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Pokemon Revolution! WIN THE WAR!


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Meanwhile: I have opened a dojo in the fighting nation! There are courses to level up individual stats there. Also, I lose strength and learn Fling.


Back to the match! TIME FOR MY SECRET WEAPON!

I use Fling to hit you with my king's rock, and king's rock power is that it causes flinch and you to take damage! Since you flinched, my steadfast ability activates and I get faster, and that speed combined with my extremespeed allows me to run and pick back up my kings rock so I can repeat later lol

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No island suits me. I need an island with other pokemon who are willing to battle. But should you defeat me I will join you and get you a massive supply of... Snover Berries


It was super effective!

Ok.... so....

Im super effective against steel but you are also flying so you are super effective against me.... but your steel type moves aren't very effective against me because Im part steel... right?

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