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The Vampire Club (Join us. We have cookies.)

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Whereas I never do female rp characters, unless I am actually deciding to take over for someone.


And everyone knows that Crusnik's are immune to the sunlight, as well as crosses. This, in turn, makes me wonder if the Dracula portrayed in the Van Helsing movie was a Crusnik.

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Nex I regret to tell you some pure vampir Are immune to light becaous their energies are so powefull they reflect the UV rays.


They sparkle?


So Twilight had a precedent for that development?




But yeah, I know allot of vampires are immune to sun.

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yeah' date=' im a psy[hr']

new banner. i know it sucks but it was quick.

[spoiler=tah dah!][spoiler=...][spoiler=..][spoiler=.]59531697dc3a9a1m3.png







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I know that I have the epic power to accept twice

Bel1:You're accepted

Bel2: Hey thats my line bastard.

Bel1: shut up queer

Bel2: Screw you

Bels: *Enter rolling dust cloud for fights*

Bel1: *stands up with many bruises and lots of blood on face* Ok, now that that's over, you're acceped genesis

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...I'm aware the Sub-Lord spoiler is in the Lord spoiler. I did that on purpose. And the only reason Chase is in there twice is, unless I screwed up, because he made two member cards for himself for this club. So, I just put both to save the time of arguing with myself as to which one should go up.

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Well, I was going through my hygenic duties before bed. I was blowing my nose, but there was some mucus I couldn't get out, so I took a tissue and put it over my finger to get it our. well anyways, my fingernail cut through the tissue and slashed my nostril. It f*ckin hurt like hell too. My nose bled for about 5-10 minutes and now when I blow my nose sometimes red mucus comes out. I was kinda reluctant to tell you the story for obvious reasons...Well atleast I meet the parameters for being offiially emo I guess

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