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Team Gull Sprite Project

Skippy Canoe

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[align=center]Now that Team Gull has successfully created a machine to broadcast transforming radio waves, their plan may continue.


Team Gull's plan is to send out radio waves and change all Pokemon into Bird Pokemon. Unfortunately, their final action occurred, and a harmful radio wave was transmitted across all the land. Slowly, Non-Bird Pokemon are all transforming into Bird Pokemon.





Gardevoir, now renamed Gardebird, was the first species of Pokemon transformed from the radio wave due to its psychic abilities. It is a generally plump Pokemon now, and psychic energy emits from where its wing feathers should be.


I don't like how this one turned out. I hate its beak bill, and the wing placement.






Lopunny was renamed Lopirdy. It is very different, and almost impossible to identify. It lost most of its fuzz during the transformation.


I like this one. I like everything except the wings. The left (my/your left) wing is a lot better than the right, though.





I am NOT taking requests, because these take too long to create to be able to whip out requests like... like... POW![/align]

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What official pokemon has the same types of wings as Gardevior's?

'cuz those don't look good.




I didn't rip' date=' if that's what you're accusing me of.




I fully believe that you sprited these. HOWEVER

I suggest you sprite things that official sprites have, like recreating a bat wing or something for gardevoir.

Just dotting a bunch of....dots doesn't resemble a wing.

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