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The FAKE Generation

Master Red

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I like both, but since Nepo is Open backwards I kinda like it better now xD


@sean: I won't be judging a name for a Pokémon I have no image of right now, name has to go with image and theme imo :/ But your name suggestions will remain for later, when we acctually have them ^^


Is anyone working on the Gopher btw? <<


And about that common fly Pokémon, I will upload a design for it and hear what you think, but as off now it has no pre stage (couldn't come up with anything that looked good) so incase no one can come up with a good larva stage for it it could always be a single stage pokémon :)

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Nepo region's not such a bad name

And Master Red, what do you think to this idea about the common fly?:


Or maybe, if you want the water larvae, you have to catch the fly first, then wait for it to breed and produce the water larvae? If that happens, it'll mean that the ones that have been trained when they were just larvae will have more experience and moves, and therefore be stronger

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Yeah, otherwise it will work as a single stage bug as well ^^ Then it could be more of a late/mid-game bug (like scyther/pinsir/heracross). Also it's type combination Bug/dark sets up for a neat move pool and it also draws away all of Darks Weaknesses (bug and fighting :)) :)


furthermore, I think we should have Kangashkans baby and a male version of kangashkan in this generation. Everyone has been wanting one since forever (because I highly doubt that Kangashkan is born with a kid in it's pouch ;))

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I don't know if you'll accept this, but I've been working on it.








Name: Areneon

Type(s): Fighting

Height: 1'3''

Weight: 18 lbs

Entry: Areneons like to stick together in packs, and are segregated between genders. No one knows why they do, but they say it is because of the romance.


How to evolve from Eevee: Trade while holding "Boxing Glove", which slightly boosts ATK of a normal type pokemon.

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wait, this may be kinda late, but Kangashkan is a kangaroo pokemon, cause of the name and the pouch, so, if we use the final evolution of the kangaroo starter, and breed it with a Kanghaskan, we could get a new pokemon, like, either a very powerful Joey pokemon, or a strong Kangaroo pokemon, like one that has a special move when breeded with the final evo of the kangaroo starter and Kanghaskan, like..... how about Bounce Kick, where the kangaroo pokemon rears back and kicks the enemy, kinda like real kangaroos do when they're threatened.


So, (out of breath) who likes tht idea?



Cool pics. :)

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Sounds really cool, but why bounce kick? Theres already a move called Bounce, which acts in the same way as fly, i think. one turn in the air, the other turn pouncing on the target.


But there should be a MALE kangashkan! Skinnier, more like a kangaroo, and no pouch! And if you bred them you get a baby one, which looks just like the one in kangashkan's puch, but it can be either gender.

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