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Final Fantasy Sanctum [FFS]


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Final Fantasy Character/Game they're from (Whoever you'd like to be, as long as they aren't taken): Balthier - FFXII

Favorite Final Fantasy game(s): 1st - FFX 2nd - FFXII 3rd - FFIV

Final Fantasy games you own: IV, VII, X, X-2, XII.

Reason for joining (Can put default): I love Final Fantasy.

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Final Fantasy Character/Game they're from (Whoever you'd like to be, as long as they aren't taken): Vanille - FFXIII(Since Serah was already taken T~T)

Favorite Final Fantasy game(s): FFX, FFXIII

Final Fantasy games you own: FFI, FFV, FFX, FFXIII

Reason for joining (Can put default): 'Cause I'm loving Final Fantasy D: [/creative]

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Final Fantasy Character/Game they're from (Whoever you'd like to be, as long as they aren't taken): Freya (FFIX)

Favorite Final Fantasy game(s): FFIX

Final Fantasy games you own: FFI, FFIII, FFIV, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX, FFXIII

Reason for joining: I love the series so much, I actually started a Final Fantasy club a few months ago but it died, so might as well join one that's open now :3

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Apperently me and Lightning are "Sistehs."




Apparently... IDC!


I find it sad that most people don't own FFV or VI...


Whatever happend to loving the classics?


Honestly, I never cared for FFV, I've watched walkthroughs of the original and the GBA but, I never liked it

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