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Tamers (Started/Accepting Via OOC)

Jake the Sage

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In the year 3013 a group of archeologists stumbled upon the opening to an underground network of long forgotten ruins. Upon further investigation the researchers discovered indecipherable runes scrawled over the entire of the ruins.


Now in the present day of 3018 a new game called “Tamers©”, based on the mysterious runes, has started to increase in popularity. The game allows mass diversity to match each individual. Players and their Partners, whither they be monster or alien, to combat each other in a race to become the ‘Top Ranked Player’ in the world.


However, unknown to all, the runes are a mystic link to another parallel world. By an unknown and unforeseen event the runes reopen a portal to this world- throwing an untold number of players into a very dangerous situation. Now on their own, each player must strive to survive in a world where anything and everything can happen. Some decide to use their partners to wreak havoc, others to take care of the sick, and hundreds of others merely wish to return home.


If your life WAS part of the game, how would you play?





Astrological Sign: SEE BELOW


Origin Country: where the character is from

Appearance: picture is optional, but please put in spoiler




Weapons: Please put this in a spoiler if more than one weapon is posted. Pictures is optional. Max 5


Other Interesting Facts:

Thoughts of this role play:

Rp Sample:










Other Interesting Facts:


[spoiler=Astrological Sign]

子 Rat (Yang, Element Water): Rat years include 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008.


丑 Ox (Yin, Element Water): Ox years include 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009.


寅 Tiger (Yang, Element Wood): Tiger years include 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010.


卯 Rabbit (Yin, Element Wood): Rabbit Years include 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.


辰 Dragon (Yang, Element Wood): Dragon years include 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.


巳 Snake (Yin, Element Fire): Snake years include 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.


午 Horse (Yang, Element Fire): Horse years include 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.


未 Sheep (Yin, Element Fire): Sheep years include 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015.


申 Monkey (Yang, Element Metal): Monkey years include 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.


酉 Rooster (Yin, Element Metal): Rooster years include 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.


戌 Dog (Yang, Element Metal): Dog years include 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018.


亥 Pig (Yin, Element Water): Pig years include 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019.



[spoiler=Class Descriptions]


Journeyman ---> Pirate, Fighter

-Weapons: Axe

Pupil ---> Mage, Shaman

-Weapons: Nature Magic

Recruit ---> Cavalier, Knight

-Weapons: Lance


First Tier

Archer ---> Sniper, Ranger

-Weapons: Bow

Cavalier ---> Paladin, Great Knight

-Weapons: Sword, Lance

Cleric ---> Bishop

-Weapons: Staff

Fighter ---> Warrior, Hero

-Weapons: Axe

Knight ---> Great Knight, General

-Weapons: Lance

Mage ---> Sage, Mage Knight

-Weapons: Nature Magic

Mercenary --->Hero, Ranger

-Weapons: Sword

Monk ---> Sage, Bishop

-Weapons: Light Magic

Myrmidon ---> Sword Master, Assassin

-Weapons: Sword

Necromancer ---> NONE

-Weapons: Dark Magic, Staff

Pegasus Knight ---> Wyvern Knight

-Weapons: Lance

Pirate ---> Warrior, Berserker

-Weapons: Axe

Priest ---> Sage, Bishop

-Weapons: Staff

Shaman ---> Druid, Summoner

-Weapons: Dark Magic

Soldier ---> Halberdier

-Weapons: Lance

Thief ---> Assassin, Rogue

-Weapons: Knife

Troubadour ---> Mage Knight

-Weapons: Staff

Wyvern Rider ---> Wyvern Lord, Wyvern Knight

-Weapons: Lance


Second Tier


-Weapons: Knives


-Weapons: Axe


-Weapons: Light Magic, Staff


-Weapons: Nature Magic, Dark Magic, Staff


-Weapons: Sword, Axe, Lance

Great Knight

-Weapons: Sword, Axe, Lance


-Weapons: Lances


-Weapons: Sword, Axe

Knight Lord

-Weapons: Lance, Sword

Mage Knight

-Weapons: Nature Magic, Staff


-Weapons: Sword, Axe, Lance


-Weapons: Sword, Bow


-Weapons: Knives


-Weapons: Nature Magic, Light Magic, Staff


-Weapons: Bow


-Weapons: Dark Magic, Staff

Swords Master

-Weapons: Sword


-Weapons: Axe, Bow

Wyvern Knight

-Weapons: Lance

Wyvern Lord

-Weapons: Sword, Lance



[spoiler=Tamers Skills]

Adaptability: Powers up moves of the same type

All Seeing Eyes: Prevents any “illusionary” skills from affecting tamer and/or partner(s)

Aftermath: when partner is defeated, causes damage to the inflicting opponent.

Air Lock: nullifies the abilities that cause weather change.

Animation: treat 1 weapon or trap as a partner.

Anger Point: tamer or partner becomes stronger the more damage they take.

Astral: attack 5 times with half the damage.


Battle Armor: prevents your opponent from landing a critical blow.

Battle Experience: double the experience gained after a battle.

Blaze: Increase the attack of fire-based moves

Blessing: restores health to others.

Blood Swap: restores health if tamer or partner has successfully attacked

Boon: restores status to normal.

Brave Soul: increase the attack if there is only 1 type of monster on the battlefield.


Cancel: reduces enemy attack to zero.

Charm: tamer and/or partner(s) cannot attack if they are of the opposite gender

Chlorophyll: double speed when sunny.

Counter: halves the damage received from the enemy attacks.


Deadeye: 100% hit rate.

Death Stare: kills opponent upon eye contact

Decaying Body: decay weapons and traps.

Distraction: garners attention from opponent tamer and/or partner(s)

Drizzle: changes weather to rainy.


Flame Body: inflicts burns whenever a tamer or partner(s) strike opponent(s).


Gamble: doubles chance for a critical blow, but halves hit percentage.

Glutton: restores health whenever tamer and/or partner eats.


Horde: Increases attack if partner is carrying an item.

Huge Power: allows tamer or partner to double strength for a short time.

Hyper Cutter: Prevents the Attack stat from being lowered.


Illusion: creates doubles of user.

Immunity: protects tamer or partner from being poisoned.

Ingenuity: enables any item to deal damage to an opponent.

Innate Wisdom: Increase the evasiveness of tamer and/or partner(s)

Inner Focus: prevents flinching.

Iron Fist: increases power of fist-type moves.

Insight: increases accuracy.

Insomnia: tamer and/or partner(s) cannot be put to sleep.

Intimidate: Lowers the foe’s attack.

Invisibility: prevents opponent’s physical attack from landing, also renders tamer or partner invisible.


Keen Eye: prevents the tamer and/or partner from losing accuracy.

Klutz: decreases the chance of a partner from landing an attack


Lethality: automatic kill.

Levitate: protects you from ground based attacks.

Lightning Rod: attracts electrical based attacks to self.

Limber: prevents paralysis.

Luna: lowers defense of enemy.

Lure: draws tamer and/or partner attacks to self.


Malevolence: inflict damage to all opponents.

