5''

Abilities: Hydrahead (yes one word). When this pokemon takes supereffective damage, its attack raises equal to one fourth it's current attack.

Nature: Rash, Adamant, Lonely

Evolution: Level up Arbok in water or trade while holding Snake's Backbone (slightly raises attack of Ekans and Arbok if held)

Description: A five headed Snake, a paler, more blue coloring than Arbok. It looks really rubbery, but somehow it seems as if when you look at it closely, you can see inside of it, and it looks like its filled with purple poison. It has really long teeth and long tongues. The middle head has the head of a cobra, but it is a thin, king cobra type head.

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Guest Tainted Black



[spoiler=My 3 Evos][spoiler=Sableye Evo]

Pokemon's Name: Fureux (Fur-euh) (Fur=Sable + Yeux=Eyes)

Pokemon's Type: Dark/Ghost

Rarity: Rare

Description of appearance: Like Sableye, but about 2 feet Taller. Looks like it has fur growing off Joints and the sides of it's head. Is Black with Deep Purple Gems all over its body and a long tail (Shorter if Female) with a diamond, surrounded by puffed fur, on the end. Also, its eyes are a Sapphire on the right, and a ruby on the left. Its claws are more prevalent, and they are grey from the knuckle to tip.

Level Pokemon evolves: From Sableye when leveled up in Dark Cave (In Johto).

Pokedex Entry: 570

The Dark Fur Pokemon


Weight: 75.3 lbs.

Height: 3'10

Abilities: Keen Eye or Super Luck

Base Stats:

HP: 80

Atk: 110

Def: 90

Spd: 95

SpA: 100

SpD: 90

Likes: Darkness, Gyms, Soft earth/sand

Dislikes: Sun or any light, People, life.



[spoiler=Dunsparce Evo]

Pokemon's Name: Valnoko (Valuable AKA Rare + Tsuchinoko, which Dunsparce is based on.)

Pokemon's Type: Normal/Poison

Rarity: Very Rare

Description of appearance: Similar to Dunsparce, but Longer and much more Serpentine. The wings grow larger, proportionally, and get a purple tint. It is not as fat as it used to be, and it's drill tail is longer and slender. It's mouth stays the same, as does the rest of its face, save it slenders. Also, its eyes open a slit, and it has deep purple, serpentine eyes. Needs to stay somewhat moist, or it has trouble moving.

Level Pokemon evolves: From Dunsparce when leveled up in a swamp (Such as near Pastoria).

Pokedex Entry: 573

The Basilisk Pokemon


Weight: 89.7 lbs.

Height: 7'5

Abilities: Serene Grace

Base Stats:

HP: 175

Atk: 100

Def: 95

Spd: 85

SpA: 90

SpD: 90

Likes: Swamps, Tall grass, small rodents.

Dislikes: Salt Water, Birds, and deserts.



[spoiler=Torkoal evo]

Pokemon's Name: Cooturst (Coot=Old person/Cooter=Turtle + Burst)

Pokemon's Type: Fire

Rarity: Very Rare

Description of appearance: A White shelled turle with slots in its shell. It is rather large. Its skin is tan, rather than red-brown. It also has what appears to be white hair under its head. Its eyes are wrinkled looking and shut tight. Otherwise, it looks like a larger Torkoal.

Level Pokemon evolves: From Torkoal with Lv. Up with an Everstone in the front three slots of the bag

Pokedex Entry: 577

The Elder Turtle Pokemon


Weight: 175 lbs

Height: 3'2

Abilities: White Smoke

Base Stats:

HP: 75

Atk: 105

Def: 170

Spd: 20

SpA: 105

SpD: 80

Likes: Hot springs, anywhere hot, Sleeping, Not moving.

Dislikes: Water except hot springs, fast paced anything, daytime.





App Skeleton was made by Yae, for the club they own. Except from The ____ Pokemon on, which I made.

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I'm in.


[spoiler=my entry]

Plenareon(Comes from plenary, meaning complete)

Evolves from: Eevee, when leveled up with maximum E'Vs, while holding a Lucky Egg.

(The Lucky Egg is destroyed)


Description: Like Eevee, only bigger, more majestic looking, and with a calm look. Has razor sharp claws and teeth that are always retracted when not fighting. Its fur has a black sheen at night but is brown during the day.


Type: Normal


Ability: Completeness (Stat changes do not affect Plenareon)


Pokedex Entry: Plenareon is the ultimate evolution of Pokemon, and has only been revealed after years of research. It excels in all forms of combat.


Likes: Smart, Dry and Bitter Poffin

Dislikes: Sweet, Sour and Spicy Poffin


Height: 3'1

Weight: 112 lbs.


Natures: (I wasn't aware that natures are Pokemon specific), if they are,

Docile and Serious



HP: 100

Attack: 95

Defense: 85

Sp. Attack: 95

Sp. Defense: 85

Speed: 95


New Attack, learned on level 49

Ki Strike:





Effect: Not effected by type.



