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Digimon Xros Wars

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OK, so these pictures have been around for a while, but no one's linked them to the thread yet, so what do you guys think of DarkKnightmon?


http://i50.tinypic.com/96xl5y.jpg - DarkKnightmon in the bottom middle, his Big Axe Mode in the center left, and his components on the top right




http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100813050949/digimon/images/d/d8/Xros_Promotional_Material_1.jpg - Nene, DarkKnightmon, Monitormon, Monimon.


DarkKnightmon overall looks badass to me, but his arms and thighs are WAY too small compared to his lower legs and torso. As for his components, I'm not sure what to think. As is, they look like their only purpose is to become DarkKnightmon, which, if so, is kinda lame on one level but an interesting take on DNA Digivolving/DigiXrosing on another level. However, given that the previous DNA Digivolving toys from 02/Frontier kinda failed, I'm hoping that the same thing happened to these two and they end up looking like legitimate Digimon in their own right, not just the Digimon equivalent of Zords.

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DarkKnightmon looks like Craniamon's evil twin/Perfect, but the main complaint I have, and the main thing I wanted to talk about, was his component Digimon. Are they really gonna have no purpose other than becoming DarkKnightmon, as their toys suggest, or are they actually going to be legitimate Digimon like Shoutmon X4's components, Sparrowmon, and MailBirdramon (Greymon '10's basically a mindless killing machine).


Also, considering that we now have Shoutmon X4K, is anyone else going to be disappointed if X4K and DarkKnightmon don't go medieval on each other?

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I thought she was asking if she could destroy him, but ya, freaky.


But, I would like to see that Xrosed with either half of DarkKnightmon or DarkKnightmon himself, and I know that's coming down the line.


Also, MetalGreymon '10 with a Golemon hammer for an arm. Think it'll happen?


Considering Golemon was jabronislapped out of the way during his last appearance, I doubt it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has it even been announced that they are dubbing this?


It's a reasonable assumption. It has immediate brand appeal, an audience is already assured to watch it, and dubbing a show is significantly easier than creating one whole-cloth. There's few networks (who already air children's programming) that would opt not to buy the license if given the opportunity.

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