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Digimon Xros Wars

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Damemon seems appropriate :P


I think this was mentioned a page ago or so but is it possible that a digimon other than Shoutmon is the base for a Digi Xros?


I'm sure there will be a time where Shoutmon gets abducted by Tactimon or somebody and Taiki will Xros w/o using Shoutmon

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Upcoming Digimon:



Shoutmon X4S



Panbachimon is hilarious. I was honestly expecting Spadamon to some be kind of warrior. A new X4 form is fine, but I really like X4K, who needs to show up more, and this form seems pointless, especially since X4B and X5 have guns. I want a Xros between Shoutmon X5, Beelzemon, Knightmon, the PawnChessmon, and Spadamon. That would be something like X8. However, X4KS would be awesome too. I can actually see Spadamon Xrossing with X5 for X6.


Damemon is supposed to Xros with DarkKnightmon. I honestly want to know how that is supposed to work.


There should be a new Blue Flare Digimon next week, and I'm expecting it to be DeckerGreymon.

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Panbachimon looks pretty funny


Spadamom should've been a warrior... Sounds like a name for a warrior.


There would be no room for Spadamon if we did X5BKS. we would have the Star Sword in the right hand and the Knightmon shield in the other.


Haha, DameKnightmon. Every other word he says is "dame" and he talks just like Damemon but looks like DarkKnightmon


It might be Cyberdramon as well

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No, Damemon Xrosses with DarkKnightmon, but knowing how SkullKnightmon makes his Xrosses fearsome, I think the result would be threatening.


X5KBS would be X8. I can see the Spadamon and Sparrowmon guns somehow combining with X4K's shield. The X4B legs might make it difficult though. I just hope X6 is X5 with either Beelzemon, Spadamon, or Knightmon and the PawnChessmons. I'm thinking it will be Spadamon, but I want to see X5K and X5B too.


Here's a full pic: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs805.snc4/68594_166408210063001_114753968561759_282291_7477971_n.jpg


My problem is that X4S is nothing but X4 with a gun, which is the same problem I have with X4 just being X3 with a sword. Consider how different X4K and X4B were from X4, and X4S just feels underwhelming.


Anyway, we have an actual image of Baguramon: http://wikimon.net/Baguramon


The show really doesn't try to surprise us. =/

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Except for Apocalymon, Belialvandemon, and Yggdrasil.


Seriously, he looks pretty cool to me man.

Design was the wrong word....I mean concept.


Apocalymon: The incarnate of all the darkness in the digital world. (cool)


MaloMyotismon: First season original bad guy, wants revenge. Sure it would've been better if Daemon was the final fight but you can't expect much from the worst ending season.


Yggdrasil: God of the digital world [/OP'd] I just can't hate this ever since I heard about the theory of Izzy being behind the controls of Savers.


Bagura: Wants to conquer digital world using others [/Digimon Emperor]

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The theory about Yggdrasil being programmed by Izzy was just a theory from the director of the English dub, so I don't consider it true.


Someone made a good point somewhere that the Digimon introduced as the main villain is never the final boss, although Tactimon seems too obvious, and DarkKnightmon is apparently part of the final Shoutmon Xros.

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The theory about Yggdrasil being programmed by Izzy was just a theory from the director of the English dub, so I don't consider it true.

I know, but I still love it. Because Savers is my most hated season


Someone made a good point somewhere that the Digimon introduced as the main villain is never the final boss, although Tactimon seems too obvious, and DarkKnightmon is apparently part of the final Shoutmon Xros.

True but if he is then he wins the worst villain concept. He is the digimon version of Ken, tbh.

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Exactly how can you pass judgment on Bugramon's value as a villain if he hasn't even appeared in full on-screen yet? Of course he sounds lame, we haven't even been formally introduced yet.

The same way people judge other people without knowing who they are, humans naturally judge other things. It's not that difficult. =/

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