Magma Armor: prevents freezing.

Mantle: damage is reduced by half.

Mimic: copies tamer or partner attack and/or moves.

Mischief: sets off traps automatically.

Multitask : Enable tamer and/or partner(s) to attack more than once.


Natural Cure: return all allies back to normal status.

Natural Magic: enables tamer and/or partner to attack with elemental magic

Natures Power: increase attack if partner type is the same as the environment.

Negate: stops enemy skills.

Nightmares: reduces the health of an opponent if they are asleep.

No Guard: allows all moves to land without fail.

Non-Fatal: decrease the health of an opponent or tamer to 1.

Normalize: makes all moves physical attacks.


Oblivious: prevents the tamer or partner from falling in love.

Own Tempo: prevents confusion.


Petrifaction: turn a tamer or partner into stone.

Poison Point: inflicts poison to opponent when physically hit.

Poison Tail: inflicts poison to opponent when physically hit.

Possession: take control of 1 tamer or partner.

Pressure: decreases speed for all battling parties.

Prophecy: no traps or items can be used.

Provoke: raises chance of being attacked.

Pure Power: allows user to temporarily become invincible.


Quick Feet: doubles speed.


Rain Dish: the partner gradually recovers health in rain.

Rage: triple attack.

Reckless: powers up moves that have recoil damage.

Regeneration: the tamer or partner can regenerate.

Reinforce: allows tamer to have more than one partner on the field.

Renewal: restores tamer and/or partner(s) to full health.

Rough Skin: Inflicts damage to the foe on contact.

Run Away: Enables sure getaway from wild monsters.


Scope: increases damage of critical attack.

Sisterhood: increase attack if another monster of the same type is on the battlefield.

Shade: creates doubles of tamer and/or partner(s).

Shield Dust: blocks the added effects of attacks taken.

Slow Start: temporarily halves attack and speed.

Snow Cloak: increases evasiveness in snow.

Soothing Herb: prevents burns.

Sound Proof: negates move or abilities that are sound based.

Smith: allows partner(s) to use weapons.

Sniper: powers up moves if they become critical hits.

Speed Boost: tamer or partner gradually increases speed.

Stall: the tamer and/or partner(s) moves after even slower foes.

Stamped: inflict damage to opponent if there is another monster of the same type on the battlefield.

Static: when tamer or partner is hit, causes paralysis.

Steal: steal items from enemies.

Sturdy: the tamer and/or partner is protected against 1-hit KO attacks.

Stratagem: negate the next move of an opponent.

Sun Beam: changes weather to sunny.

Swarm: add one “monster token” each turn.

Sweet Song: reduce the attack and defense of opponents.

Swift Swim: boot the speed of a tamer and partner in rain

Synchronize: passes on a burn, poison, or paralysis to the foe.


Trace: gives you the same ability as your opponent.


Vantage: get first attack.

Vigilance: increases chance of dodging attacks.

Volt Absorb: tamer or partner recovers when attacked with electrical based subjects.


Water Absorb: tamer or partner recovers when attacked with water based subjects.

Water Breathe: one tamer or partner is able to breath underwater.

Water Veil: prevents the tamer and/or partner from getting a burn.

Wisdom: negate traps set by your opponent.

Wish: revives 1 tamer or partner to full health.




[spoiler=Monster List]


Monster Name


* Common

** Uncommon

*** Rare

**** Super Rare

**** Ultra Rare

Gender: Male ♂, Female ♀ or Unknown –

Ability: You must choose ONE




Level: **

Gender: Unknown

Ability: Provoke, Reinforce

-Demons that have teeth of iron.



Level: ****

Gender: Female ♀

Ability: Illusion, Levitate, Trace

- Parasitic fairy that feeds off the food that they had eaten



Level: *

Gender: Unknown

Ability: Provoke, Trace

-A small kind of demon, its able to provoke a person's darkest desires and thus instigate him into perpetrating wicked deeds.



Level: **

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Glutton, Steal

- A Bakeneko is a cat that gains paranormal powers after certain circumstances. They also have the ability to eat (bigger or smaller) anything in its way, no matter what it is.



Level: ***

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Shade, Own Tempo, Levitate

-Supernatural tapir-like creatures that devour dreams and nightmares.



Level: ***

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Counter, Multitask

- Similar to a dragon, a Balaur has fins, feet, and is polycephalous; usually having three, sometimes seven, or even twelve serpent heads.



Level: * * *

Gender: Female ♀

Ability: Non-Fatal, Prophecy

Description: Usually appears in two forms: a beautiful maiden or a hideous hag. The wailing or keening of a banshee foretold the impending death of a member of the family.



Level: * * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: All Seeing Eyes, Death Stare

Description: The basilisk is a serpent with the head and wings of a rooster and the tail of a dragon. Its glance kills whatever it encounters.



Level: ***

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Huge Power, Normalize

- Primal, gigantic land animal



Level: **

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Vigilance, Levitate, Blessing

- A small creature with a jewel on its head



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Stamped, Quick Feet

Description: The Centaur is a race of monsters that are half man, half horse. They appear to have a man's head, trunk, and arms, and a horse's body and legs.



Level: * * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Blaze, Poison Tail

Description: The Chimera is a fire-breathing monster. She has a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail.



Level: * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Rage, Klutz

Description: Cyclops’ are a race of giants who have only one eye; which is in the middle of their forehead.



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Invisibility, Possession

Description: Daemon's are lesser immortal creatures ranking between the gods and men; a guardian spirit or the same as a demon. Such spirits are capable of possessing someone, but could be expelled by means of exorcism.



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Negate, Blood Swap

- A Dhampir is the child of a vampire father and a human mother. They often have powers similar to a vampire, but none of their weaknesses (though the reverse can occur, as well). These “monsters” are believed to be unusually adept at killing and detecting vampires



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Mimic, Synchronize

Description: A Doppelganger is the supposed ghostly double or wraith of a living person.



Level: * * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Huge Power, Hyper Cutter

Description: Dragons are large, scaled reptiles with wings and claws, which breathe fire and smoke. The dragon's form varies depending on its region.



Level: * *

Gender: Female ♀

Ability: Chlorophyll, Invisibility, Astral

-The dryads are the nymphs of oak trees, They are normally considered to be very shy creatures.



Level: * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Smith, Wisdom

Description: There are two basic types of dwarves - German and Norse. Although they share some similar characteristics they are separate creatures. Norse dwarves are very wise and expert craftsmen. Germanic dwarfs can be further divided into two categories - those inhabiting mines and those inhabiting mountains. Both were similar in appearance but different in temperament. Dwarfs are generally little (approximately the height of a two year old child), usually ugly or malformed, although sometimes beautiful. Mine-dwelling dwarfs are generally more spiteful than the mountain variety.



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Natures Power, Ingenuity

Description: Elves are tiny, often prankish fairy, often in human male form. Elves possess magic powers and haunt woods and hills. Often mischievous, elves cause diseases and evil dreams, stole children, and substituted changelings (deformed or weak elf or fairy children) for them. Sometimes, however, elves are benevolent and helpful.



