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Monsters: 16



1 Magical Scientist

2 Malicious

2 Diamond Dude

2 Krebons

1 Plague

1 Disk Commander

1 Necro Gardna

3 Dark Grepher

2 Fader


Spells: 15


1 Destiny Draw

1 Allure


1 Pot of Greed

1 Graceful

1 Painful

1 One for One

3 Magic Planter

1 Card D

1 Raigeki

1 Harpie's

1 Reborn

1 Premature Burial


Traps: 9


1 Imperial

3 Limit Reverse

1 CotH

1 Ring of Destruction

1 Crush

2 Oppression


<3 Scientist


Extra: 15


11 6star Fusions

1 5 star Fusion

3 Synchros (2 Stardust, 1 Goyo)

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like everyone tells me' date=' no theme. You need more more defence cards. Might I suggest shield warrior?






its called Magical Scientist.



it wins turn 1. before my opponent has a chance to play..

this is how traditional is supposed to be played...


People generally hate it when you complement yourself.


Don't do it. =D


Looks like a slow deck.

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