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The Vampire Club (Join us. We have cookies.)

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Whatever you say Jazeth. Also' date=' you will not do any post deletion. Deletion of posts causes something called the new page glitch. If you delete your post, that will cause the new page glitch to happen and you will then be banned permanently. You have been warned, Dark Lord.



Not exactly, I don't permaban for deleting posts, but I do discourage it. Anyway, you seem to have vampire-like powers, and a vampire-like aura, so come on in. I'll add you in a bit, and I'll let Shadow and Chase accept from here on.


Now, Nex, you should realize that Sperm are categorized as sex cells, designed by nature to be killed if they are not used. The body breaks them down after a month. Not only that, but they only have half the full set of Human DNA, same with Ova. Hence how the Human Chromosome count is kept at 26. Thus, the egg and the sperm are not classified as being human, simply carriers of half the human genome, each.


So, what say we have a club card contest? Each person picks a show/movie about vampires, and then we make 1 monster card out of one of the characters? Just for the heck of it and to advertise.

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Oh thank god...and here I thought I would have been taken out of the club before it began, you are kind Lord Donovyn.


It also looks like I came here just in time to be in a sort of card contest....wow...haven't been in one of those in a long time, of course I'm guessing this won't really be competitive, but I shall do my best, this is the Pledge of the Lord of the Enigma

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They are 100% Human DNA and have the potential to give life, thus they are alive, just as much as a fetus.


Humans live a mere 100 years before expiring, machines just prolong this.


Thus when compared to the trees we are just as designed for death as the sperm.


In additon we are designed to be killed regarless of whatever the hell we do.


Also if something is wrong in the fetus it usually dies, that is what they are supposed to do.


Die if they can't serve a function.


What makes them a life while everything else is not?


@Zero: No, just no.


You have to spell your comebacks correctly before they can even be considered adequite, unless you are mocking like this.



Hai guiz I am a hedgehowg! I'm so cool I can use Cwaos Contwol even wough cwaos is a abstrawct conceqt that is bewond human understawnding.


I can underswand cause I'm a hedgehwog!


Now I'm gowing to sexwually aswault aqwa.


Then I will wunt wabbits!



Bear in mind I only did that since I couldn't think of another example at the time.

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...right. Since I'm leading this club, I'll be one judge, and I will accept volunteers for two more, 'kay?


We are not trees. The only animals that live longer than 100 years are tortoises, and one kind of parrot.


Now, there is a difference between life, and potential life. fetuses are actual life as they have a full set of human DNA, whilst sperm and ova have only half a set. each. got it? Big difference. Now, if nature kills the fetus, thats one thing, if man kills the fetus, that's another. Unless nature caused something to be wrong with the fetus, nature intended the fetus to live. If man kills a perfectly healthy fetus, it goes against nature. If a man enjoys the company of Mary and her four daughters, then it is fulfilling a perfectly natural urge, given to man by nature, as if he enjoyed the company of a barren woman.

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Then it looks like I'll have to get to work...last Vampire card I made ended up horribly.....so I'll have to make sure that doesn't happen this time.


It also seems I entered when their was an incredibly touchy debate...not the one about abortion...but the apparent struggle between who pwns who.


I'm not one to talk being that I'm at the bottom of the barrel right now, but I do find this quite hilarious, considering even Nexev has a few spelling errors.

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Uh huh, you comfort the millions of raped woman with that.


"Now I know you can't afford to feed both of you and I know the orpahanage is controlled by the mob for the child slavery trade but you can't abort it. Killing it is wrong.


Be a good person and make both of your lives hell."


And more importantly, it's your fetus, your choice.


Who are you to say what a person can and can't do?


You a person who subsists of others pain.


You who isn't even ashamed of being rapist number one.


Who are you to say that giving a person choice is the wrong thing in this world.


What gives you the right to define good and evil? What authority gave you the power to tell these victims that the only true answer is "Shut the funk up and deal with it jabroni"?



Tell me, which virgin was impregnated and made you messiah?

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Nexev, have I ever told you you are awesome?


Also, that one thing you said reminded me of a post I made once.


Let's think of a topic, my suggestion.


A complex plan to rape Aqua without Zero knowing


Which scared her away from the chibi knights.





Anyway, Zero, trust me, I shall win.


Which reminds me, we never did have a 1v1, did we?

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Wow, that really hit, and it seems you both show the positives and negatives of each side, if it is that both of you are actually on opposite ends. in the end, the more two people try to contradict each other, the more they sound alike.


On another note.....what is it with the written harassment towards Aqua? geez.....I feel sorry for her....

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Nex, that's hardly what I said. I never said I was the one to ultimately make that choice. I'm saying what I think, and what I think is that killing a fetus, or a human embryo, is completely wrong, and that shall not change. Also, as a psyvamp in high school, I have many, many people to drain. I drain only a little, from many people. They don't even notice. How do I subsist on the pain of others?

NOTE: I'm Christian, yet I believe in Freya's existence. What's that tell you about your last question, Nexev?

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