Level: * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Invisibility, Natural Magic

Description: Fairies are creatures of human form possessing magical powers. Fairies are often, but not always, tiny, graceful, delicate beings. A fairy may be helpful or harmful to human beings. They can become invisible at will and thus live unseen in the midst of human society.



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Innate Wisdom, Stratagem

Description: A familiar is a spirit or imp, often in animal form, which acts as a servant to a witch. The familiar was a low-ranking creature that assumes any animal shape. Sometimes a familiar is a grotesque creature, an amalgam of several different species.



Level: * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Stall, Run Away

Description: They have the body of a man, but the horns, pointed ears, tail, and hind legs of a goat.



Level: *

Gender: Male ♂

Ability: Water Absorb, Water Breathe

- An amphibian human-looking being that lives in caves next to the sea. It spends time lying in wait for girls and devastating coast villages.



Level: * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Rough Skin, Shield Dust

Description: Gargoyles are grotesque stone creatures; they often look like a grotesque bird or beast.



Level: * * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Wish, Animation

Description: Jinn are supernatural beings of flame or air capable of taking on human or animal form. They are dwell in any conceivable inanimate object (stones, trees, ruins), underneath the earth, in the air, and in fire. Although supernatural, jinn possess the physical needs of human beings and can be killed. Jinn are generally monstrous, evil demons, but some are beautiful and perform good deeds for humans.



Level: * * *

Gender: Unknown

Ability: Levitate, Insomnia, Invisibility

Description: A ghost is the disembodied spirit of a dead person, appearing to the living as a pale, shadowy apparition. They are capable of making their selves seen, solid or transparent, or heard by the living. Ghosts are also capable of causing strange lights or a disembodied voice.



Level: * * *

Gender: Unknown -

Ability: Levitate, Lure, Invisibility

Description: Ghouls have no specific image and have been described as "neither man nor woman ... neither brute nor human." They assume disguises; ride on dogs and hares, and also set fires at night to lure travelers away from the main roads.



Level: * * * * *

Gender: Unknown -

Ability: Wish, Distraction, Invisibility

Description: Ghul are a diabolic class of Jinn capable of constantly changing form. The Ghul stalks the desert, trying to distract travelers, and, when successful, killed and ate them. Since they can change form their presence is not easily noted. However, they can be detected by one sign - they leave the tracks of a donkey in whatever form they take. The only defense against a Ghul was to strike it dead in one blow. A second blow would only bring it back to life again.



Level: * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Rage, Sturdy

Description: Giants are a race of huge beings with super human size and strength.



Level: * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Innate Wisdom, Natural Magic

Description: Another of the fairy creatures, gnomes are a race of small, misshapen dwarfs, often physically deformed and usually hunchbacked. They have occult knowledge of the earth.



Level: *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Horde, Swarm

Description: Goblins are wandering, mischievous, often malicious, sprite, ugly or misshapen in form. They live in small caves, but attach themselves to households.



Level: * *

Gender: Unknown

Ability: Adaptability, Slow Start

Description: A golem is simply an image endowed with life. Most golems are brought to life by means of a charm, or Shem (a combination of letters forming a sacred word). The Shem, written on paper, was placed in the golem's mouth or affixed to its head. Its removal de-animated the golem.



Level: * *

Gender: Female ♀

Ability: Petrifaction

Description: The Gorgons are ugly monsters, with writhing serpents for hair, claws of bronze, and are so ugly that the sight of them turned onlookers to stone. They have round faces, flat noses, and tongue lolling out and with large projecting teeth, in an addition to the hair of snakes.



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Keen Eye, Intimidate

Description: Griffins are creatures with the body and hind legs of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle.



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Natural Magic, Innate Wisdom, Limber

- Hybrid of a human and an elf



Level: * *

Gender: Female ♀

Ability: Poison Point

- The Harionago is said to be a beautiful woman with extremely long hair tipped with thorn-like barbs. Her hair is under her direct control, and she uses it to ensnare men.



Level: * *

Gender: Female ♀

Ability: Keen Eye, Sisterhood

Description: A filthy, hungry creature with the head of a woman and the body of a vulture.



Level: *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Flame Body, Intimidate

- A hellhound is a supernatural dog that have black fur, glowing red or sometimes glowing yellow eyes, super strength or speed, ghostly or phantom characteristics, foul odor, and sometimes even the ability to talk. They also possess fire-based abilities and appearance.



Level: * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Water Veil, Oblivious

Description: A hippocampus is a sea monster with the head and forequarters of a horse and the tail of a dolphin or fish.



Level: * * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Innate Wisdom, Huge Power

- A rare hybrid of a griffon and horse, that is a lion-eagle-horse. The reason for its great rarity is that griffins regard horses as prey. The hippogriff is far faster, stronger and more intelligent than their fathers, the griffin.



Level: *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Insomnia

- Hobgoblins seem to be small, little men who are often found within human dwellings, doing odd jobs around the house while the family is lost in sleep.



Level: * * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Intimidate, Regeneration

Description: The Hydra is a three-headed serpent. When any one of its heads is cut off, it was replaced by two others.



Level: * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Battle Armor, Luna,

- Flightless, lesser dragons, which resemble gigantic serpents.



Level: * * *

Gender: Male ♂

Ability: Nightmares, Charm

Description: An incubus is an evil male demon that haunts sleeping women.



Level: * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Possession, Astral, Illusion

- A dog spirit that commonly carrying out vengeance or acting as guardians on behalf of the "inugami owner". They’re extremely powerful and capable of existing independently, as well as turning on their "owners" and even possessing humans.



Level: * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Drizzle, Water Absorb, Water Veil

- Shark-like sea monster



Level: *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Swift Swim, Rain Dish

Description: The Kappa is a malicious spirit that captures swimmers in rivers and lakes.



Level: * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Mischief, Adaptability, Astral

Description: The Kitsune, or fox spirits, is a wicked fairy with great power over nature. They can transform their shape, pass through solid matter and live in air, water or earth.



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Drizzle, Huge Power,

- Kraken are sea monsters of gargantuan size and, due to their sheer size and fearsome appearance attributes, are common in every ocean. These creatures normally live at great depths, but have been sighted at the surface and reportedly have "attacked" ships.



Level: * * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Pure Power, Hyper Cutter, Ingenuity

- Nine-tailed fox



Level: *

Gender: Male ♂

Ability: Shed Skin, Normalize

- Human-lizard hybrid



Level: * * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: All Seeing Eyes

- Truth-detecting animal



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Poison Tail, Own Tempo

-The manticore creature similar to the sphinx. It has the body of a red lion, a head with three rows of sharp teeth (like a shark) and a trumpet-like voice. The tail is that of a scorpion and shoots out poisonous spines to either paralyze or kill its victims.


Mermaid and Mermen

Level: * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Water Absorb, Sniper

Description: Mermaids are supernatural sea creatures shaped like a woman from the waist up and with the tail of a fish. They inhabit the sea and some inland waters. Mermaids and mermen are natural beings who, like fairies, had magical and prophetic powers. They loved music and often sing. Though very long-lived, they were mortal. Though sometimes kindly, mermaids and mermen were usually dangerous to man.



