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Jedite1000 Shop of wanders -OPEN-


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welcome to my newest shop ill add more to the shop when i can

here r the examples i can make




Give me a pattern and i will turn it into a planet

$Price - 10pt or 1 rep


Pattern: (supply pattern)

size: (small medium large)

position: (top left, top middle, top right, center left, center middle, center right, bottom left, bottom middle, bottom left)

Pattern Examples [X][X][X]

Planet Examples [X][X][X]

i only have one background of stars at the moment, more star patterns will be avalible soon





Give me a picture and i will add a background for it and i will try to blend it into the background

$Price 1 -Full- blend and i supply background 15pt and rep

$Price 2 -Half- Blend and you supply background 10pt or rep

$Price 3 -Easy- no Blend either me or you supply background 10pt


color of background: ($Price1 and 2)

supply picture: (required)

supply background (depends on purchase)

Price no: (1,2,3)

Examples do not steal






Custom Trainers

Give me a trainer base to work on and ill Customize its appearence to match your description

$Price - 7pt or rep


Base: (Supply sprite)

Appearence: (give me a heavy description or supply a picture for me to work on)






Region maps

Give me a rough drawing and i will try my best to make a pokemon region out of it

$Price - 15pt or rep


Reference: ( give me a picture to copy)

marks: (add in the picture where the cities and towns will be also add special interests)

Examples [X][X]




-If you buy 3 items ore more at once you get a 10pt discount (exculding rep purchase)

- After 10 forms you get a rep for each purchase you make per form (after 10 forms you become a regular customer and get a special vip card for you sig or whatever with discounts and offers)



Anarchy 07 -2

Boss Z -1

CrazyKev -3

kizzi -1





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