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Anime Dog card contest

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I'll post my entry anyway.




During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. When this monster destroys an opponent's monster in battle, this card is changed to Defense Position. Until your next Standby Phase, it gains 1000 DEF and cannot change its battle position.[/align]


I hope I'd be accepted

Thank you! ^_^

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Excuse me, does it have to be an existing charecter or may we create our own.

Either way I would like to enter but would like to know the rules before I create the card.


Please, and thank you!



Quick Edit: XD the irony my avatar is a wolf XD!!!


Edit: ... Um k just waiting for answer before I post my card


Edit: .... Um, no answer for 3days? Okay ): I will withdraw

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im in



AWWWWW MAN!!!! DANG IT YOU USED MY IDEA!! sad face... yet ironic. My card was gonna have DARK and also treated as fire and etc... i hope this doesnt affect the judging because i rly like houndoom


i looked up dog pokemon on google images and that was the best one. the tigers are dumb. arcanine is overused. mightyena couldve been a choice. and dont even ask about growlithe or poochena

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except from your hand or Graveyard by Tributing 2 FIRE monsters. Once per turn, you can switch this card's ATK and DEF. If you do, this card cannot attack or change its Battle Position during that turn. When this card is destroyed, Special Summon 2 "Story Tokens" (Beast-Type/FIRE/Level 3/ATK 700/DEF 900) in face-up Attack Position. "Story Tokens" Special Summoned by this card's effect cannot be used for a Tribute Summon.

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[align=center]I join. For Darkstalkers fans, you must be know this fellas'. ;)




Darkstalkers Warrior - Jon Talbain

This card cannot be Special Summoned. Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1, you can remove from play any number of cards in your Graveyard. In addition to a normal attack, this card can attack during the same Battle Phase as many times as the number of cards that was removed from play by this card's effect. If this card is destroyed or removed from the field, it is removed from play.


Jon Talbain = Werewolf = Wolf = Dog


Pic Credit: shihou from Pixiv, edited a little by me.[/align]

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There's an Entei and a Suicine...

might as well be neat and tidy up:




Lore:This card's Type is also treated as Thunder. This card can attack twice per turn. This card is not affected by Trap Cards. As long as this card is face-up on the field, no Trap Cards can be activated.

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This is mine.



Lore:1 beast monster + 1 warrior type monster + 1 tuner monster. When this card is successfully synchro summoned destroy all magic and trap cards on your opponents side of the field and return 2 cards on your opponents side of the field to the bottom of their deck. increase the attack and defense of this card by 500 for each beast-warrior in your graveyard.

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Well here is my entry! ^.^

Note that the second effect can be used during your opponent's turn as well. : O


[spoiler=Eruruw the Healer]391367s.jpg

[spoiler=Effect]During your Standby Phase, increase your Life Points equal to the Level of all face-up monsters you control x100. During the End Phase of a turn a monster(s) you control was destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can discard 1 Spell Card to Special Summon 1 monster destroyed this turn.




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