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The Elemental Hero Fusion Contest!! Kenta V.S. sc4jj!! LOCK, sc4jj won

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1. All other YCM Rules apply. Duh.

2. Make an Elemental Hero Fusion Monster of LV 7 or more that can be summoned by ""1 "Elemental Hero" Monster + 1 *Attribute* Monster"". Choose your attribute. It must be FIRE or DARK. (Others are already taken by existing cards.)

3. First to 3 votes wins. Each voter will get 7 points.

4. 3 Reps to winner.


=My Card=


1 "Elemental Hero" monster + 1 DARK monster

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. Once per turn, you can select one of your opponent's face-up monsters and equip it to this card. If this card would be removed from the field, destroy the equipped monster instead. Only up to 2 monsters can be equipped to this card.

=Opponent's Card=



Card Lore: 1 "Elemental Hero" monster + 1 FIRE monster

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. When this card destroys a monster by battle, inflict 200 Damage to your opponent's for each "Elemental Hero" in your Graveyard. You can remove 2 "Elemental Hero" in your Graveyard to destroy 1 Spell or Trap card on the field.[/align]

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My card.




Card Lore: 1 "Elemental Hero" monster + 1 FIRE monster

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. When this card destroys a monster by battle, inflict 200 Damage to your opponent's for each "Elemental Hero" in your Graveyard. You can remove 2 "Elemental Hero" in your Graveyard to destroy 1 Spell or Trap card on the field.

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Kenta's Card is OPed... why? If you equip 2 monster to the card you need to try to remove it from the field 3 times actually... and it has a base ATK of 2900 so not every monster can destroy it by battle<_<

sc4jj's Card has a more balanced effect... a nice burn for the EH and it's last effect is usefull :3 but it's a little UPed in that part <_<...


decissions.... decissions....


I'll vote for....



Like it's balance ^^

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