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✚The Larvae Moth Alliance!!✚

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Name: Consider figuring it out a challenge.

Comments: It's so awesome that I made a set of support specifically for it and nothing else. the support was so epic that Larvae Moth.dek made Lightsworns look bad. My Deck even tech'd a Shapesnatch for the last spot, which won me every duel I summoned it in.

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Name: Aragondom999

Your comments upon Larvae Moth: A beautiful, deadly card wich brings out your worst nightmare. This one card saved my life in a duel with my friend. My Stardust was removed from play and this card was drown from my deck. It saved my life by bringing out the Ultimate Great moth.

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Don't lie, that's a bad thing (worse than destroying the world anyway)



I once played a duel with my Synchro Monk Warrior deck against Lightsworns.


The duel was equal, until i got the upper hand by summoning a 4000 ATk Colossal Fighter.


With only 1200 LP, my lucky opponent revealed JD and killed the field.


But then...surprise! I activated Tribute to the Doomed, and discarded...Larvae Moth!!!!!! After that, nothing could have stopped me...

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Don't lie' date=' that's a bad thing (worse than destroying the world anyway)



I once played a duel with my Synchro Monk Warrior deck against Lightsworns.


The duel was equal, until i got the upper hand by summoning a 4000 ATk Colossal Fighter.


With only 1200 LP, my lucky opponent revealed JD and killed the field.


But then...surprise! I activated Tribute to the Doomed, and discarded...Larvae Moth!!!!!! After that, nothing could have stopped me...



Even better more, I have a special deck in which the dueling rules are special. The effect of Larvae Moth becomes, additionally to the original, "When this card is summoned by this way, inflict 4000 damage to your opponent. This effect cannot be negated by any means."

My opponent mistakes me for an insane guy and says its ok. Then his hell starts.

So far I'm winning. Larvae Moth rules.

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Don't lie' date=' that's a bad thing (worse than destroying the world anyway)



I once played a duel with my Synchro Monk Warrior deck against Lightsworns.


The duel was equal, until i got the upper hand by summoning a 4000 ATk Colossal Fighter.


With only 1200 LP, my lucky opponent revealed JD and killed the field.


But then...surprise! I activated Tribute to the Doomed, and discarded...Larvae Moth!!!!!! After that, nothing could have stopped me...



Even better more, I have a special deck in which the dueling rules are special. The effect of Larvae Moth becomes, additionally to the original, "When this card is summoned by this way, inflict 4000 damage to your opponent. This effect cannot be negated by any means."

My opponent mistakes me for an insane guy and says its ok. Then his hell starts.

So far I'm winning. Larvae Moth rules.



I once made a deck with my red-eyes alos with Ultimate Great Moth. I did win until GX came out and Neos wooped my arse.

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