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Club Froslass(Brand new...Needs members!)


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[align=center]Froslass has ALWAYS been my favorite pokemon, as soon as I first saw her. So why not make a club about her? WE can talk about a lot of other things about pokemon, too.






Pokemon Team:

Favorite Pokemon and why:

Least Favorite pokemon and why:

Why you wanted to join this club:

Boy or girl?(doesnt have to be your real gender. This is just so I can seperate the male and female snorunts):






[spoiler= ♀ Snorunt]

Master Fury

Cindy♥s You




[spoiler=♂ Snorunt]

SKippy Canoe








[spoiler=♀ Glalie]





[spoiler=♂ Glalie]





[spoiler= FROSLASS]





[spoiler=Dragon Froslasses(super extra awesome)]








none yet :(





[spoiler=Banners and Avatars]

























To get a promotion, you must do something good. Plus, you need to be a faithful and good club member.


My Global Pokedex Plus Guys



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Username: Skippy Canoe

Pokemon Team: Altaria, Gardevoir, Lopunny, Rapidash, Seaking, Articuno

Favorite Pokemon and why: Gardevoir 'cuz she's perty. ;D

Least Favorite pokemon and why: Swinub because it's an ugly icy brown pillow. XD

Why you wanted to join this club: I see you're having trouble getting members...

Boy or girl?: Boy

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I join because i'm bored.


Poketeam: Flygon, Salamance, Dragonite, Charzard,Darkrai, and Lugia

Fav Pokemon: Darkrai Because he's mysterious like me.

Least Fav Pokemon: Oddish, cause it's an annoying piece of crap that appears in every GAME.

Reason to join:Cuase i can and i want to!

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Username: ~MK

Pokemon Team: Mewtwo - Sceptile - charizard - milotic - Tyranitar - jolteon (Side line - Kyogre - shuckle - foretress - scyther - electrode) o_O

Favorite Pokemon and why: Tyranitar - He is funking awesome and only has one major weakness...his ATK level is killer

Least Favorite pokemon and why: frosslass garchomp I love it but in the elite 4 it is an anoying sheet

Why you wanted to join this club: because it had 12 posts

Boy or girl - boy



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Guest Zeonark

Username: Zeo

Pokemon Team: Gardevoir, Tyranitar, Weavile, Typhlosion, Magneton, Metagross

Favorite Pokemon and why: Gardevoir, she's the smex.

Least Favorite pokemon and why: Froslass Bidoof, too slave-like.

Why you wanted to join this club: I liek Froslass.

Boy or girl?(doesnt have to be your real gender. This is just so I can seperate the male and female snorunts): Male. For teh lulz.

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Username: Cindy

Pokemon Team: Torterra, Crobat, Luxio, Porygon, Gyrados and Jolteon.

Favorite Pokemon and why: Froslass because I said so.

Least Favorite pokemon and why: Jigglypuff because it was the first one I thought of

Why you wanted to join this club: Felt like it

Boy or girl?(doesnt have to be your real gender. This is just so I can seperate the male and female snorunts): Girl

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Username: ~MK

Pokemon Team: Mewtwo - Sceptile - charizard - milotic - Tyranitar - jolteon (Side line - Kyogre - shuckle - foretress - scyther - electrode) o_O

Favorite Pokemon and why: Tyranitar - He is f***ing awesome and only has one major weakness...his ATK level is killer

Least Favorite pokemon and why: frosslass garchomp I love it but in the elite 4 it is an anoying s***

Why you wanted to join this club: because it had 12 posts

Boy or girl - boy



how dare you dislike froslass!

12 posts? lol' date=' accepted.


Username: Zeo

Pokemon Team: Gardevoir, Tyranitar, Weavile, Typhlosion, Magneton, Metagross

Favorite Pokemon and why: Gardevoir, she's the smex.

Least Favorite pokemon and why: Froslass Bidoof, too slave-like.

Why you wanted to join this club: I liek Froslass.

Boy or girl?(doesnt have to be your real gender. This is just so I can seperate the male and female snorunts): Male. For teh lulz.

I agree with you about bidoof.



Username: Cindy

Pokemon Team: Torterra' date=' Crobat, Luxio, Porygon, Gyrados and Jolteon.

Favorite Pokemon and why: Froslass because I said so.

Least Favorite pokemon and why: Jigglypuff because it was the first one I thought of

Why you wanted to join this club: Felt like it

Boy or girl?(doesnt have to be your real gender. This is just so I can seperate the male and female snorunts): Girl


You seem like you can switch subjects quickly...Accepted!

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Username: RAEG

Pokemon Team: Dialga, Charizard, Gengar, Venusaur, Absol and Metagross

Favorite Pokemon and why: Dialga. He's gangsta

Least Favorite pokemon and why: Wynaut and his evolution. STUPID SHADOW TAG

Why you wanted to join this club: Dialga told me to. plus frosslass is awesome

Boy or girl?(doesnt have to be your real gender. This is just so I can seperate the male and female snorunts): Male

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