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Anger Point, Stamped

Description: The Minotaur is a half man and half bull monster. It has a humanoid body, but had hoofed feet and horns on its head.



Level: *

Gender: Unknown

Ability: Mischief, Swarm

- Certain demons, which often inflict harm on humans. They reproduce asexually during the moments after getting wet.



Level: *

Gender: Female ♀

Ability: Horde, Swarm

Description: Nymphs are beautiful maidens. There are several different types of nymph depending upon what sphere of nature they were connected with: the Oceanids, were sea nymphs; the Nereids inhabited both saltwater and freshwater; the Naiads presided over springs, rivers, and lakes. The Oreads were nymphs of mountains; the Napaeae "dell" and the Alseids "grove" were nymphs of groves; the Dryads presided over forests and trees.



Level: * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Sturdy, Glutton

Description: Ogres are a man-eating monster or giant.



Level: *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Sturdy, Glutton

- Tough and warlike humanoid creatures. Orcs are misshapen humanoids who are brutal, warmongering, and sadistic. Yet they have a strong sense of honor They often ride boars and wolves.



Level: * * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Blaze, Wish

Description: The Phoenix is an eagle-like bird with scarlet and gold plumage. The phoenix has a 500-year life span - only one lived at a time. At the end of that period the bird built its own funeral pyre, on which it was consumed to ashes. Out of the ashes a new phoenix arose. The cycle was repeated every 500 years.



Level: * * *

Gender: Unknown -

Ability: Nightmare, Animate, Invisibility

Description: Poltergeists are disruptive ghosts who move or break objects. They most often cannot be seen.



Level: * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Run Away, Air Lock, Blessing

Description: A winged horse.



Level: *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Mimic, Shade

- Qareens are personal demons and are unique to each individual. Qareen also means "constant companion". The companion can be either good or evil.



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Anger Point, Stamped, Multitask

-Five-horned bull



Level: * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Glutton, Keen Eye

Description: A roc is a gigantic bird of prey, so huge and strong that it could carry off large animals, such as elephants, for food.


Level: *

Gender: Unknown

Ability: Natural Magic

- The salamander is a fire elemental.



Level: * *

Gender: Male ♂

Ability: Brave Soul, Battle Experience

Description: Satyrs have the head, arms, and torso of a man and the horns, ears, and hind legs of a goat.



Level: * * * * *

Gender: Unknown -

Ability: Huge Power, Malevolence

Description: A dark shadowy spirit.



Level: * *

Gender: Female ♀

Ability: Sweet Song, Swift Swim

Description: Siren's have the head of a woman and the body of a bird.



Level: * * *

Gender: Female ♀

Ability: Nightmares, Charm

Description: A succubus is the female equivalent of the incubus, which attempts to lie with sleeping men.



Level: *

Gender: Unknown

Ability: Natural Magic, Invisibility

- Sylphs are invisible beings of the air, the elementals of air



Level: * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Mischief, Illusion

- Tanuki are reputed to be mischievous and jolly, a master of disguise and shape shifting, but somewhat gullible and absent-minded.



Level: *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Rage, Reckless

Description: Tolls are man-sized or smaller beings which sometime possess magical powers. Trolls are hostile to men. If exposed to sunlight they burst or turn to stone.



Level: * * *

Gender: Unknown

Ability: Natural Magic, Ingenuity, Wisdom

- When items or artifacts that have reached their 100th birthday they become alive and aware. Any object of this age, from swords to toys, can become a tsukumogami. Tsukumogami are considered spirits and supernatural beings, as opposed to enchanted items.



Level: *

Gender: Unknown

Ability: Natrual Magic

- Water elemental



Level: * * * * *

Gender: Female ♀

Ability: Natural Cure, Stamped

Description: A unicorn is a horse with a single long horn growing from the center of its forehead. Anyone who drinks out of its horn is protected from poisoning, stomach trouble, and epilepsy.



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂

Ability: Anger Point, Multitask, Water Absorb

- Bull-octopus monster



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Insomnia, Blood Swap

Description: Vampires are an evil spirit that takes possession of a corpse, rising from the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping persons. Victims become vampires after death. Vampires are often the ghosts of criminals, heretics, or suicides. It can be put to rest only by having a wooden stake driven through its heart. A vampire must remain somewhere dark. Vampires can often assume the form of a bat or mist. Vampires can be recognized by their lack of a shadow and the lack of a reflection in a mirror.



Level: * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Possession, Malevolent

- The Wendigo is a malevolent cannibalistic spirit into which humans could transform, or which could possess humans.



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Glutton, Limber, Intimidate, Keen Eye

- Creatures that are shapeshifters similar to werewolves that, instead of a wolf, turn into a creature that is based on some species of feline. The species involved can be a domestic cat, tiger, lion, leopard, lynx, or any other type. Typically, an individual werecat can only transform to one unique feline, not to a number of different species, and each individual type of werecat may be known by a more species-specific term such as "weretiger".



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Glutton, Limber, Intimidate, Keen Eye

Description: A werewolf is a person who transforms themselves or is transformed into a wolf. The werewolf then roams in search of people, animals, or corpses to devour. Lycanthropy is a disease that can be transmitted through the werewolf's bite. The victim after having been bitten changes shape involuntarily under the influence of the full moon. If wounded in wolf form, the wounds will show in the werewolf's human form.



Level: * * * * *

Gender: Unknown -

Ability: Pure Power, Levitate, Malevolent

Description: The Wraith is a ghost-like spectral figure of a person. Wraiths are completely covered by a cloak and hood, with two devil horns.



Level: * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Hyper Cutter, Intimidate

- A huge fire-breathing, scaly and horned dinosaur-like creature, with leathery wings, with four legs and a long muscular tail. It is sometimes shown with feathered wings, crests, fiery manes, ivory spikes running down its spine and various exotic colorations.



Level: * * * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Hyper Cutter, Intimidate

Description: A wyvern is two-legged dragon with wings and a barbed tail.



Level: * *

Gender: Male ♂ or Female ♀

Ability: Slow Start, Decaying Body

Description: A soulless corpse reanimated through supernatural power. A zombie is in a trancelike state of animation, and does the bidding of its owner.




Banned Members




Warned Members






1.) Absolutely NO GODMODING! (I shouldn't even have to put this)

2.) No OOC only Posts

3.) When you post, make sure it is NOT random -> Do NOT Randomly Walk Up To People And Start Talking

4.) MUST Post Often! Failure To Comply WILL Get You BANNED With Little Change Of Returning!

5.) You Can Have At MOST Two Characters -> Unless Otherwhise Stated

6.) You MUST PM Me your COMPLETED App

7.) Those Posting Before Being Accepted Will Be Given A Warning, Then A Neg, And Finally Will Be Reported.


9.) I have final say- end of story

10.) All Advance Rules Apply only because we Have too



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OK Ladies and Gentlemen!


