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Written Deck contest (submission round is over, into judging phase)


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Okay, I haven't for a long while posted a contest here, but since I am writing a new fanfic, I need more CAC decks.


So that is why I am currently giving out a new contest. A new contest, yes, in which I ask of you to make me a new CAC deck. It has to meet certain requirements:

1. No draw cards like Pot of Greed or Card of Sanctity (Anime version) allowed in.

2. All monsters must be effect monsters.

3. No god like cards.


Me and two friends will be judging the cards and the winners will be awarded a place in my fanfic along with the prices. Now since I am not sure yet whether what prices I give out are allowed, these are for today the prices:

1st place: 3 rep and 100 points

2nd place: 2 rep and 50 points

3rd place: 1 rep and 25 points

These prices can change until the end of today.



1. The CAC deck you enter, cannot contain less then 15 cards and not more then 40 cards.

2. I and two friends of mine (no members of this site) are the judges of this contest.

3. Decisions are final, and cannot be contested by contestants.

4. All rules on YCM apply here too.


6. Do not copy cards from other members, this is considered plagiarism.

7. Break any of these rules and your entries no longer count and you are kicked out of this contest.




1. Ralneox

2. Icecubezz

3. Traceur

4. Frex

5. Queen Ashe

6. Gennai

7. waterwhip

8. Slayer Supreme

9. Parion555











End date: May 5, 2010



Prices are final. I'll set the rules.



Everybody has a chance in having his/her deck in my fanfic, but the first, second and third place winners have the best chance!

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Ok i post it here,


For notice i have tested this deck, it may look un balanced but it's very balanced the duels i had were wery tide up. (i lost most of them)




2 Grim reaper of destruction

|Grim Reaper of Destruction|Spell Card|Quick-Play|Both players choose any number of monsters on their sides of the field and take 1000 damage for each monster chosen. Then destroy all monsters which weren`t chosen by this cards effect.|


3 Resurect from Another Dimension

|Resurect from Another Dimension|0|Gr|Spell Card|Spell||Quick-Play|||Select up to 3 "Grim reaper" Monster Cards in your graveard, and return them to their owners' Deck(s), you can take 1000 damage from each monster returned by this effect and draw a card for each card returned by this effect.|


1 Fear the Reaper

|Fear the Reaper|0|GR|Spell Card|Spell||Quick-Play|||Activate only If you control exactly 3 "Grim Reaper" monster. Destroy all of your opponent's Spell and Trap Cards on the field. Deal 1000 damage to your opponent's life points for each trap destroyed by this cards effect.|


2 Frozen Heart of Reaper

|Frozen Heart of Reaper|0|GR|Spell Card|Spell||Quick-Play|||Select 1 face-up monster on the field for each "Grim Reaper" monster in your graveayrd. The original ATK of that monster(s) is halved until the end of this turn.|


3 Reaper's Call From the Grave

|Reaper's Call From the Grave|0|GR|Spell Card|Spell||None|||You can only activate this card if there are 2 or more "Grim Reaper" cards in your Graveyard. Draw 2 cards and discard 1 card. If there is 5 or more "Grim Reaper" cards in your graveard, you gain 2000 life points.|


2 Rise of the Death

|Rise of the Death|0|GR|Spell Card|Spell||Quick-Play|||Special summon 1 "Grim Reaper" monster from your graveayrd, take damage equal of that monster's ATK.|


1 Wrath of Atmosphere

|Wrath of Atmosphere |0|GR|Spell Card|Spell||None|||Activate only If you control exactly 3 "Grim Reaper" monster. Discard your eniter hand. Destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field. Your monsters cannot attack this turn.|




3 Grim Reaper - The Blood Soul

|Grim Reaper - The Blood Soul|0|GR|Fiend/Effect|Dark|3||1600|500|When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, you can pay 1000 life points to special summon 1 "Grim Reaper, The Blood Soul" from your hand, deck or graveayrd.|


1 Grim Reaper - The Condena

|Grim Reaper - The Condena|0|GR|Fiend/Tuner|Dark|3||0|1600|When card on your side of the field is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, you can remove it from play to destroy the card that destroyed it.|


1 Grim Reaper - The Dark Twin

|Grim Reaper - The Dark Twin|0|GR|Fiend/Effect|Dark|6||1800|1000|when you control only 1 "Grim Reaper - The Light Twin" on your side of the field you can special summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, by Discarding 1 monster, this card gains 1000 ATK until the end of this turn and During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. |


2 Grim Reaper - The Derparted Shadow

|Grim Reaper - The Derparted Shadow|0|GR|Fiend/Effect|Dark|4||1800|800|When this card is sent to the Graveyard while face-up on your side of the field, you Special Summon it during the End Phase if you control another Grim Reaper monster.|'


