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(The Great Destroyer is Alive! The end is Near!) Society of Evil (And Everything Else)


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Name: Akuma (japanese for 'devil' or 'demon')

Evil Motives: 1. Enslave everyone dumb enough to submit to me. 2. Kill anyone smart enough to oppose me. 3. Search for other life' date=' and find it. 4. Repeat steps 1-3, rinse, and repeat again.

Age: 18 (my body, at least. my 'soul' dates around...when was the world made, again?)

Gender: Male (and no, Zeo, I'm not changing mine)

Favourite Evil Television Program: None. Nothing on that's evil enough for me.

Can you make Doomsday Devices?: I [i']am[/i] a Doomsday Device...but yes, i also make them, when I'm not bust enslaving mankind.

Other things that aren't so Evil: ......Sorry, I'm drawing a blank here.




Name: Clair

Evil Motives: I like the feeling of power associated with causing pain~

Age: Number/0

Gender: Female

Favourite Evil Television Program: Barney

Can you make Doomsday Devices?: If there is gasoline involved. And knives~

Other things that aren't so Evil: Other things that aren't so evil.





I have an erm... Evil Meeting to go to, and so does Narky. *Drags Zeonark into the Closet*

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Name: MK

Evil Motives: Me and my friend like taunting our other friend. Also I like killing things

Age: 14

Gender: MALE

Favourite Evil Television Program: Tellytubbies

Can you make Doomsday Devices?: dunno havent tried xD

Other things that aren't so Evil: My cactus and my friends



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Name: MK

Evil Motives: Me and my friend like taunting our other friend. Also I like killing things

Age: 14

Gender: MALE

Favourite Evil Television Program: Tellytubbies

Can you make Doomsday Devices?: dunno havent tried xD

Other things that aren't so Evil: My cactus and my friends




You barely cut it to be a Civilian.


@Narky: Somewhere where we can make hatred.

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Evil Cauldren at 336 Points. Send in your Evil Points for a chance to win something Evil, like a Pony.]

Evil Cauldren at 336 Points. Send in your Evil Points for a chance to win something Evil, like a Pony.[/size]]

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Evil Cauldren at 336 Points. Send in your Evil Points for a chance to win something Evil' date=' like a Pony.[/size']]

Evil Cauldren at 336 Points. Send in your Evil Points for a chance to win something Evil, like a Pony.]


Ponys arnt EVIL



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