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chairman ali

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[align=center] 24148w6.png


This is going to be rather simple. You have anything you want to ask you post here. If you're looking at a certain style of signature/large art, you post here. You're working on a wip and stuck, post here. You want a certain PSD for Learning rights, you post here and we'll see what we can do.

This will cut down fail art and fail common sense yh?


Also please state what program you're using, I don't read funking minds.


[Off topic: Also if you want tag/large art lessons I'll be happy to give you some. PM and I'll give you my MSN ID, you add me and I'll help you at any time.][/align]

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Well my shop died and I've gotten into large art recently so I'm not sure I'll be doing sigs a lot.


Colours are pretty hard to achieve.


The best way and easiest way to get good colours is to create a separate canvas on photoshop and add 1 colour. Duplicate that colour and click CMD + I (CTRL + I on windows). Then you'll see that those 2 colours are opposite each other on the colour wheel.




I.E. Blue and Orange.


Good luck mate.

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Got any good logo tuts/psds/links?


I've always wanted to know how to create effective text as well. Are there certain fonts or anything to stay sway from?


This too




I'm new at making logos, and only use about 3 fonts overall for text.

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Got any good logo tuts/psds/links?


This, and I've always wanted to learn pentooling. But I don't think I should focus of that first. I've always liked Smudging. But that seems a little difficult at the moment. I'm not too good with Textures. Not that great with lighting either. I guess just getting better overall would help.

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Ah' date=' do you use photoshop?


I'm only fond with GIMP, but I'd love advice on lighting and text. The two things that I'm really stumped about. Text seemed a bit simple, but I'm not always sure how to put effects on it to fit it in more with the sig. And lighting, I just have no clue how to do.



Lighting is terribly easy to achieve.

Just put this in mind. There's to fundamentals in lighting. Transition and light source.

First you have to figure out the place where the light is hitting on the render/image. Then you're going to make your light come from that side, diagonally. Just use a soft brush with a white colour for that. Set that layer to overlay or soft light then lower the opacity if it's over exposed.

Then the places where light doesn't hit you also get a soft brush and brush them with black. Lower the opacity to 20% or 10% There you go, you have your light.

Text should not be necessary in every art work but I am going to show you example and you can figure out what to do.

pandorumpod.png Credits to BLANE

He used multiple strokes. But these stroke where actually selected from the magical tool then on a new layer he stroked them with a 1 px. Changed there colours and set them to different places. He also used gradients to change the colour of the text to make it more colour appealing. And added a few dirt textures inside of it.

Conduit_gaso_blanev2-1.pngCredits to BLANE

This is a bit complicated because of the different usage of fonts. But just get the idea of it and try it.


Something i've always wanted to Learn: Pen tooling.


I'll give you lessons can't really teach you here in this thread.


Haha pentooling is basically the only thing you can't learn...


Vexel shading and preventing choppiness without blurring? My avi for e.g.


Gimp or photoshop?

Preventing choppiness is hard. Then only thing you can do is to out pixel them. By zooming a lot try to smudge them with a 1px. Aim to smudge them like their shape or where they are going. Only way really. Then it would really show that there's choppiness. But you should also know that the hardness should be at a really low rate.


Pentooling = Paths tool > Stroke Path?



I've always wanted to know how to create effective text as well. Are there certain fonts or anything to stay sway from?


Check the first quote I've just answered it :)


Is it just me or was this thread a waste? Feels like I'm on hold' date=' waiting to pay a bill.



2 camels in a tiny car.

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