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Why steal teh spinner when you can make your own?

Skippy Canoe

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[align=center]So. I had an idea after making orbs for my Orbs game. Actually, the first spinner in this archive is the Pulse Orb from that game.


Why not make loading spinners? :D :D :D


[spoiler=[b]Spinner 1[/b]]




[spoiler=[b]Spinner 2[/b]]






Feel free to use these, but give credit please. Also, you may request, but I probably won't fulfill it unless I really want to.[/align]

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This is pretty cool.


Thanks lol. I'm glad you used one. XD


They are too sprite-ish' date=' the first one has a color taken directly from paint, i mean, cmon! Be more creative, although the first is pretty creative, make more original colors.



Well, they are sprites. .-.


And, it isn't taken from Paint. I used GIMP. I just like cyan, whether or not Paint has a preset close to it.

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They look OK


They dont look like real spinners though ....


I know your gonna ask why ' date=' the first has a ball in the middle and the second needs more circles instead of 3 and a bigger circle



Thanks, but I was trying to be creative with them, as making simple spinners is too easy. ;D


The second one doesn't have three circles and a bigger circle... .-. .-. .-.

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