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YCM Name: FallensandsRyo

Nickname: I prefer Saduko, or my Full Name: Fallensandsoftime

Powers: I can do just about anything and am not onehundred percent vamp (more info if you want) I shapeshift and have a familiar, I hate but don't burn up in the sun, and I read/control minds. These are my main powers

Items you have: A book, a coffin, and my pencil and paper (did i mention that whatever I draw can come alive?)

Fav vampire story: None, I love all of them!

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you can move around the club by simply clicking the different pages, From what I've learned the point of this club is simply to give vampys (or hunters dressd as Vampy's) a place to associate, A RP (Full name ROLE PLAY) is a collaborative story with many people acting out different personas in a story line. any other questions you can ask me in a PM, I Professionalize in helping new people.

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Because, there is a slight chance she will return. And, as I said before, she stays on the member list, and as with the other members, gets the position I assign. (It's the same as if I had put one less member [that list minus her] there. Not like anyones gonna be using that slot.)

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*sigh* alright. I don't feel like looking through the pages, go ahead and post it again...


EDIT: Here's a hint link: I am what is known as a benign dictator. To use Reagan's words:

"I'll get advice, but in the end, I'm gonna do, what I'm gonna do."

Only difference is, unlike him, I can do what I'm gonna do.

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Okay, you can do it, I just wanted to know WHY you wanted to give an absent person power that won't be used.


Who knows, maybe you were doing it in hopes of her coming back.


Anyway, as a wise man once said. "Because goodbye was said, you had to fade away."


Things that fade away never come back.

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exactly. Thus, if I prepare for Kari to return, she may return. Inversely, if I gave up and accepted she wouldn't return, theres a greater chance she won't return. So, Link, if you haven't figured it out yet, I gave Kari the title of "legend" in preparation of her return.

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That does happen' date=' actually. Lance Corporal Jeremy Buress got a medal after he was killed in Iraq. I know his sister...and whoever defiled that grave had better hope I don't find out who they are...



I know it does, and it should.


If someone does the right thing they should be rewarded and acknowledeged.


It's not for practicality, just the genuine concept.


@DMG - Why give power to someone who's not here? Just give her power if she returns.


I just don't see why she's giving power to someone who's not gonna use it.



Well then you know she can't misuse it. Unlike someone I know, starts with a d...


I know, DragonJehovah321.


I hate that guy. >.>



But in all fairness, Legendary is a title not a position, there is no power, merely honor.


Are you saying you she has no honor for not taking your crap? For not taking the world's crap?


Suck it up, she got the title cause she deserved it.


MAybe if you tried hard enough... you...could...


I'm sorry, I can't deadpan this one.


*walks away laughing*

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