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The FAKE Generation

Master Red

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About thr region maps:





Maybe we should be going off of this?


We should investigate a bit about each area before deciding. Pokemon world always has stuff that is parallel to it's real world counterpart.


In my opinion, a Fighting Kangaroo is a very cliche idea. I've seen like 5 different people thinking the same (including me, long years ago...). Maybe making something that has nothing to do with fighting, like a starfish or a sheep...

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About thr region maps:





Maybe we should be going off of this?


Yes, this is the hard part. Choosing the location...


We can choose to make the landscape similar to one of those areas, or we can make it all up. Also, why stick to Japan? We can do other countries/states, too.

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welcome happygosplat ^^


Kangaroo might be cliché, but making a sheep fighting/electric is like putting punching gloves on a mareep IMO (we can have the cliché starter and then something other fighting that is not as clichéd) <.<


When I think of a male kangaskhan I think of something similar to kangashkan yet more male looking (not that Kangaskhan looks very feminin to begin with tho <.<)


I think we should stick to Japan and make the area located a bit closer to Hoenn. It could be similar to a region in shape but when it comes to designing the region we can make it whatever we want it to be.

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So I drew the Dark/Bug pokémon, it looks kind of weird but I acctually like it (maybe because I like weird things.. meh).








I also was a bit bored today and wanted to draw something. After I had doodled a little I just thought I'd try to draw Arctix but as I didn't have a computer availble I don't know if I managed to get it to look somewhat similar to Magnet's sketch :/ Ah well, I'll show you guys the result anyways ^^ I'm pleased with how it came out, but I'm not really drawing canines very often so someone more experienced in that area might do better.. meh :P






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It could be good for a replacement of Pikachu or Electrike, and someone could maybe draw an evolution for it?

btw, should I start to do Pokedex/Fakedex entries, like the info for the pokemon, I can do the kangaroo starter and evos easily, but it might be a little hard for the others.

[spoiler=Do you like????]a4d3dad1f924848e24fb942aa55f6b95.jpg

I'm going to mess around with it and do some changes to make a new evo for Electrike/Manectric

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I'm kinda good at coloring. I could teach you.


and GREAT work, I LOVE IT! Although the ears on the top seem a little wierd, I know it has a hat thing, but still, GREAT WORK!


IT'S time to color!

Also, the little one's ears are cut off of the picture, full thing isn't there, still, awesome!

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Look at the right of the picture, it has the 1st form.

I'm working on trying to color the middle form right now, and, if we do a RP, the middle form is going to be my partner, I'm going to make an awesome new movepool for it. I already have a few moves like Flip Kick, Rear Up, and Kanga Kick.

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