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The Rogueport -Beanbean Divide [YCM's Paper-Thin Club]


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  'ProtoMachineKing said:

No DarkMark' date=' WITH SCIENCE!


Thats how its done.


Anyways, Yoshi's have been merely bred to work as transports in the Mushroom Kingdom! Mario does not care about this poor creatures, he just wants to grab the next power up!



Whoever said Mario was perfect? =/


He's just a lowly plumber, after all.


It is official. The VGM selections Ice and I have made will



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Ice you just reminded me of something.....


Mario takes no hesitation to stomp on other things that get into his way!


If its just there walking he'll smash it!


Koopa! Goomba! they were just taking a leisurely stroll when Mario came along!

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  'ProtoMachineKing said:

Ice you just reminded me of something.....


Mario takes no hesitation to stomp on other things that get into his way!


If its just there walking he'll smash it!


Koopa! Goomba! they were just taking a leisurely stroll when Mario came along!


You've finally seen the truth?



Yay' date=' Proto is now an activist for the equal treatment of video game enemies. Fils-Aime is not pleased.





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Guest Zeonark

Wait no!!!


*seizure attack*


Dammit..... now eat this!


Limit Break! Blade Beam!


*Kills you with Showstopper*


Star Moves > Limit Breaks

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Guest Zeonark

Hi Zeo. Still confused about what I said before?





I see no Final Fantasy references there!


So its not worth my time!


You rather me kill you with Giga-Graviton?

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