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Scoop! [I herd u tihnc u cna rite] {1000 Point Jackpot}


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A writing contest. I'm hoping to improve the quality of work 'round here, so I'm going to hold a contest. And yes, there's a prize. I'm handing out all the points I can.


So, imagine... You're a rookie reporter who's got a job in a famous newspaper. There are many people who have applied, and the editor will those 3 stories, and they will be published into the newspaper, and get a nice bundle of points... This is your chance, so get out there and find a Scoop!


[spoiler=Prizes]1st Place - 1000 Points 2 Rep {Winner-}

2nd Place - 500 Points 2 Rep {Winner-}

3rd Place - 2 Rep {Winner-}



[spoiler=Application (ALL of it must be filled in)]

Username : 
[spoiler=Story]The story can be about anything, but it must be in 3rd Person Perspective, and must cover a [u]detailed recount[/u] format. 100 Words minimum, with a maximum of 1500 word maximum. Longer doesn't nessecarily been better, and you will be marked down for unessecary details, punctuation / grammer / capilaization errors, etc. [/spoiler]
Points : {Leave blank}





[spoiler=Judges][spoiler=Lulwut?]Judges will be either A: Asked by me to judge, or B: PM me and ask, and I will then ask them to grade a certain peice, or if I think/know you are capable, accept you. Judges will grade the applications and PM the graded application to me, with a score out of 150 in the 'Points' area.

KaiNine Kaisu


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