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I'll join


Name Amorany

Evolves from Skarmory at lv 40

Type: Steel/Flying


description: has a silver body(similar to skamory) bigger wings with steel pionts on the top of the wing and the head is wider and the body is longer. Basically looks like a bigger skamory


pokedex entry

The Spike Bird Pokemon


weight 224 lbs

height 6'


likes: Mountains and high places

dislikes fire and spicy food

abilities Battle armor and keen eye


natures Impish




HP 80

ATK 100

DEF 200

Sp. ATK 50

Sp. Def 85

Spd 85


name: Megapedo

Evolves from Sharpedo when water stone is used

type: Water/Dark


description: A MUCH larger version of sharpedo. has a long body with a shark tail(yes he has a tail now :P). the X on its head is replaced with a V. its color is a navy blue color.


classifaction: Large Shark Pokemon


Weight: 250.8lbs

height 40 FT


likes: Deep Water, spicy and sour flavored food,

dislikes: land, shallow water, fresh water

abilities: Rough Skin

Natures: Adamant and Jolly



HP 90

ATK 160

DEF 55

Sp. ATK 120

Sp. Def 55

Spd 120


Name: Flanithe

Evolves from Arcanine when leveled up at volcano location(Mt. Stark, firey path etc.)

type: Fire/Dark


description: a red dog with black stripes and a black firey mane and tail. it is slightily bigger than arcanine and breaths black flames instead of red flames.


Classificiation: The Black Flame Pokemon


Weight: 360.5 lbs

Height: 6'06


likes: Hot places like volcanoes. likes spicy foods

dislikes: cold places and dry and sweet foods



Flash fire & Intimate

Natures: Lonely Hasty and Mild




HP 110

ATK 180

DEF 90

SP. ATK 160

Sp. DEF 90

Spd 115

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Guest JoshIcy

I'm in this.


[spoiler=My Pokemon]

Name: Pressurix (crappy name I know xD)

[align=center]Type: Fire/Steel | Evolves From: Steelix (Use Firestone after Level 50)

Abilities: Clear Body or Flame Body

Height: 60'07'' | Weight: 2300lbs[/align]

- A Pokemon of extreme solitude, it is a Steelix that has undergone extreme pressure by spending years of time beneath the earths crust. Such to the point where it retains it's steel qualities but has become molten in the process. Much to it's nature it does not eat or drink, and not unlike a worm it will engulf the soil around itself to survive.

- Though not volatile this Pokemon is very to itself. Though this does not help it as since becoming molten it's size has increased double, and it's weight enough to the point where it cannot be contained safely inside a Pokeball. As a result, a Pressurix may appear to emit clouds of fire when moody.


Eeeh... First one. I'll write up the other 2 later. Kinda playing an MMORPG.

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[spoiler=My Pokemanz]

Got bored. :/


Name: Abbio [Ab = Away From / Bio = Life]

Type: Dark/Psychic

Evolves From: Absol via Dusk Stone at Night after Lv30.

Abilities: Super Luck and Pressure.

Height: 4'7''

Weight: 231.4lbs



- Dark Pulse

- Scratch

- Razor Wind

4 Leer

9 Taunt

12 Quick Attack

17 Razor Wind

20 Pursuit

25 Swords Dance

28 Bite

30 Psycho Boost

34 Perish Song

39 Fissure

39 Sheer Cold

39 Guillotine

43 Night Slash

47 Psycho Cut

52 Sucker Punch

58 Horn Drill

62 Megahorn

66 Future Sight

71 Detect

71 Protect

75 Earthquake

75 Thunder

75 Eruption

75 Surf



I'll come up with a Pokedex entry later.

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Pokemon's Name: Luvphrodite

Pokemon's Type: Water

Rarity: None (Evolve from Luvdisc)

Level Pokemon evolves: Luvdisc (Happiness = Day)


Infatuation Pokemon


Weight: 56.0 lbs.

Height: 4'10"

Abilities: Swift Swim

Base Stats:

HP: 70

Atk: 55

Def: 96

Spd: 130

SpA: 60

SpD: 96

Likes: Love, Spying on young Swimmers, the water, happiness

Dislikes: Sadness, loveless or dark places


Notable new moves


- Baton Pass

- Calm Mind

- Lovely Kiss

- Sing




[spoiler= Oreon]

Pokemon's Name: Oreon

Pokemon's Type: Steel

Rarity: None

Level Pokemon evolves: Eevee (Trade + Metal Coat)


Iron Pokemon


Weight: 119.0 lbs.

Height: 2'01"

Abilities: Clear Body

Base Stats:

HP: 95

Atk: 105

Def: 130

Spd: 60

SpA: 55

SpD: 95

Likes: Cities, Caves

Dislikes: Fire, Hotness, Coldness

Notable New Moves:


-16 Metal Claw

-36 Iron Head

-42 Iron Defense

-47 Gyro Ball

-52 Meteor Mash



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I know you said PM to be a judge, but I had seperate questions to ask, so I might as well post it here and get +1 post count.


First, can I be a judge? I'll need to know what things I'll be judging on, of course. Since base stats are not included in the Pokemon form (glares at Ghost-O), we can't really determine meta-impact, nor can we determine viability.


And since HMs and TMs are not listed in the moveset, we cannot determine movepool to affect meta-impact and viability. <_<


Another question, are two members allowed to have evos of the same Pokemon? And can you make an evo of a 3rd stage Pokemon (Yanmega, for example), even though that normally wouldn't happen in-game?


Yeah... <3

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Guest Tainted Black

Too add on to Dark's point, I say Base Stats are a must. I put them. He is spot on with most everything in his post, as well.

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