2 Grim Reaper - The Devil of the Night

|Grim Reaper - The Devil of the Night|0|GR|Fiend/Effect|Dark|2||200|1100|You can remove this card from your graveard and Pay any number of Life Points in multiples of 500. Special summon 1 "Grim Reaper" Monster from your Graveard whit level equal or less that times you payed life points.|


1 Grim Reaper - The Flame Lord

|Grim Reaper - The Flame Lord|0|GR|Fiend/Effect|Dark|8||3000|1200|This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. You can special summon this card when the difference between both players' Life Points is 3000 or more and if you control no monster. increase your life points equal to the amount of battle damage this card inflicts to your opponent|


2 Grim Reaper - The Grave

|Grim Reaper - The Grave|0|GR|Fiend/Effect|Dark|4||1500|1200|When this card is special summoned you can select and activate 1 of these effects: - Special summon 1 level 4 or lower "Grim Reaper" moonster from your hand or graveyard. - Gain 1000 life points from each "Grim Reaper monser in your graveayrd.|


1 Grim Reaper - The Light Lord

|Grim Reaper - The Light Lord|0|GR|Fiend/Effect|Dark|8||3000|1200|This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. You can special summon this card when the difference between both players' Life Points is 3000 or more. When there is a LIGHT type monster on the field this card can attack your oppont's life points directly. When there is no LIGHT type monster on the field this creature cannot be destroyed by card effects.|


1 Grim Reaper - The Light Twin

|Grim Reaper - The Light Twin|0|GR|Fiend/Effect|Dark|6||1600|1000|when you control only 1 "Grim Reaper - The Dark Twin" on your side of the field you can special summon this card from your hand. While this card is face-up on the field, negate all the effects of face-up Effect Monsters your opponent controls. |


2 Grim Reaper - The Oscuridad Lord

|Grim Reaper - The Oscuridad Lord|0|GR|Fiend/Effect|Dark|8||3000|1200|This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. You can special summon this card when the difference between both players' Life Points is 3000 or more and if you control no monsters. by tributing 1 "Grim Reaper" monster you can special summon 1 "Grim Reaper" monster except the Tributed monster from your graveyard.|


1 Grim Reaper - The Ravage

|Grim Reaper - The Ravage|0|GR|Fiend/Effect|Dark|4||1800|800|When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can add 1 level 4 or lower "Grim Reaper" mosnter from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard by card's effect, destroy 2 card on the field.|


2 Grim Reaper - The Soul Harvester

|Grim Reaper - The Soul Harvester|0|GR|Fiend/Effect|Dark|6||2400|1000|You can Special Summon this card from your hand or graveyard in face-up Defense Position.If you do, remove this card from play when it is removed from the field. If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.|


1 Grim Reaper - The Twilight

|Grim Reaper - The Twilight|0|GR|Fiend/Effect|Dark|4||1900|1000|When there is "Grim Reaper" monster on your side of the field, you can special summon this card from your graveard. this effect can only be used once per turn. When there is no "Grim Reapere" mosnter on your side of the field you can remove this card from play from your graveayrd to draw 2 cards.|




2 Death and Punishment

|Death and Punishment|0|GR|Trap Card|Trap||None|||When card on your side of the field is sent to the graveayrd, destroy one of your and your opponent's monster, then you can special summon 1 monster whit level equal or lower than level of destroyed monsters from your Deck or your extra deck. (if summoned from extra deck this is treded as synchro summon)|


1 solemn judgement


2 Threatning roar


Extra deck


3 Grim Reaper - The Dreadscythe

|Grim Reaper - The Dreadscythe|0|GR|Fiend/Synchro/Effect|Dark|8||2900|2600|1 "Grim Reaper" Tuner + 1 or more "Grim Reaper" Non-Tuner monsters. For synchro summon of this card you can substitute any Grim Reaper mons as Tuner monster. Monster destroyed by battle whit this card are send to your graveasrd and are treated as "Grim Reaper" monster.|


3 Grim Reaper - The Ange De La Mort

|Grim Reaper - The Ange De La Mort|0|GR|Fiend/Synchro/Effect|Dark|9||3000|2000|1 "Grim Reaper" Tuner + 1 or more "Grim Reaper" Non-Tuner monsters. For synchro summon of this card you can substitute any Grim Reaper mons as Tuner monster. While this card is on your side of the field, flip top card of your deck face-up. if the top card of your deck is a monster this card gains following effect:

This This card can attack your opponent directly and While this card is face-up on the field, this card gains the effect of 1 "Grim Reaper" monster in your Graveyard.|

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