In order to help show what a "proper" application should look like then please check below! This is not only how it should be set up, but for those playing, will be a character within the game.


[spoiler=Application, Max]


Maximilian Kishen

Age: 13

Astrological Sign: Water/ Yin/ Ox

Gender: Male

Origin Country: Poland, raised in New York





Personality: Due to Maximilian’s weak frame he is very shut in and quite, leading many to believe he was a self mute. Though he began to play Tamers as a way to be more outgoing, Max has found himself ever the target of bullies.

Class: Fighter

Skill: Iron Fist


Double Bladed Axe

An axe with both sides edged to cut, Max has only recently acquired this weapon from the creator as a token of their friendship. Not able to sling it properly Max instead opts to throw it.


Max’s main weapon of choice. A light weight axe with a long handle and single blade, this hatchet is durable despite it’s appearance.




Born into a simple rural farming family, Maximilian was taught by his parents to farm and weave baskets to help ends meet for their poor family. Yet at the age of six Max contracted a rare blood disease that was untreatable in his homeland. In order to save his life the family were forced to uproot themselves and move to America to seek financial and medical aid for their only son. Once the long search had bared fruit Maximilian was given the proper medical treatment, thus saving his life, but not without seriously weakening his body and leaving his family in a crippling financial dilemma; though they had still managed to celebrate by ordering him a Tamers system. To cope with the restrictions on his body Maximilian began to read and slowly study Tamers and all of its functions; with his interests on being able to master the game and that possibly would lead to a high paying job as an entertainer.


Once he had the opportunity to begin working he did so, sometimes working five jobs a week, and would constantly save his money to help pay for the medical bills he had given his family; never forgetting to practice at Tamers. With his family falling behind on the payments Maximilian contemplated stealing other people’s Tamer systems to pay off the bills and set out one day to do so. Racing through the park Max carefully picked out his ‘victims’ and pounced, yet only managed to be thrown off; having accidentally picked the leader of a local small time gang. Taking flight Max was cornered in an ally and feared for his life, the gang leader smugly challenged him to a Duel at Tamers; the winner receiving the losers Partner and Tamer System. Unable to deny the challenge Max meekly started the match, but quickly began to loose ground as the gang illegally teamed up on him.


The end drawing closer with each strike the gang made at his partner and himself Max wished out loud he had managed to help his parents instead of cause them to suffer. Without warned three of the four gang was downed by a single blow. Looking up a ‘ma’ in a cloak stepped in front of him and demanded the leader turn and leave, which was of course, promptly refused and followed by an attack by the leader’s Cybernetic Ogre. The stranger’s partner managed to block all of the leader’s moves and win the match; though the stranger refused the conditions of the match and allowed the gang to flee, either Tamer Systems and Partners in tow. After some consoling Max discovered the stranger was the creator of Tamers and had snuck away from his office to “have some fun”; ever since Max has become close friends with the creator of the game.


With the dimensional drift sending the frail Maximilian into the Tamers Universe he fears for his friend and wishes greatly to return home and see his parents.



Other Interesting Facts: Because of his operation Max is unable to endure long matches and is winded easily. Because of this he is considered more of a burden to other Tamer players.

Thoughts of this role play: YAY!

Rp Sample: I CREATED THIS GAME [with some help] SO I DO NOT NEED A SAMPLE! ^^



Thomas “Tommy” Timers

Type: Behemoth Tiger Cub

Gender: Male ♂





Personality: Since Max's general weakened condition Tommy is at times overtly protective of him, though he shares a bit of cowardice when faced with a stronger monster and will likely flee alongside his tamer. Loyal Tommy will cry when left alone or separated from max for extended periods of time.

Skill: Huge Power


Jungle Assassination

Concealing his presence from the enemy Tommy leaps from behind and strikes at his enemy’s vital points.

Timber Claws

A basic attack, Timber Claws is a powerful swing of Tommy’s massive paws.


Using a unique ability Tommy has inherited from the glitch, he is able to make all blue coloring on his body vanish; and nearly making the black stripe vanish as well.

Silent Walk

Despite being a behemoth tiger cub, standing at the height of a Great Dane, Tommy is able to at times walk without being heard.



Other Interesting Facts: Due to a rare glitch in Max’s Tamers System, Tommy’s coloring is a deep shade of blue.



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"Good morning ladies and gentlemen!" The male news anchor begins as the wide digital television high above the town square flickers to life. The man turns to his co-host, a beautiful elf women with blond hair, and smiles as she begins herself, "As many of you well know today is April the 20th and we will be holding an all day news coverage of the soon-to-start Tamers Tournament, beginners to intermediate level, with up close and personal footage."


"That's right Diana," the man continues once she has finished her section, continuing his own dialogue, "Now the tournament is meant to help those just beginning or have been playing for a bit better learn the complicated aspects of this widely popular 'game'. And right now down at the tournament grounds is are very own reporter Trisha Takkakaw. Trisha?"


At the man's words the screen turns to a Chinese woman standing next to a business man. Holding the microphone in hand the woman waits three whole seconds before responding, "Yes Tom I am here right now with the sponsor of the game, Mr. Valiant, who will be giving us a quick refresher about the game and the tournament being held her in a few hours. Mr. Valiant?"


Turing to look at the sharp dressed man the camera pans in on his face as he fixes his glasses, holding out a small device and clicking the button. In a small glimmer of light the shape of a small human appears and, once the light diminishes, appears to be a Dwarf; standing no more than three feet tall with a very wild looking beard and pickaxe. Looking around the Dwarf scowls at the reporter before taking two steps back to stand next to Mr. Valiant, who begins to speak diligently.


"As you just witnessed this device," holding out the device that had summoned the Dwarf, "Is the main housing unit for the Tamer System and, thus, the various monsters of partners one can acquire throughout the game; though in order to keep the game simple in this aspect each player or Tamers as they're called is allotted only three partners each."


Clicking the device in a different spot a lance appears, floating in front of Mr. Valiant, as he takes hold of it, "And the Tamers systems also allows for the summoning and use of many different items from weapons to a common rock. Anything a person can scan with the Tamers build in coder can be transformed into part of the game; due to each Tamers System being linked to the main server back at our headquarters. Even the individual spells casted by the Tamer are individualized."


"So there techniqually is 'no' limit to what can happen during a game is there?" the reporter interrupts. Smiling Mr. Valiant makes the lance and Dwarf disappear before confirming her accusation, stating that the game has an unprecedented amount of factors that can make each game, each match individually unique from another even on a world wide scale. With the loud sound of a bell ringing out, Trisha Takkakaw turns back to the camera and finishes her segment, "Well Tom is appears that the signal for the Tournament to begin has sounded off and so we will be right back once the battle begins. Thank You."


Letting the footage run three more seconds the camera man calls out, ‘and cut’, to signal that they are off the air. Laughing, the segment a success, the young reporter follows Mr. Valiant as he leads the news crew up to the commentators box as a mass of players, young, old and in between make their way to the giant tournament ground. Watching each Tamer walking through a digital register Ms. Takkakaw glances over to Mr. Valiant, “So Mr. Valiant?”




