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The Breakfast Club

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Okay then. In the meantime, anything else of a personal nature that you wouldn't mind spilling? After all, that's part of what this thread is all about. :D

Although obviously I draw the line at age and location related stuff. If people want to tell, fine, but no asking peeps!

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Well...I hope my day goes well tomorrow for school. since my school only allows 8 absences per semester...I've just hit 9...I hope I don't have to retake this year again just because I had overslept because power went out around 3 or 4 in the morning where I live and I woke up with a fever regestering at 101.

Surely they cant do that. What if someone was badly ill and couldnt get go in for a few weeks. Not their fault. Schools are stupid sometimes.

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All valid points. If the school says that you have to retake the year just because you lost more then eight days of school time due to power outages and a fever, make sure that you refuse with your irrefutable evidence and force the issue so that you can continue on to the next year, especially if your grades are well above what are needed to continue on to the next school year level.


And guys, for the next two weeks starting today, I am going to be able to use the internet only via the library, so I am going to be a little less active then normal up until I get my comp back. Sorry for not responding sooner, Stuff happened and I was basically told that if I did not shut down the computer immediately, I would get more then the two weeks that I had already been given as punishment. :x

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lolrite xD


Anyway, It had nothing to do with anything that I was or was not doing on my computer. But yeah, I am not going to be able to be as active as I might otherwise like to be. Until then, I am making you my second in command Necro. Now please make sure that this thread stays active and that it doesn't die during my absence, okay? ;)

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Yeah, well the difference is that I have a computer or two, but am just on grounding from them. I just hope that when the grounding is over, that my laptop will be fixed so that I can use that again instead of the Desktop that I've been using up to now, since the Desktop basically has a crappy processor that does nothing to endear it to me.

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