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Pokemon Revolution! WIN THE WAR!


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I hope this is as popular as my Yugioh Monster Brawl (no relation to SSBB)




This game is simple! There is a war! between All the types! The first person for each type will be the leader of the type and the next people will be royal advisors, secretaries of war, secretaries of defense, all the way to citizen!



Here is the app!


Pokemon Nation (What type are you)


Are you the leader?

If not what rank are you (Soldier, Secretary of Defense, Royal Advisor, Secretary of War, Merchant, Citizen, Other [tell me what other is])




Here's my app!

Pokemon Nation (What type are you): Fighting

Pokemon: Lucario

Are you the leader? Yes

If not what rank are you (Soldier, Secretary of Defense, Royal Advisor, Secretary of War, Merchant, Citizen, Other [tell me what other is])


Only one of each pokemon will be accepted! (i.e. there cant be two Lucario unless you are Ditto and can transform)


If your pokemon is two types pick a nation!


[spoiler=Member List]

InuYasha boy707-Lucario-Fighting Nation-Leader

Inferno I20- Froslass- Ice Nation- Leader

BrickFist-Miltank-Normal Nation-Leader

eliteduelists-Electrike- Electric-Leader

7poiuyt-Blaziken-Fire Nation-Leader

Ghost-O-Salamance-Dragon Nation-Leader

waterwhip-Blastoise-Water Nation-Leader

Yu-gi-oh Dude-Alakazam-Psychic Nation-Leader

Big Brother- Garchomp-Dragon Nation-Soldier

Twig-Torterra-Grass Nation-Leader

destruction hero-Gliscor-Ground Nation-Leader

darklord9087-Spiritomb-Ghost Nation-Leader

1hydralisk-Skarmory-Steel Nation-Leader

ZeroChill-Glaceon-Ice Nation-Merchant/Artisan

CaptainChocolate-Absol-Dark Nation-Leader

Cephus-Altaria-Flying Nation-Leader

omgguy345-Mudkip(I hear ya leiks them!)-Water Nation-General

supersmashbrawl-Parasect-Grass Nation-Soldier

Pokemaniac92711-Tyranitar-Ground Nation-Rouge Rebel


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Why not, i have nothing better to do...

Pokemon Nation (What type are you) Normal (Normal Owns)

Pokemon Miltank

Are you the leader? Y/N : Y

If not what rank are you (Soldier, Secretary of Defense, Royal Adviser, Secretary of War, Merchant, Citizen, Other [tell me what other is])

By the way, is their a rule ageists legendarys?

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