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Now.. Why do I do that again?


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stay up till the early morning

i can walk really far' date=' no matter the condition of outside if im sad.

i love dark days, the world matches me.

love the way the sky feels right before a big storm

i got outside during every major lightning storm with steel toe boots on.

if i like a song and i hear it i will sing it, knowingly or not.



Mr. Tryingtosoundemo.


I bite my fingernails, skin, lips, clench my teeth, start to twitch when left alone for over an hour, masturbate, click my shoulders (like a quick dislocate and then popping it back it) and scratch my ears.

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I sometimes call people by what their name would be if the first letter of your first and last name were switched.



If your name was "Jason Bourne"' date='

I'd call you, "Bason Journe"



I do that too, it's a mental affliction called Spoonerisms. I was playing Civ 3 the other day, I was talking to myself inside my head constantly as I always do, and I said Treace Peaty instead of Peace Treaty. Actually, that talking thing was a habit I have I just relaized.

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I comb my hair incessantly

I chew on pencils without realizing I'm doing it

I rub my thighs when I'm sitting down in school

I bite my fingernails

I rub a girl's hand with my thumb when we're holding hands. It comes off as an affection thing, but it's really just a weird tic.

I walk my dog around the block for a lot longer when I'm dwelling on something or listening to music. It's my "me" time, I guess.

I laugh at random times, without provocation. That's probably my weirdest one.

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When I'm nervous' date=' I either play with my hair (curling it and stuff)


I used to do that when I was young, thought I only did it.


I dont have habits nowadays, I guess I burp or get the hiccups whenever I laugh.

I also check my pockets every 5 minutes to check that my phone or MP3 hasnt fallen out my pocket.

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This is really paranoia too, like the hiding thing: I get paranoid that people are judging me when I'm eating 'cause I eat fast, so I think that they think that I'm a pig. So that makes me slow down, then I eat awkwardly. Guess that could be considered a habit too.

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[spoiler=Long quote is long]




i is very strange.


Private Message me if you liked these.


P.S. and uh..yes' date=' i am a fan of Pokemon (including the more recent ones)

what does VB mean?




Microsoft Visual Basics, i assumed thats what u use to make your window thingies.

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