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The official moanage thriend - moan about anything shit


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Well, there is this girl I like, but she has already has a bf. o_O Not that horrible probably.


But still.


And well, I have some family problems, don't wanna go too deep into that. And some other s***.


Two of my friends have become like rivals and hate eachother now. And we all go in the same class..


Some of my problems/s*** in my life.


Over and out.

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My friends are gone on a band trip and I have no one to talk to. ;.;


smae here D: Its crap isnt it


@tom - which one is red and which one is blue? I am sorry to hear about all of you r problemms mate D:




Yes, yes it is.


And most of my online friends have school. D=

It sucks.

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The girl I love just broke up with me for reasons she won't reveal. Stupid life.


a lot of people have girl problems on here @ the moment


@ Princess kitty - yep one of my online friends have a heart condition so i am really depressed at the moment


my friends are all on holiday



like pokemon meh thats okay buddy

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My girlfriend is at a beach house with her parents all spring break, and I'm stuck here with my loser friends. It's too hot to do anything here. I left my cell phone at my grandmother's house on Easter and I won't be getting it back until Saturday.




And there's a freshman girl at my school who I can't stand who is stalking me.

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