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If you could meet any 3 deceased people...


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This is very interesting. I wished I could have met a lot of deceased people. I'll pick these three though.


1. The Rev - Awesome drummer and he died to early.


2. Heath Ledger - Awesome actor, did a great Joker, and he also died to early.


3. Steve Irwin - I don't think anyone picked this guy yet. He was awesome, I was shocked by his death. He died doing something he loved though.

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Guest JoshIcy

Just 1...

Nikolai Tesla


Is he a scientist?


Yup. A very important one. Far more than Edison.


Edison was a no-good ECONOMIST. Keep that in mind.


Tesla wins at life. He invented the radio and AC' date='for God's sake.



And the Lightbulb, and better ways to handle electricity, and an earthquake machine.

The only reason Edison is credited as inventing it, is because he couldn't afford the patent cost -_-"... Same goes for the Telephone.

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Guest JoshIcy

Carl Marx

Edgar Allen Poe

Napoleon Bonaparte


1) Don't remember. IIRC' date=' he knew that communism would be an absolute failure. A wise man with a great ideal, and he knew it wouldn't be physically possible due to human tendency. There's so much wrong with Communism because of that. And even IF there was a person who could carry it out; what then... A hippie paradise?


2) The dude was a freak, he predicted the Titanic half a century before it was being built.

3) He's not the one you wanna meet. You want to meet Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord the dude behind Napoleons success.

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Just 1...

Nikolai Tesla


Is he a scientist?


Yup. A very important one. Far more than Edison.


Edison was a no-good ECONOMIST. Keep that in mind.


Tesla wins at life. He invented the radio and AC' date='for God's sake.



And the Lightbulb, and better ways to handle electricity, and an earthquake machine.

The only reason Edison is credited as inventing it, is because he couldn't afford the patent cost -_-"... Same goes for the Telephone.


Saw that about the Earthquake Machine on Mythbusters, it was probably just a way for him to appear in the newspaper (becauz he could).


Yeah, Edison was better at cheating and selling things...but still, he did fund and coordinate factories efficiently.


Still, I'm not too sure about the telephone bit...although given Tesla's knowledge in frequencies and communications, it's a pretty solid bet.



@Napoleon: Behind every strong man, there is an even stronger woman. Behind every French politician, there is an even stronger man.

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I have a feeling God wouldn't let me see Jesus until I got to heaven, because then I could prove his existence, and we are supposed to walk by faith, and not by sight. So my dreams were crushed.


So.... something like this:


1. Jefferson

2. Alice from "Go Ask Alice". Seriously. Read it. BTW, for those of you who haven't read it, she did exist.

3. John Adams

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