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Oleon Returns! With another Custom Image!


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[align=center]Since the majority of you enjoyed my first custom image - and the overwhelming request for a new one - here it is.

I did some extra effects this time after finding out how to do effects - and found it rather good.


I had a Version 2 but thought I shouldn't use it anyways - after it being too similar to the real image. D:

I would've used them as two different customs, but...anyways.


My newest Custom!






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Plz credit me for my render...


Sorry - I didn't know who did it.

Found it on PR.

No...this time I went through some EFFECTS. ;D


JG is a spammer, I just acknowledged...

Machop is awesome with motivation, ;D ^^

Kaisu is easy to respond to...

Daemon is mysterious and still can't see the render is hiz...

Raphael is doubting what I had said...

Daemon fails to know the circle IS the BG...

And Oleon is bad at making Custom Images...D:

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I'm too lazy D:


And I saved about 100 CI's from all over YCM.. Yeah. I got a free failcopter.





Dawg = Dog i guess


You could use glow. Go to Filters -> Alpha to logo -> Alien Glow


30-40 is a good amount. 150 is way too much.


*goes to Start Menu*

*Selects Options*

*Clicks roflcopter*

*pastes quote*

Machine: Congratulations! Your roflcopter has just evolved into an epicopter!

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Dawg = Dog i guess


You could use glow. Go to Filters -> Alpha to logo -> Alien Glow


30-40 is a good amount. 150 is way too much.


*goes to Start Menu*

*Selects Options*

*Clicks roflcopter*

*pastes quote*

Machine: Congratulations! Your roflcopter has just evolved into an epicopter!


WTF? I'm Confused! +o+


I gave you a useful hint you you made a joke out if it. (i guess)

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Plz credit me for my render...


Sorry - I didn't know who did it.

Found it on PR.

No...this time I went through some EFFECTS. ;D


JG is a spammer' date=' I just acknowledged...

Machop is awesome with motivation, ;D ^^

Kaisu is easy to respond to...

Daemon is mysterious and still can't see the render is hiz...

Raphael is doubting what I had said...

[b']Daemon fails to know the circle IS the BG...[/b]

And Oleon is bad at making Custom Images...D:

but the circle wasn't part of the BG to begin with.

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