“I don’t suppose ‘he’ will be making an appearance this time either?” the reporter asks boldly, prying into a subject not many of her colleges would dare gear their questions towards. Smiling Mr. Valiant shakes his head and answers back, “I am afraid my dear that the ‘Creator’ declined out invite to watch the event, or possibly participate if they so chooses, but it appears as if they have more pressing matters to attend too.”


“Is that so?” the Chinese woman asks looking back down at the filled stage, listening to the tournament committee explain the rules. Apparently the rules were simple: Play until you get knocked out and the winner would be rewarded with one of a kind application for their systems. As expected the roars of the crowd were intense as each Tamer, teaming up or going at it solo, commented on the prize.


“This is so sweet!”


“I’ll be the one to win that app!”


“No way me and my monster can loose!” and so on. The excitement building one of the players turned to one of his friends and then glanced away too afraid to ask what was on his mind. The his friend could already tell what he was thinking and she gave a loud sigh, “Max you don’t have to worry so much, sheesh! Amy and I will watch your back!”


“That’s nice Crystal, but I think Max was thinking more along the lines of ‘what if we get caught’. After all we did sneak in to this tournament illegally,” someone beside Crystal answered while a young girl clung to his arm, a carbuncle floating around them both. Smiling he lifted the hood of his cloak a bit and laughed when the young maiden glared at him and turned around; knowing they were only there because he had managed to sneak them in. The countdown going off each player readied themselves, some counting down with the clock, “7 . . . 6 . . . 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . BEGIN!”

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Snow.... another illegal player who snuck in.... blended in with the crowd and kept his hood on. Upon hearing the rules and regulations of the gaming system he practiced, Snow looked around at the millions of players that have signed up and were ready to be crown the best Tamer in the whole world. Snow then looked around one more time and saw two other people with their hood up their heads. "They've snuck in too. I guess i'm not alone on this one." Snow had said as he hurried his way to the two people.


In less then 5 minutes Snow had caught up with the two strangers and held out his hand even though he did not want to. "Names Snow. Care to join me?" Snow had said while holding out his hand. The countdown at begun as people were as crazy as prisoners in mental asylum facilities. "7 ... 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... BEGIN!" As many people were at the starting point of the game, Snow went on ahead but stopped at the tip of the point as he waited for the two to answer him.


In about 10 minutes, Snow could not wait any longer. He then jumped and landed both feet onto the Tamer Universe. He then experienced no major change in his appearance rather then his hands were glowing sky blue and pitch black. "So i'm a mage then. Now you guys are talking my language." Snow said as he felt a blade on his back. He then held the blade as the blade pointed the direction behind Snow. "So this is my sword huh?" Snow questioned as he yield his Axis Falchion. Snow walked the only direction to start the game and that direction was to the castle up north.


"Time to start the adventure." Snow had said as he kept on walking with the Tamer device at his hand. Snow then used his Tamer device to conjure up a book of all the ice and dark spells. Telling from the little black book, Snow was defintely a mage. Snow then looked around at all the other players to pick out the weak. "This might be fun." Snow said as he kept on heading to hid destination.

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Evelyn Laurent had been waiting anxiously for about half an hour now for the tournament to get under way. Though quiet and reserved most of the time, in the face of video games, animes, and other such things, Evelyn could hardly contain herself. Finally it was time to register and get in there. When the call came she jumped up at the news.

"Finally!" she said out loud on accident. She would have been embarrassed but she was far from the most excited person there. Slightly blushing she moved on to register.


As she registered Evelyn, and the others, took on their in-game appearances. Some were more different than their usual appearance than others. Some looked almost exactly the same. Evelyn met the former case. Whereas Evelyn normally had very light skin, very pale blond hair, and red eyes in game she had some peachy color in her skin, black hair with a slight green tint, and dark colored eyes. Additionally her clothing was quite different. Evelyn normally wore denim shorts, a purple top without sleeves and straps to keep it up on the shoulders, and a matching purple hat. In game she had no hat and instead wore a flowing robe colored white with some brown and green stripes on the edges of the robe. Her hair was much longer in game, coming down almost to her feet as opposed to a bit above her waist in real life, and she had a green tie restricting the last two feet so her hair wasn't completely unmanageable. She also got an inch or two taller from her usual five feet, eight inches.


So in short, she looked quite different but she liked it that way. It made the game all the more exciting for her. As she stepped through she used her Tamer's system to draw a weapon. A light blue book. Any Tamer's player would take one look at that and know Evelyn was a mage. Of course one couldn't always judge the spell on its color. This happened to be Evelyn's signature spell, Torrent. It was what she usually fought with. Evelyn could have called her partner at that moment but she waited a bit. If she brought him out now she would draw a lot of attention to herself so it was best to wait. Most partners would have been impatient with that but her's would enjoy being able to fight the stronger half of the group later on.


Everything ready Evelyn stepped out into the stadium with many other players pouring into it as well. Finally the call to begin came out with a roar of applause. Evelyn just walked at a decently brisk pace with her tome in hand. She could've run but that would tire her out faster.

"Now then, where are the more experienced players? It wouldn't be nice for me, who's well on her way to promoting, to go picking on the new guys." she thought as she looked out.

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Guest Tainted Black

Josh watched the trio of Max, Crystal, and Amy as he had entered behind the sneaks. He had no interest in busting them, and he just walked past them. "You kids might wanna keep quieter, eh? I heard your whole convo." He chuckled a light, hearty chuckle, and let his weapon out. Three Black Tomes. He pocketed two of them, and kept out the one he called Noir. He thumbed it as he also let his Roc out. "Hey there, Ave." He said to the giant, lazy bird. Ave made a slight squawking noise before laying his head down, and falling asleep. Josh hit his forehead, and wondered if the roc had been like that before it got wounded, or after. He climbed onto Ave, and smacked its head lightly, waking it up with a screech. "Yes, I know you're tired, but we need to go." The roc put its beak up and made a noise like a 'Hmph!', before taking off, to survey the area.


A few minutes later, Josh landed. He had noticed a tan mage. He knew avoiding her for now was smart. Not until he had to. He'd also seen some guy skulking around, and the trio of kids he had seen at first. There were also a few others, but none of interest. "So, who do you think?" he asked his avian friend, looking down to find it was sleeping... again. This evoked another self-smacking from Josh. "I swear... he'll give me brain damage."

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There goes yet another caster.... this is going to be difficult.


The area was packed to the brim with Tamers players, ready to enter the tournament. To Daena Sical, the noise was deafening. Can't blame 'em, though, I can't say I'm not excited, she thought to herself, as her eyes spotted yet another staff. Damn, another one. I should have found a cleric or something. Of course, she did try to join a team, but her usual partymates all had their groups set up, and she didn't want to intrude.


