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My new deck (for once its not a dark world deck)

Father Wolf

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its a dino/macro deck

this is not for compatitions at all. this is a 100% test deck. (i got the crazy idea 3 nights ago)



D.D Assailant x2

D.D Scout Plainer x2

D.D Suvivor x3

D.D Warrior Lady

Dark Driceratops x3

Gilasaurus x3

Gren Maju Da Eiza x3

Hyper Hammerhead x2

Sabersaurus x2

Tyranno Inifinity x3



Dimensional Fusion

Dimensional Fissure x3


Smashing Ground

Lightning Vortex

Heavy Storm





Macro Cosmos x3

Sakuretsu Armor x2

Mirror Force

Survival Instinct x2

Return From the Different Dimension x2


Side Deck

Big Evolution Pill x2

Black Stego x2

Black Tyranno

Super Conductor Tyranno x2

Fossil Excavation x3

Hydrogeddon x3

Call of the Haunted

Premature Barial

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Explain to me why you have hydrogeddons side decked.


The effect clearly states:


When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the graveyard, you can special summon 1 "Hydrogeddon" from your deck.


If it RFG's a card, then it does not summon another.


Also, Dimmension Fusion with D.D. is bad, as your opponent summons as well. Just run RFTDD at 2 and take out fusion for Card Destruction or Morphing Jar, both of which are good cards for D.D.


Run shrinks instead of fissure and smashing, its more effective with survivors. Test it and see, I am correct.


Also, WHERE ARE THE SOLEMN/BRIBES??? They are needed in D.D.


It needs work, but it can work. I am not going to comment on dinos, as the idea does not appeal to me, but I guess playing for fun, do what you want with them.

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get a ultra evolution pill

for what

no reptiles

get some and more dinos


<.< i dont need reptiles this isnt a dino deck its dino macro the point of this deck is to summon tyranno infinity' date=' maju, or just bet them down with survivors.


Explain to me why you have hydrogeddons side decked.


The effect clearly states:


When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the graveyard, you can special summon 1 "Hydrogeddon" from your deck.


If it RFG's a card, then it does not summon another.


Also, Dimmension Fusion with D.D. is bad, as your opponent summons as well. Just run RFTDD at 2 and take out fusion for Card Destruction or Morphing Jar, both of which are good cards for D.D.


Run shrinks instead of fissure and smashing, its more effective with survivors. Test it and see, I am correct.


Also, WHERE ARE THE SOLEMN/BRIBES??? They are needed in D.D.


It needs work, but it can work. I am not going to comment on dinos, as the idea does not appeal to me, but I guess playing for fun, do what you want with them.


When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the graveyard, you can special summon 1 "Hydrogeddon" from your deck.

^ thats the point if im not sending monster to the graveyard why do i need that?


and yes i fined it alot easier to shrink than fissure/smash.


the bribe im fineding it hard to place into the deck. like what should i take out?

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