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The Legendary Ocean Contest!! Kenta V.S. Darren!! LOCK, Kenta won

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1. All other YCM Rules apply. Duh.

2. Make a new ace for the "A Legendary Ocean Deck". It must be WATER, Sea Serpent, Aqua or Fish. To add it must have an swarming effect (an effect that enables itself to get more monsters out).

3. First to 3 votes wins. Each voter will get 7 points.

4. 3 Reps to winner.


[align=center]=My Card=


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned when there are more than 5 WATER Monsters in your Graveyard and there is an "Umi" Face-Up on the field. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 WATER monster in your Graveyard to Special Summon 1 WATER monster from your Graveyard, ignoring the summoning conditions. While on the field, this card is not affected by the effects of "Levia-Dragon - Daedalus", and "Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo Daedalus". By removing from play 1 Sea Serpent-Type Monster from your Graveyard, you can negate the effect and destroy a Spell Card your opponent activated.

=Opponent's Card=


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I vote for Kenta. The reason is


-Good Summoning Condition

-Balance Effect



-Too Oped for summoning any level of Sea-Serpent monster.

-The last effect is still oped. With 3500 ATK' date=' it's hard to destroy it in battle. (In other words, you still get advantage when it is destroyed.)


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