On Daena's shoulder sat Irenia, a fairy who happens to be Daena's partner and number one fan. Her blue dress sitting upon Daena's gray robe made the fairy stand out, pretty much telling the world what partner creature Daena used. This was not planned; Irenia refused to be placed into the housing unit, and Daena could not refuse the pleading of such a cute creature. Daena turned her head a bit and saw Irenia focused solely on scoping out the competition, much like Daena was earlier. These creatures have quite advanced AIs, Daena mused to herself. Irenia was a handful for sure, but nowadays Daena could not imagine playing Tamers without her fairy companion.


Daena left her weapons inside her housing unit; as most others did in the area. She felt naked without her bows at the ready. Fortunately at this point, the players began flowing into the arena, giving her more room to breathe. She blinked a few times nervously in rapid succession, forgetting that in the game, her eyes are 'naturally' golden, and she didn't have to fumble with those contacts. It was the same with her long white hair, which was convenient as she didn't have to dye it all the time to pretend to be in another world.


Daena found herself towards the back of the group after being lost in though. She walked into the arena herself while summoning her pre-loaded crossbow into her hands, after all, who knows when she'll have to fight. Irenia seemed more attentive, too, as she began to fly near Daena's head. Once inside the arena, Daena made her way towards a less crowded area of the colosseum, towards one of the edges. It'll probably be safest, here.

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A loud crash rang through the battlefield as some begining Tamers had gotten into a fight amongst each other, something a tournament like this should have happening often, and the sound of tamers crying commands to their partners even reached Evelyn and those around her. But an even closer sound caught their attentions as, turning to see, they witnessed the trees near them parted ways for three giants to come through.


Atop each oth the three giants rested a teenager with a different color headband; red, blue and green respectively. The red banded teen stood on his partner's shoulder as he spotted Evelyn; not having brought forth her partner yet. Smiling he looked over his shoulder at his brothers, "See anything else promising?"


"I sure do," the green banded one replied spotting Josh. The final one agreeing as well having found Snow walking towards a castle on the beach. Laughing the red banded teenager gave the command for them to attack- swinging their clubs violently at the unsusbecting Tamers.

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Guest Tainted Black

Ave's eyes shot open as the abnormal sounds alerted him. he looked back slightly, and his long tail whipped at the green banded person. The movement startled Josh, who had been looking through his tome. It actually caused him to lose balance and fall of the Roc. "You feather-brained, overgrown lizard! Why did you-" Before Josh could finish, the roc had used its beak to turn his head, allowing him to see the green banded person. Josh's eyes widened, and he knew it had begun. "Sorry for the insults, Ave." He said, opening the tome. He began to chant in the language fro mthe book, causing the energy to swirl around him. IT caused his longcoat to flap, and the energy turned black. As he finished preparing, he spoke to Ave. "Fly up, and don't come down until I give a signal." The bird nodded, and shot into the air, but not too far.

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It did not take long before the fighting broke out. Two players soon began fighting nearby, with stunning effects that could easily be mistaken for the real thing. Such was technology in this day and age.


"Irenia!" With a call to her partner, Daena found herself floating off the ground and into the air, surrounded by many wispy green strands of light. She rose up a bit before spotting three large giants coming out of a nearby forest. Daena shook her head as she motioned Irenia to return her to the ground and dispelling the spell. Are they *trying* to get themselves beaten?! Still, the sounds of battle in the direction she just came from dissuaded her from heading back the way she came; she'll have to head towards the beach instead. "Hope no one spots me..." Daena muttered to herself as Irenia flew after her.

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The green banded one held his head, a mark from where the Roc had hit him with it's tail, and cursed. Looking at Josh as he summoned his energy he held out his weapon and began to chant as well, "unda bestia, adeo meus suffragium!"


His short sword glowing jellyfish from the ocean below leapt out at Josh, attempting to sking him as they fell to the ground. Having seen the events Daena was forced to run towards the beach, only to have an Abyss tackle Irenia off of her shoulder and tussel with the fairy on the ground, clawing at her wings. A man leapt from the shadows as a trap ensnared his opponent. Laughing the man fixed his glasses and mocked, "You must be new to have fallen for that trap."

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Guest Tainted Black

Josh shot some dark energy directly into the air, and Ave was down on the top of the jellyfish before it got anywhere, ripping at it with claws and its beak. It made sure to not touch the tentacles, leaving them out and away, while it killed the gelatinous thing from its head. The roc shrieked as it ripped at it.


Josh grinned at the giant. "Well, well, that all you can do?" He said a short incantation before a ball of Darkness appeared in front of his open palm. He closed his extended palm, and the ball shot at the giant's head, Josh hoping to injure it. He kept his chanting up, just in case.

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The blast hit the giant in the head, but hardly damaged the creature as his Tamer held his sword to dampen the blast. Lifting his sword up the smoke from it slowly ebbed to a stop and he let it rest on his shoudlers, "I'm actually quite suprised a begining Shaman like you knows so many techniques. But let me show you another aspect of the game you've yet to figure out."


Vanishing quickly before Josh's eyes the giant and tamer appeared beside the hill and smashed it in, making Josh loose his footing, then quickly landing a blow on Ave.

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"I can't say setting traps isn't a bad idea," Daena stared intently at the bespectacled man who attacked her. "However...." Without finishing her statement, Daena twisted around and dived to the ground, quickly firing three low-flying bolts towards the creature that pinned Irenia. While escaping was impossible right now, there is always a way out.


Irenia herself squealed at the pain oh having her wings attacked, with tears welling up in its eyes. Still, Daena was in trouble! While the man was speaking with Daena, Irenia struggled to pull her right arm free, just in time for Daena to hit the ground. With a circular motion of her pointer finger, a singular strand of green light appeared above it, which Irenia then flicked towards the man. A large gale came blasting through, and with Daena now safe on the ground, only the enemy tamer stood in danger of being blown away by the winds.

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While walking to the castle on a beach, Snow had heard giant footsteps coming toward his way as he looked back. When Snow had looked back he had seen a giant running his way, swinging his club with a blue headband on. "So.... finally the competition shows up. Let's give them a.... cold welcoming." Snow had said as he took out his little black book. He then flipped to a couple of pages and found the right spell to keep him and his opponent in place. "Anillo Carcel!" Snow had said as ring circle was created by Snow.


Snow had stepped on the transmutation circle as the giant did the same. "Not a right thing to do my friend." Snow said as the circle then shot a bright light up at the sky as the light then disappeared. As the light disappeared, the two fighters were trapped in a ring of rotating ice crystals. "Whoever leaves get slice by one crystal and so on." Snow said as he looked at the Tamer and his partner. "So the giant is your partner then? How intriguing. Subida Endriago Huelga!" Snow said as the phrase in his book shined. Ice spikes then start to rise from the ground as a large ice dragon broke through the ice.


"This isn't my partner either. Just a little something i want to give to you. But to make things easier.... Desaparecer!" Snow said the command as the ice prison disappeared. "So how will i dispose of you?" Snow said as he was thinking of some way to get rid of this Tamer and his partner that stood between him and his destination. Snow then jumped back a few feet and flipped through some more of the pages in his little book. "Just the spell i was looking for." Snow said as he gave his opponent a sinister grin. "Prepare to meet your demise." Snow said as he threw his book in the air. "Adament Extermino!" Snow said as the ice dragon opened his mouth wide.


Appearing from the ice dragon's mouth were hundreds of ice crystals in one beam of light. Snow then jumped in the air and grabbed his little book as the dragon jumped with him. The dragon then shot the crystal beam as it headed straight for it's target.

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Hitting clean the attack made the beach explode in sand as the sounds echoed throughout the area. But once the smoke began to clear the giants massive hand broke through and grabbed the young dragon by the neck, slamming it to the ground. A moment later his Tamer slammed Snow to the ground, with such strength that he was unable to force him off, "Those kind of attacks wont work on us!"


"What!?" was all the Abyss' tamer could say before the violent gust of wind threw him and his miniature partner into a tree trunk, making it nearly impossible for them to move. Gritting his teeth he looked to his partner, who was holding on to his shirt, and nodded his head. The little creature gave a fanged smile and behind Daena and Irena more of the same creature appeared and pinned them to the ground; making the spell disolve. Freed the man took his axe out and charged.

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OOC: Live on other side of world, just woke up, already 15 posts damnit! Also Jake, why not put the accepted apps in as well?


Aaron had listened to the rules and regulations regarding this tournament. He had read them over several times before he had even got to the tournament. Course, his in-game avatar was no different from his real appearance, however, his hair was blue instead of bllack and he had a long coat resting on his shoulders. Two black bands stuck out from the left side of the collar, so it would be tied up if needed. After the call, he didn't summon a weapon or his monster. He simply scanned the crowd to observe monsters. After looking for a few seconds he wrote down something in the notebook he held in his left hand.


The rumbling alerted him to something, three players with giantss were wrecking the place. 'We can't have that' Aaron commented as a bang fell out of place. 'This really is quite real' he commented as he straightened it. He walked over smoothly to the battle. 'I can't hardly say this is fair on them' he muttered as he raised his hand, the one with the device. 'Lancet!' he called. Exploding from a beam of light came a heavily armoured man, or what appeared to be one.







Lancet said nothing as he stood in front of Aaron, acting as a shield between him and the final giant. 'Do you feel like dancing?' he inquired.

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Snow then took 3 minutes to free himself and yet his dragon sharped his scales, letting the crystals pop out of it's body. "Well now.... you manage to get through that attack. But i assure you.... the next attack won't be my last." Snow jumped up in the air and pulled back his left arm. "Crystal Strike!" Snow said as his left arm became crystalized. "This'll put you in your place!" Snow said as he zoomed down to the Tamer and released his fist. As he released his fist, hundreds of crystals shot out of the arm as Snow zoomed down faster at his target. As Snow zoomed down faster, his fist became bigger.


Snow then shot out the large ice fist as he opened his black book onto a new page. "Oscuro Endriago Extermino!" Snow said as he raised his left hand up. As he rose his hand to the sky, dark dragons were released from the ground. The dragons wrapped around the Tamer's legs and arms tight so that he can't get out easily. Snow then crashed landed with both feet on the ground as the attack made contact. Snow's dragon then released itself and disappeared. "Now that's what i call a "chilly" moment" Snow said as he stood where he stand.

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Standing back up the giant looked a bit scuffed, but obviously able to take more damage than Snow or his partner could muster. Grinning the giant swung his club almost leasurly and spoke, "Tiny man can't harm Dun. Dun beat tiny man to pulp!"


Stomping his foot more sand burst into the air and the giant vanished once more, only to appear and attack Snow from behind- and then from the right and left so quickly it was as if they had hit at the same time. Landing on the ground Snow look up to see the giant blocking out the sun, the Tamer laughing, "So how do you think your match against someone who has a rabbit sign going so far?"


Raising his fist the picture of a rabbit appeared on his hand, "With this I can increase my or my partners speed to unbelievable levels for a short period of time. And Dun's ability makes himincredibly difficult to take down with a single blow, or even multipule ones. So you don't stand a chance of beating us!"

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Irenia let out a high-pitched scream as she was suddenly smothered by the shadows. Daena rolled to face upwards. then sat upright and turned to the side just to see this happen to the fairy. If she's like this, then...! Daena began to stand up but her legs were also caught by the abyss creatures as well. To my left! As she had feared, she turned only to face the man - now with an axe - as he rushed in to attack.


Irenia's cries became weaker, causing Daena to suddenly glare at her opponent. "WHY YOU!" The crossbow dissolved back into the housing unit while simultaneously her unique weapon, the Elder Bow, materialized in her hands. After all, putting the crossbow on the ground would not be wise at this point. Holding the plain-looking bow sideways and pulling back the drawstring with all her might, an arrow of light was conjured in place of a normal arrow while the entire bow was enveloped in light. "TAKE THIS!" Daena yelled as she released the arrow towards the man, drawing all the light the bow gathered after it.

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As the arrow of light raced towards its target it faded anjd vanished even before hitting the Tamer, who laughed as he riased his axe, "My skill is prophecy! Your weapons wont work on me!"


"Then how about a good old attack!?" someone cried as a large blue tiger tackled the man and another creature froze the Abyss' solid. Looking up the man could see three figures walking towards him; a boy and a girl, followed some distance behind by another in a cloak with a women beside him. The blue tiger snarled as he backed away and looked for his partner, "This isn't good . . ."

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Aaron sighed as one giant was occupied with the ice mage, and another was occupied with the bird made of stone and his tamer. The third giant was probably watching the action of those two. Aaron massaged his left temple, before catching sight of a megaphne that had probably been dumped by a fleeing supervisor. He ran over and grabbed it before pointing it at the head of the third giant. 'You want to dance?' he called through it. 'This dick probably has a rabbit sign as well. Rabbits always breed like mad, so it'd make sense for this team of dolts to all be rabbits'.

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Turning the final giant looked around, but didn't seem to spot whomever was speaking to him. Yawning his Tamer slouched down and watched the other two duel, "Man those two idiots need to quit playing around. I heard there was a guy farther up this beach that summoned a Kraken and still got beat. Who knows if the person who beat something like that will be heading out way."

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Aaron had been bumped off, that was it for him. 'Lancet, it is time's like these that I really hate getting just rubbed off like a fake tattoo, but then again, I also savor these moments. I don't know if I am brimming with anger, rage or just total murderous rage. Whatever the case, this guy really needs to chill that hot head of his. Lancet, use Natural Magic Ice Crystal on the giant's face and shoulders' he ordered. An odd metallic echo issued from Lancet as glowing white-blue energy formed in his hands. He took a step forward with his right foot and took aim. A large wave of icy energy exploded outwords towards the giant and his tamer.

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Noticing the blast heading his way the Tamer stood up and shouted at his Giant, who turned the other way and had the attack land on his back. Looking back they both could see Aaron and Lancet standing below them, ready to fight, and the Tamer signed. Landing safely at his partners foot he looked around to make sure he wouldn't be ambushed and addressed the 'enemy', "Why on Earth are you attacking me?"

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